Arizona will require Obama to provide birth cert if he wants to be on ballot

You's readily apparent that Obama had a passport since a young age. Why? He was a US Citizen and he was traveling abroad to places like Kenya.

I'm pretty sure that he would have had to show his birth certificate to get a passport, which was considered to be legitimate.

Factor in that he was traveling all over the world during his campaign, and you've gotta understand...

He has a passport. Issued by the US. He would have had to show his ACTUAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE to get it.

Birthers, go fuck yourselves.
I thought of that too, ABS. The only problem is any citizen can get a US passport, including naturalized citizens. The Constitutional requirement is a natural born citizen, so a passport alone isn't proof.

I don't believe Obama is naturalized, but fair is fair.
I thought of that too, ABS. The only problem is any citizen can get a US passport, including naturalized citizens. The Constitutional requirement is a natural born citizen, so a passport alone isn't proof.

I don't believe Obama is naturalized, but fair is fair.

You've still got to show a birth certificate, and it will show where you were born.

Like I said, all ya gotta do is check his passport.
I thought of that too, ABS. The only problem is any citizen can get a US passport, including naturalized citizens. The Constitutional requirement is a natural born citizen, so a passport alone isn't proof.

I don't believe Obama is naturalized, but fair is fair.

You've still got to show a birth certificate, and it will show where you were born.

Like I said, all ya gotta do is check his passport.

If you were born a citizen you show a birth certificate. If not, you show naturalization papers. But the passport is the same.

I'm no birfer by any means, I'm not even sure the natural born citizen requirement is all that vital. But it's the law, and a passport alone isn't proof it's being followed.

I'm on your side but facts are facts.
Isn't it already a Federal requirement to be a natural born citizen of the US in order to be prez?? why yes I think it is.. therefore it is not unreasonable to require proof.. ie a birth certificate.

It's unreasonable and unconstitutional for a specific state to be making these sort of requirements. How would you like it if 20 states banned Christians running for public office? I highly doubt you'd like that at all.

I wouldn't like it but their is little I would be able to do about since it is another state and the constitution has happen to give wide latitude about how electors are to be chosen.
Nothing unconstitutional about it.

Silly rabbit.

Arizona ‘birther’ bill forces Obama to show birth certificate | Raw Story

The Republic notes that there are concerns about the bill's constitutionality.

Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett also expressed concern about Burges' amendment, saying that creating state-level eligibility requirements to run for federal office could violate the U.S. Constitution.

"While everyone has an interest in ensuring that only eligible citizens run for president, there are obvious issues with states implementing what could become a patchwork of different tests for a presidential candidate to prove his/her citizenship," said Bennett's spokesman, Matthew Benson, in an e-mail.

While I'm sure you have no problem with states passing laws that you can't run for President if you're not a Christian, if you're gay, or if you're a atheist, the rest of us sane folk do.

Those laws would be struck down as unconstitutional in record time.
Those laws would be struck down as unconstitutional in record time.

The Arizona law by itself is not unconstitutional, but as soon as they attempt to use it to deny the sovereign right of another state to declare their own citizens "natural born" citizens, it will be.

No state can infringe on the rights of another state in that manner, for if that were the case, New York could refuse to accept the "natural born" status of the people Arizona, or Texas, or any other state it happened to not like on that day.
No I meant the hypothetical ones requiring you to be a Christian or non atheist to run.

There's a clause in the Constitution requiring no religious tests to run for office (and yes it applies to state and local governments as well).
No I meant the hypothetical ones requiring you to be a Christian or non atheist to run.

There's a clause in the Constitution requiring no religious tests to run for office (and yes it applies to state and local governments as well).

Which makes those laws on the books in certain states that you can't be Atheist and run for public office to be unconstitutional. :eusa_whistle:
No I meant the hypothetical ones requiring you to be a Christian or non atheist to run.

There's a clause in the Constitution requiring no religious tests to run for office (and yes it applies to state and local governments as well).

Which makes those laws on the books in certain states that you can't be Atheist and run for public office to be unconstitutional. :eusa_whistle:

Which means they can't be enforced. Even if they still technically exist.
Which means they can't be enforced. Even if they still technically exist.

Sure, but tell me who is going to come forward in these states and run while having a legitimate opportunity to win? They can't be enforced, but nobody who is a Atheist and wants to win is probably going to say they are one.

Especially when the majority of Americans would not vote for a Atheist on the basis alone of being a Atheist.
Which means they can't be enforced. Even if they still technically exist.

Sure, but tell me who is going to come forward in these states and run while having a legitimate opportunity to win? They can't be enforced, but nobody who is a Atheist and wants to win is probably going to say they are one.

Especially when the majority of Americans would not vote for a Atheist on the basis alone of being a Atheist.

I see what you're saying. But unfortunately that's how it works. Ruling a law unconstitutional doesn't get rid of it, only the State legislature can do that by repealing it. Technically it still exists. It's just nullified, it still exists but has no weight and can't be enforced.
Lol. Go Arizona!
2012 is only 2 years away. Thank goodness.

"The Arizona House on Monday voted for a provision that would require President Barack Obama to show his birth certificate if he hopes to be on the state's ballot when he runs for reelection."

Ariz House: Check Obama's Citizenship - Phoenix News Story - KPHO Phoenix

I think the whole state of Arizzona should be sceened by mental health officials before being allowed to vote in federal elections! I'm not joking. These people are bat shit crazy.
I think the whole state of Arizzona should be sceened by mental health officials before being allowed to vote in federal elections! I'm not joking. These people are bat shit crazy.

you may have a point.....does not Zona live there?.....:eusa_eh:
Those laws would be struck down as unconstitutional in record time.

The Arizona law by itself is not unconstitutional, but as soon as they attempt to use it to deny the sovereign right of another state to declare their own citizens "natural born" citizens, it will be.

No state can infringe on the rights of another state in that manner, for if that were the case, New York could refuse to accept the "natural born" status of the people Arizona, or Texas, or any other state it happened to not like on that day.

I think you're probably right, but I can't see Arizona doing that. I can see them implementing registration rules that would require proof of natural born citizenship in order to get on the ballot in Arizona as a Presidential candidate. And if even a few other states should follow suit, that could present enough problem for the President that he would have to produce that long form in order to have any chance for re-election in 2012. :)
Okay, while I try my best not to comment on this birth certificate nonsense because it really is a simple matter of logic here folks. In order for this "birther" thing to work, first back in 1961 you would have to pre-suppose that Barack Obama was going to be elected President 47 years into the future and plant two birth announcements in the local paper to cover up an alleged birth in Africa someplace because you back in 1961 knew he was going to President because you had the Michael J. Fox's Time Machine. Come now, I'm by no means a supporter of the president on his agenda , but with the Arizona economy left in a shambles by our now current Home Land security director , it would seem to me , that the focus of our legislature should be on the state of our economy and the needs of the people of Arizona, rather than these side issues.
Rep to you. Far important matters require our attention than this. Thank you. Birtherism reveals the knobs and knots on some peoples' heads.
Okay, while I try my best not to comment on this birth certificate nonsense because it really is a simple matter of logic here folks. In order for this "birther" thing to work, first back in 1961 you would have to pre-suppose that Barack Obama was going to be elected President 47 years into the future and plant two birth announcements in the local paper to cover up an alleged birth in Africa someplace because you back in 1961 knew he was going to President because you had the Michael J. Fox's Time Machine. Come now, I'm by no means a supporter of the president on his agenda , but with the Arizona economy left in a shambles by our now current Home Land security director , it would seem to me , that the focus of our legislature should be on the state of our economy and the needs of the people of Arizona, rather than these side issues.

I agree with most of this. The controversy remains, however, that the newspaper did not cite a hospital and it published the maternal grandparent's address rather than the mother or father's addresses--they were not living together at the time Obama was born. You still have Obama's paternal grandparent being insistent that Barack was born in Kenya and the rumors that his mother was in Kenya with his father at the time he was born.

Now there is no record that I know of a VISA to Kenya issued to Annie Obama during that year, no evidence of travel records, no Kenyan documentation--wasn't Kenya still a British territory at that time? They were sticklers for documentation--and no other physical evidence that Annie was in Kenya that year. So proving a Kenyan birth is far more problematic for the birthers than is the probability of a Hawaiian birth for the anti-birthers.

But because of the controversy, I do wish President Obama would set the matter to rest so that we could move on to more important issues.

And Arizona may be the catalyst to make that happen.

I still think there must be something really embarrassing for Obama in that long form certificate and I'll admit to being curious about what that is. I don't think for a minute that it will show that he was not born in Hawaii though.
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