Arkansas school board caught cyber-bullying student advocate for LGBT rights

Since you're a shriveled old conservative still living in the past, it's okay that you don't know what cyber bullying is. You should look it up. There's this thing called google you could use to figure it out.

This was not cyber bullying.
You are a dumb Christian who is rude and disrespectful. It's been a displeasure reading your posts.

^ I just cyber-bullied you. Except not as badly as the board member, because she is supposed to be a mature adult, but she's disparaging a child who she is responsible for.

I would be very curious to see the terminology the "child's" side of the debate, especially the child, has been using to describe those who oppose them.
The school board member was attacking the "child's" (yes it is a child if they're in highschool you fuck) beliefs. If the child's behavior is inappropriate, they can be disciplined. Just like if an adult's behavior is inappropriate, they should be disciplined.

She barely mentioned the child's beliefs, and high school students are normally adolescents.

BTW, I like how you called me a "fuck" in a thread where you are supposedly so concerned about cyber bullying.
Yeah if I you were a teen and I was in charge of your education, I'd probably be in big trouble right?
The school board members was out of line and was publicly dealt with, appropriately.

She was not out of line in any way, shape, or form and you know as well as I do absolutely nothing will happen except a bunch weak-kneed bed wetters such as yourself bloviating about it for a few days. If the people who elected her don't like her referring to a student as rude :eek-52: then they can choose someone else in the next election.

Now, on to the next topic that actually matters worth a shit.
You know that indeed the "name and shame" circle about which she complained being placed in that she has been dealt with appropriately. She has been named and shamed, and she hates it. Good.
If the student is involved in the public debate on an issue, then those who disagree with her are completely justified in expressing their disagreement and indeed, "disparaging" those beliefs.

I wonder if it were a liberal teaching saying a conservative student was "Religious, rude and disrespectful", how upset you libs would be.

I think you nailed it. The student was outspoken and rude, yet apparently she expected to be treated with kid gloves by anyone who disagreed with her. It's time she learned about debate and how other people besides herself are justified in speaking out. If she was rude and disrespectful, she should expect to be called out on that. She is being rude in a public manner, so why should the response be in private? Sounds like a loud mouth who wants to dish it out, but can't tolerate any criticism in return. Boo hoo, bitch, grow up.

Of course, the libs never care when a teacher takes a stand that is liberal. Some teachers have gone too far in indoctrinating students into Islam, but not a complaint from the left. Some teachers have taught that Republicans are bad and Dems are good, but the left thought that was fair. One teacher taught her young students to sing a song praising Obama. Liberals thought that was cool.

Liberals think it's always okay to bend or break rules and laws when it favors their agenda. Republicans can't even speak without a liberal jumping down their throat.
Arkansas school board caught cyber-bullying student advocate for LGBT rights

Sick Homophobe Busted!! LOL!

A school board member in Arkansas stands by disparaging comments she made on Facebook regarding a student advocate for LGBTQ rights,
ArkansasOnline reports

In a statement on Friday, Bentonville School Board member Rebecca Sue Powers defended herself against charges of cyber-bullying a local public school student. Though she insulted a child on a public Facebook page, Powers says her “comment was meant only for private discussion… I am sincerely sorry that these remarks became public, and I sincerely apologize for any hurt this has caused to any student who believes I was identifying them.”

That was ONE member of the school board, not THE board.

Thread title = lie.
oh and PS , the one comment she made in NO WAY fit the description of cyber bullying, you bet wetting retarded pussies.

Yes, but the school board member publicly disagreed with a liberal and I think in their little minds, that rises to the level of terrorism these days.
oh and PS , the one comment she made in NO WAY fit the description of cyber bullying, you bet wetting retarded pussies.

Yes, but the school board member publicly disagreed with a liberal and I think in their little minds, that rises to the level of terrorism these days.
It rises to the fact that she doesn't know how to do her fucking job and keep her mouth shut, thereby not getting into public fights with schoolgirls that make her sound like one.
oh and PS , the one comment she made in NO WAY fit the description of cyber bullying, you bet wetting retarded pussies.

Yes, but the school board member publicly disagreed with a liberal and I think in their little minds, that rises to the level of terrorism these days.
It rises to the fact that she doesn't know how to do her fucking job and keep her mouth shut, thereby not getting into public fights with schoolgirls that make her sound like one.

A) Where is there a requirement not to get into an argument with students
B) Even if you are correct, how does that rise to cyber bullying
C) You are a retarded pussy
oh and PS , the one comment she made in NO WAY fit the description of cyber bullying, you bet wetting retarded pussies.

Yes, but the school board member publicly disagreed with a liberal and I think in their little minds, that rises to the level of terrorism these days.
It rises to the fact that she doesn't know how to do her fucking job and keep her mouth shut, thereby not getting into public fights with schoolgirls that make her sound like one.

A) Where is there a requirement not to get into an argument with students
B) Even if you are correct, how does that rise to cyber bullying
C) You are a retarded pussy
D) Grow up, dumbass.
oh and PS , the one comment she made in NO WAY fit the description of cyber bullying, you bet wetting retarded pussies.

Yes, but the school board member publicly disagreed with a liberal and I think in their little minds, that rises to the level of terrorism these days.
It rises to the fact that she doesn't know how to do her fucking job and keep her mouth shut, thereby not getting into public fights with schoolgirls that make her sound like one.

A) Where is there a requirement not to get into an argument with students
B) Even if you are correct, how does that rise to cyber bullying
C) You are a retarded pussy
D) Grow up, dumbass.

In other words, you concede. Nothing this woman did was outside her job description , nor cyber bullying.

oh and PS , the one comment she made in NO WAY fit the description of cyber bullying, you bet wetting retarded pussies.

Yes, but the school board member publicly disagreed with a liberal and I think in their little minds, that rises to the level of terrorism these days.
It rises to the fact that she doesn't know how to do her fucking job and keep her mouth shut, thereby not getting into public fights with schoolgirls that make her sound like one.

A) Where is there a requirement not to get into an argument with students
B) Even if you are correct, how does that rise to cyber bullying
C) You are a retarded pussy
D) Grow up, dumbass.

In other words, you concede. Nothing this woman did was outside her job description , nor cyber bullying.

Jesus, you're a fucking infant. No rational adult thinks a school board member should get into a public pissing match with a teenage girl. If this board member had any morals, she doesn't, she would have already resigned for being such a stupid **** and making the rest of the board look like damn fools. She's supposed to be an adult watching out for the education of local children, not getting into a sissy-fight with them.

And her "job" is not to play queen teen bitch with some high-school kid.
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Yes, but the school board member publicly disagreed with a liberal and I think in their little minds, that rises to the level of terrorism these days.
It rises to the fact that she doesn't know how to do her fucking job and keep her mouth shut, thereby not getting into public fights with schoolgirls that make her sound like one.

A) Where is there a requirement not to get into an argument with students
B) Even if you are correct, how does that rise to cyber bullying
C) You are a retarded pussy
D) Grow up, dumbass.

In other words, you concede. Nothing this woman did was outside her job description , nor cyber bullying.

Jesus, you're a fucking infant. No rational adult thinks a school board member should get into a public pissing match with a teenage girl. If she had any morals, she doesn't, she would have already resigned for being such a stupid **** and making the rest of the board look like damn fools. She's supposed to be an adult watching out for the education of local children, not getting into a sissy-fight with them.

Point 1. Where, if anywhere, did I indicate that I approved of or agreed with the school board member's actions.

Oh that's right, I didn't , I merely stated that you are stupid and a liar for saying that the woman wasn't doing her job, or that she was a cyber bully for the statement she made.

Point 2. You are an idiot, and it's actually well known, you should stick to arguing about which glue tastes better.
It rises to the fact that she doesn't know how to do her fucking job and keep her mouth shut, thereby not getting into public fights with schoolgirls that make her sound like one.

A) Where is there a requirement not to get into an argument with students
B) Even if you are correct, how does that rise to cyber bullying
C) You are a retarded pussy
D) Grow up, dumbass.

In other words, you concede. Nothing this woman did was outside her job description , nor cyber bullying.

Jesus, you're a fucking infant. No rational adult thinks a school board member should get into a public pissing match with a teenage girl. If she had any morals, she doesn't, she would have already resigned for being such a stupid **** and making the rest of the board look like damn fools. She's supposed to be an adult watching out for the education of local children, not getting into a sissy-fight with them.

Point 1. Where, if anywhere, did I indicate that I approved of or agreed with the school board member's actions.

Oh that's right, I didn't , I merely stated that you are stupid and a liar for saying that the woman wasn't doing her job, or that she was a cyber bully for the statement she made.

Point 2. You are an idiot, and it's actually well known, you should stick to arguing about which glue tastes better.
The idiot is the one that thinks a person in a position of power should fight with a schoolgirl the same way they do over a boy on the playground. You're a child, and so is the school board member. Both of you are as dumb as fucking hammers and neither of you are anything like grownups.
oh and PS , the one comment she made in NO WAY fit the description of cyber bullying, you bet wetting retarded pussies.

Yes, but the school board member publicly disagreed with a liberal and I think in their little minds, that rises to the level of terrorism these days.
It rises to the fact that she doesn't know how to do her fucking job and keep her mouth shut, thereby not getting into public fights with schoolgirls that make her sound like one.

A) Where is there a requirement not to get into an argument with students
B) Even if you are correct, how does that rise to cyber bullying
C) You are a retarded pussy
D) Grow up, dumbass.

Dumbass you calls him? He say he be smarter then most bears. Reckon he be fibbin?
Typical, can dish it out but not take it. Why are these overzealous ***** always so predictable...

"Riggs (Board President) warned fellow board members during their meeting May 4 to be careful when using social media. Personal views expressed online could affect the public's perception of how the board as a whole thinks, he said.

"It's hard for community members to separate those things. That's all I wanted the board to understand," Riggs said. "I think we need to be careful about our actions."

Powers, along with her children, had signed up in advance of Monday's board meeting to address the board during the public comment period. She forfeited that chance, however, when her turn and the turn of her four children came up.

"My children will not be here due to bullying, threats and intimidation made against us," Powers said at the time."
Bentonville School Board member accused of bullying student
I'm going to lose a lot of sleep over this story.

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Typical, can dish it out but not take it. Why are these overzealous ***** always so predictable...

"Riggs (Board President) warned fellow board members during their meeting May 4 to be careful when using social media. Personal views expressed online could affect the public's perception of how the board as a whole thinks, he said.

"It's hard for community members to separate those things. That's all I wanted the board to understand," Riggs said. "I think we need to be careful about our actions."

Powers, along with her children, had signed up in advance of Monday's board meeting to address the board during the public comment period. She forfeited that chance, however, when her turn and the turn of her four children came up.

"My children will not be here due to bullying, threats and intimidation made against us," Powers said at the time."
Bentonville School Board member accused of bullying student

Um because this one incident was not bullying, as you wish it was, does not mean that bullying doesn't exist.

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