Arkansas to U.S. Supreme Court: Overturn Roe v. Wade!!!!


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
Politico ^ | 10/06/2015 | Jennifer Haberkorn
Arkansas has asked the Supreme Court to revisit its long-standing ruling that a woman can terminate a pregnancy until the fetus is viable outside of the womb. Arkansas on Tuesday asked the justices to overturn a lower court decision that found that the state’s ban on abortion at 12 weeks of pregnancy and when a heartbeat is detected is unconstitutional. The court established the viability standard in the 1973 case Roe v. Wade and reaffirmed it in the 1992 case Planned Parenthood v. Casey. Arkansas argues that the viability rule is arbitrary, not written in the constitution, and is outdated....

Tech has advanced on when life begins at that ruling is based on what 50 year old tech? So yeah, revisit it with the known tech of today.

They have used new tech to convict old crimes and new tech to free people. Its only right new tech is used to revisit an old question.

That IS be "progressive" you know.
The ruling is about the 12 weeks, not the 36 weeks.

Get you facts right.
Roe v. Wade was a corrupt decision right out of the box. There is no such thing as "privacy" guaranteed in the United States Constitution. Also, the argument the Court used to say that a fetus is not a "person" is laughably lame.
At some point, technology will be at the point where "viablility" is one second after conception.
Consider, briefly, the recent history of birth control in the U.S.

On a personal note, I am the fifth of 5 children, born in 1949 while my family was living in subsidized housing in a neighborhood that would have been called a "ghetto," if the term had been invented at the time. Even though we are Catholic, I have no doubt whatsoever that if The Pill had existed in 1949, I would not.

When The Pill came into being in the early 60's, it was outlawed by a few states before the USSC invented the non-existent "right of privacy," which voided such laws. We were told that The Pill would END unwanted pregnancies and bring the World into a new era of sexual freedom.

But those damned unwanted pregnancies actually increased in number as the U.S. population reveled in its sexual freedom but forgot to pop The Pill. So again, the USSC mined the "Right of Privacy" and declared (very ambiguously) that a baby could be aborted at any time before it reached viability (NOTE: The word, "viable" is used in so many different contexts, and so inappropriately so often that it is refreshing to be able to use it appropriately this one time).

The viability standard almost immediately became Dead Letter Law as the Dem/Fem cabal demanded the right to abort any baby right up until the time when it naturally popped out of its mother's womb. We learned bizarre expressions like, "partial birth abortion." to introduce us to the horrific but "normal" practice of infanticide.

And yet now, with the pill being available everywhere, and abortions available basically on demand, we still have an exploding percentage of our population being born bastardly - with all of the inherent problems caused thereby: high dropout rates, high incarceration rates, high addiction rates, high delinquency rates, and more generations of bastardy.

As the folk singers used to ask, "When will we ever learn?"
Politico ^ | 10/06/2015 | Jennifer Haberkorn
Arkansas has asked the Supreme Court to revisit its long-standing ruling that a woman can terminate a pregnancy until the fetus is viable outside of the womb. Arkansas on Tuesday asked the justices to overturn a lower court decision that found that the state’s ban on abortion at 12 weeks of pregnancy and when a heartbeat is detected is unconstitutional. The court established the viability standard in the 1973 case Roe v. Wade and reaffirmed it in the 1992 case Planned Parenthood v. Casey. Arkansas argues that the viability rule is arbitrary, not written in the constitution, and is outdated....


Kind of gives lie to the progressive mantra of "the court has spoken, the matter is settled (except for heller, hobby lobby, and citizens united)."

It's amazing how "Roma locuta; causa finita est" is being repeated.
Politico ^ | 10/06/2015 | Jennifer Haberkorn
Arkansas has asked the Supreme Court to revisit its long-standing ruling that a woman can terminate a pregnancy until the fetus is viable outside of the womb. Arkansas on Tuesday asked the justices to overturn a lower court decision that found that the state’s ban on abortion at 12 weeks of pregnancy and when a heartbeat is detected is unconstitutional. The court established the viability standard in the 1973 case Roe v. Wade and reaffirmed it in the 1992 case Planned Parenthood v. Casey. Arkansas argues that the viability rule is arbitrary, not written in the constitution, and is outdated....

peach174 thinks no way you guys will ever make abortions illegal.
Politico ^ | 10/06/2015 | Jennifer Haberkorn
Arkansas has asked the Supreme Court to revisit its long-standing ruling that a woman can terminate a pregnancy until the fetus is viable outside of the womb. Arkansas on Tuesday asked the justices to overturn a lower court decision that found that the state’s ban on abortion at 12 weeks of pregnancy and when a heartbeat is detected is unconstitutional. The court established the viability standard in the 1973 case Roe v. Wade and reaffirmed it in the 1992 case Planned Parenthood v. Casey. Arkansas argues that the viability rule is arbitrary, not written in the constitution, and is outdated....

Why would anyone care what the Arkansas Supreme Court says? Silky child
Politico ^ | 10/06/2015 | Jennifer Haberkorn
Arkansas has asked the Supreme Court to revisit its long-standing ruling that a woman can terminate a pregnancy until the fetus is viable outside of the womb. Arkansas on Tuesday asked the justices to overturn a lower court decision that found that the state’s ban on abortion at 12 weeks of pregnancy and when a heartbeat is detected is unconstitutional. The court established the viability standard in the 1973 case Roe v. Wade and reaffirmed it in the 1992 case Planned Parenthood v. Casey. Arkansas argues that the viability rule is arbitrary, not written in the constitution, and is outdated....


Kind of gives lie to the progressive mantra of "the court has spoken, the matter is settled (except for heller, hobby lobby, and citizens united)."

It's amazing how "Roma locuta; causa finita est" is being repeated.
Tell all the new republicans who think me warning them that you will outlaw abortions is just a "scare tactic".

Is it?
Politico ^ | 10/06/2015 | Jennifer Haberkorn
Arkansas has asked the Supreme Court to revisit its long-standing ruling that a woman can terminate a pregnancy until the fetus is viable outside of the womb. Arkansas on Tuesday asked the justices to overturn a lower court decision that found that the state’s ban on abortion at 12 weeks of pregnancy and when a heartbeat is detected is unconstitutional. The court established the viability standard in the 1973 case Roe v. Wade and reaffirmed it in the 1992 case Planned Parenthood v. Casey. Arkansas argues that the viability rule is arbitrary, not written in the constitution, and is outdated....


Kind of gives lie to the progressive mantra of "the court has spoken, the matter is settled (except for heller, hobby lobby, and citizens united)."

It's amazing how "Roma locuta; causa finita est" is being repeated.
Tell all the new republicans who think me warning them that you will outlaw abortions is just a "scare tactic".

Is it?

Overturning Roe would not outlaw abortion automatically, and in the States where people really care about it, it would be, or already is protected far more than the protections are at the federal level.

If Arkansas wants to do it, let them. All Roe did was take a fight from 1973 and propel it untouched to 2018.
We have a morning after pill now, right? Isn't abortion a little over the top in 2018?
Politico ^ | 10/06/2015 | Jennifer Haberkorn
Arkansas has asked the Supreme Court to revisit its long-standing ruling that a woman can terminate a pregnancy until the fetus is viable outside of the womb. Arkansas on Tuesday asked the justices to overturn a lower court decision that found that the state’s ban on abortion at 12 weeks of pregnancy and when a heartbeat is detected is unconstitutional. The court established the viability standard in the 1973 case Roe v. Wade and reaffirmed it in the 1992 case Planned Parenthood v. Casey. Arkansas argues that the viability rule is arbitrary, not written in the constitution, and is outdated....

Looks like the O/P was banned again.

That did not last long.

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