Armed citizen patrols forming in Minneapolis amid calls to disband police

I'm going send $100 the the "defund Police' in Minneapolis.
It's my fervent wish the entire police force quits and leaves the fucking tree dwellers to fend for themselves. Ever seen a photo of Hiroshima? That's what the city run by DEMs will look like a year after the cops leave.

Save your money, because this could be a political stunt of all bark and no bite. As dumb and power hungry Democrat politicians are, they know fully well what less or no police would mean to their city.

I would normally agree with you but I've seen first hand the brainwashing the leftist universities achieve. It's a real possibility these loons believe it.
The Castle Doctrine in our state protects us if we use deadly force against an intruder. It clearly states we no longer have to an obligation to retreat when somebody breaks into our home. Shoot them dead and call the cops to get rid of the body. They also extended the Castle Doctrine to our automobiles if you have a CCW permit. Breaking into my car is the same as breaking into my home as far as the law is concerned

Glad to hear that.
These losers are pushing us to the brink of a civil war.

These losers are pushing us to the brink of a civil war.

The OP has been starting threads that applaud and encourage white folks to take their AR's and defend their homes, their property, their neighborhoods from the looters.
When a black man does it, it is suddenly a bad idea, though. Why is that, I wonder?

Who said it was a bad idea for blacks to protect themselves and their property? one.
I'm going send $100 the the "defund Police' in Minneapolis.
It's my fervent wish the entire police force quits and leaves the fucking tree dwellers to fend for themselves. Ever seen a photo of Hiroshima? That's what the city run by DEMs will look like a year after the cops leave.

Save your money, because this could be a political stunt of all bark and no bite. As dumb and power hungry Democrat politicians are, they know fully well what less or no police would mean to their city.

These losers are pushing us to the brink of a civil war.

These losers are pushing us to the brink of a civil war.

The OP has been starting threads that applaud and encourage white folks to take their AR's and defend their homes, their property, their neighborhoods from the looters.
When a black man does it, it is suddenly a bad idea, though. Why is that, I wonder?
No one ever said that you filthy liar.
This train wreck experiment is going to be fun to watch,

Do we think crimes against and committed by black people will go down with no police?


That makes me a racist and fascist, is that how it works?
I think if you reread the OP, you'll see what I was responding to.

"What could go wrong?" (Shows pic of black guy with gun defending his property).

Funny no one said that when it was the white guys out there all over the country "protecting" their neighborhoods. Many a protester walked through a line of gun toting white guys.
But no, that's fine with the Colonel.
Dumb fucking liberals don’t understand there will be a HUGE INCREASE in black people murdered by amateur militia as compared to the police.

It’s not about black lives. We know they don’t matter to BLACK LIVES MATTER.

BLM is a communist cult and they are simply trying to overthrow the current system we have in place. It’s happening.

Leftism always generates the opposite of its stated intent.
Correct. The left has many fronts they hide behind. One of the best....."for the children".
I think if you reread the OP, you'll see what I was responding to.

"What could go wrong?" (Shows pic of black guy with gun defending his property).

Funny no one said that when it was the white guys out there all over the country "protecting" their neighborhoods. Many a protester walked through a line of gun toting white guys.
But no, that's fine with the Colonel.
If you are a hite Prog woman. For many years you have been cashing checks that you can not ever pay for. If this nation goes bad, you will get what you deserve. It won't be nice. Still to many male fools protecting you while they are the ones who suffer for it. Bad ties will end it. And the Victorian way with women will not be so prevalent as the last Depression.
They weren't able to confiscate our guns, so they are making using our guns a crime.
Google - Can you shoot some one who is robbing you? The answer is no. Someone stealing your car? Let them. Someone threatens you? You need to retreat. Even in Castle Doctrine states, you are obligated to run away from the criminal. If someone attacks you and then turns away, let them go, because if you shoot at them, YOU will be charged with attempted murder. They have made the one that is committing the crime, the victim, and the person protecting themselves or their property, the criminal.
They don't need to take our guns. They just make it a crime to use them. Even Elmer Fudd can't use his gun anymore.

Having said that, if you enter my home and I will shoot you and take my chances, whether I live in a stand your ground state or not...
Progressives have figured out that it is the DA who decides who to prosecute and they have been making a concerted effort to attain those positions, and infiltrate those offices in many larger cities, with some success.
If I have to shoot a criminal here in Texas, the more rural the county it happens in, the less likely I am to face prosecution for it.

Look up what Kim Ogg did to Terry Thomson if you want an example.

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