Armed citizen patrols forming in Minneapolis amid calls to disband police

Dumb fucking liberals don’t understand there will be a HUGE INCREASE in black people murdered by amateur militia as compared to the police.

It’s not about black lives. We know they don’t matter to BLACK LIVES MATTER.

BLM is a communist cult and they are simply trying to overthrow the current system we have in place. It’s happening.

These are the children of Frank Marshall DAVIS probably Obama's congenital father.

Antifa is just the newest version of the weather underground.
Dumb fucking liberals don’t understand there will be a HUGE INCREASE in black people murdered by amateur militia as compared to the police.

It’s not about black lives. We know they don’t matter to BLACK LIVES MATTER.

BLM is a communist cult and they are simply trying to overthrow the current system we have in place. It’s happening.

These are the children of Frank Marshall DAVIS probably Obama's congenital father.

Antifa is just the newest version of the weather underground.

And boy do they ever control BLM's every movement...suckering them into bad situations that end of hurting the very Blacks it was meant to help.....making them look like idiots at every turn.....ordering them around like ....slaves frankly......and they are just too stupid and willing to believe the myth to see what is happening to them. ANTIFA holds up the cape and the BLM morons charge like Blind Bulls right into the Anvil on the other side.

It’s not about black lives. We know they don’t matter to BLACK LIVES MATTER.

That's pretty obvious.

The one thing all these killings by police have in common, is that the suspects didn't obey he commands of the police officers. Nearly every one of them would be alive today had they just done that.

Of course, as a conservative, I am blessed with common sense. The left, who have very little common sense doesn't understand this simple concept.

If black lives really mattered, all these Hollywood and sports figures would spend their time giving speeches in black high schools. They would be telling them that the only option to avoid death by a police officer is to obey their commands to a tee, and that will stop black lives being lost.

Instead, they promote these protests and riots, thus leading to even more black deaths. But like I said, the left is void of logic.
It’s not about black lives. We know they don’t matter to BLACK LIVES MATTER.

That's pretty obvious.

The one thing all these killings by police have in common, is that the suspects didn't obey he commands of the police officers. Nearly every one of them would be alive today had they just done that.

Of course, as a conservative, I am blessed with common sense. The left, who have very little common sense doesn't understand this simple concept.

If black lives really mattered, all these Hollywood and sports figures would spend their time giving speeches in black high schools. They would be telling them that the only option to avoid death by a police officer is to obey their commands to a tee, and that will stop black lives being lost.

Instead, they promote these protests and riots, thus leading to even more black deaths. But like I said, the left is void of logic.
Most of the Hollyweird crowd break the laws, but the difference between them and the typical poor black, is money talks, most Hollyweird can pay their way out of going to jail, but the rioters and looters never seem to go after those rich assholes. That is where the money is, and most dont have armed security...
Comes down to what the voters in Minneapolis and Minnesota want. Go ahead and vote for the Dems if you want to have no police force, go for it. They'll be confiscating your guns by next year, maybe the year after and then what are you gonna do when a couple of guy break into your house and start raping your wife and daughter? I know, call a social worker, I'm sure they'll get right on that.

When you've had enough, GTFO. Find somewhere else to live but don't come to Texas. You're too fucking stupid to live in Texas.
Dumb fucking liberals don’t understand there will be a HUGE INCREASE in black people murdered by amateur militia as compared to the police.

It’s not about black lives. We know they don’t matter to BLACK LIVES MATTER.

BLM is a communist cult and they are simply trying to overthrow the current system we have in place. It’s happening.

These are the children of Frank Marshall DAVIS probably Obama's congenital father.

Antifa is just the newest version of the weather underground.

Don't forget the other manifestations, the occupy movement, and the WTO protest groups.
Dumb fucking liberals don’t understand there will be a HUGE INCREASE in black people murdered by amateur militia as compared to the police.

It’s not about black lives. We know they don’t matter to BLACK LIVES MATTER.

BLM is a communist cult and they are simply trying to overthrow the current system we have in place. It’s happening.

OMG yes......this will lead to a race war and at 12% of the population it will mean the Genocide of the American Blacks in short order.....the Hispanics have no dog in this fight and will not stand in the way.

Comes down to what the voters in Minneapolis and Minnesota want. Go ahead and vote for the Dems if you want to have no police force, go for it. They'll be confiscating your guns by next year, maybe the year after and then what are you gonna do when a couple of guy break into your house and start raping your wife and daughter? I know, call a social worker, I'm sure they'll get right on that.

When you've had enough, GTFO. Find somewhere else to live but don't come to Texas. You're too fucking stupid to live in Texas.

so you SUPPORT "armed conservative militia" patrolling THEIR streets to protect and defend themselves from BIG GOVERNMENT, JACK BOOTED GOVERNMENT THUGS and PEOPLE WHO DON'T LOOK or THINK LIKE US

but when your "enemies" do the same thing you piss all over it.....

you just keep offering me evidence of what an ignorant piece of human garbage you are.

so you SUPPORT "armed conservative militia" patrolling THEIR streets to protect and defend themselves from BIG GOVERNMENT, JACK BOOTED GOVERNMENT THUGS and PEOPLE WHO DON'T LOOK or THINK LIKE US

but when your "enemies" do the same thing you piss all over it.....

you just keep offering me evidence of what an ignorant piece of human garbage you are.

It's not the preferred alternative but if you destroy the Police force this is what you will have.
You cannot leave a vacuum......don't know why you don't get that. There is a large percentage of our population that is mindlessly predatory and will fucking stomp your eyes out just because you happen to be there and they know no police are stupid fucking idiotic weak brained retard......don't you get it?
"No one could have pictured this" Ellison said.

Oh no you stupid buck. EVERYONE pictured this. This is what they meant by community policing? Armed citizen patrols is what they had in mind all along.

The Framers pictured this....Hence the "well regulated militia", which would have been called up within hours to quell this idiocy, had they been in existence.
Good law abiding citizens need to leave Minneapolis immediately and let the white guilt virtue signaling liberal faggots deal with not having any police.

Good luck assholes.

They will all be robbed, beaten, raped and murdered within just a month or two. As soon as the self loathing idiots don't have 911 to call their former friends with dark skin will turn on them like hungry lions and forget they ever knew them.......
Dumb fucking liberals don’t understand there will be a HUGE INCREASE in black people murdered by amateur militia as compared to the police.

It’s not about black lives. We know they don’t matter to BLACK LIVES MATTER.

BLM is a communist cult and they are simply trying to overthrow the current system we have in place. It’s happening.

OMG yes......this will lead to a race war and at 12% of the population it will mean the Genocide of the American Blacks in short order.....the Hispanics have no dog in this fight and will not stand in the way.

Hispanics hate African American negroes almost as much as the Chinese/Japanese/ Haitian negroes do.
Good law abiding citizens need to leave Minneapolis immediately and let the white guilt virtue signaling liberal faggots deal with not having any police.

Good luck assholes.

With them they will take their skills, their property tax money, their social order and their ability to create functionality....Minneapolis will become a third world enclave....
Dumb fucking liberals don’t understand there will be a HUGE INCREASE in black people murdered by amateur militia as compared to the police.

It’s not about black lives. We know they don’t matter to BLACK LIVES MATTER.

BLM is a communist cult and they are simply trying to overthrow the current system we have in place. It’s happening.

OMG yes......this will lead to a race war and at 12% of the population it will mean the Genocide of the American Blacks in short order.....the Hispanics have no dog in this fight and will not stand in the way.

Many of the illegals will just pack up and head back across the border till the shooting stops, hoping that the Demoncraps will win. If the Dims dont, the illegals will then be banished to their shithole countries and not be allowed here again. How can you do that. When caught without proper documentation, they are finger printed and DNA. Then sent across the border, if they come back they are executed for being an invading force. Simple. Also do away with the Anchor Baby status, we dont have slaves anymore, so those born of slaves dont have to worry about being US citizens...

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