Armed citizen patrols forming in Minneapolis amid calls to disband police

Dumb fucking liberals don’t understand there will be a HUGE INCREASE in black people murdered by amateur militia as compared to the police.

It’s not about black lives. We know they don’t matter to BLACK LIVES MATTER.

BLM is a communist cult and they are simply trying to overthrow the current system we have in place. It’s happening.

These are the children of Frank Marshall DAVIS probably Obama's congenital father.

Antifa is just the newest version of the weather underground.

Don't forget the other manifestations, the occupy movement, and the WTO protest groups.
So true. The violence in this is more akin to weather underground, though. What I found so telling this time around with the looting and violence so widespread, they called on the dogs after a couple of days to tune it down when it starting get wide range condemnation. They were told less looting, I imagine, and be more discreet with the violence.

To me the looting was actually less anti-fa and more just opportunistic assholes. The anti-fa stuff is more on the line of deliberate confrontations with police, and vandalism of stores, statues, and buildings.
you are right, but instigated by antifa.

Maybe in the other cities, but in Minneapolis the main looting happened early, before the bougie anti-fa types could mobilize.
I saw so many photos of antifa walking by windows and breaking the glass, then move on, where looters took advantage of it.

In Minneapolis?
Dumb fucking liberals don’t understand there will be a HUGE INCREASE in black people murdered by amateur militia as compared to the police.

It’s not about black lives. We know they don’t matter to BLACK LIVES MATTER.

BLM is a communist cult and they are simply trying to overthrow the current system we have in place. It’s happening.

These are the children of Frank Marshall DAVIS probably Obama's congenital father.

Antifa is just the newest version of the weather underground.

Don't forget the other manifestations, the occupy movement, and the WTO protest groups.
So true. The violence in this is more akin to weather underground, though. What I found so telling this time around with the looting and violence so widespread, they called on the dogs after a couple of days to tune it down when it starting get wide range condemnation. They were told less looting, I imagine, and be more discreet with the violence.

To me the looting was actually less anti-fa and more just opportunistic assholes. The anti-fa stuff is more on the line of deliberate confrontations with police, and vandalism of stores, statues, and buildings.
you are right, but instigated by antifa.

Maybe in the other cities, but in Minneapolis the main looting happened early, before the bougie anti-fa types could mobilize.
I saw so many photos of antifa walking by windows and breaking the glass, then move on, where looters took advantage of it.

In Minneapolis?
Yep. Remember the guy with the umbrella. That was the ifrst one I saw, then photos of clips cropped up of others.

this one is in St. Paul-
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These losers are pushing us to the brink of a civil war.

These losers are pushing us to the brink of a civil war.

The OP has been starting threads that applaud and encourage white folks to take their AR's and defend their homes, their property, their neighborhoods from the looters.
When a black man does it, it is suddenly a bad idea, though. Why is that, I wonder?
These losers are pushing us to the brink of a civil war.

These losers are pushing us to the brink of a civil war.

The OP has been starting threads that applaud and encourage white folks to take their AR's and defend their homes, their property, their neighborhoods from the looters.
When a black man does it, it is suddenly a bad idea, though. Why is that, I wonder?
Bullshit..... There is no skin color mentioned in the top post. There are plenty of black 2nd amendment Americans who can and will defend themselves against the loading hordes regardless of what their skin color is.

I'm going send $100 the the "defund Police' in Minneapolis.
It's my fervent wish the entire police force quits and leaves the fucking tree dwellers to fend for themselves. Ever seen a photo of Hiroshima? That's what the city run by DEMs will look like a year after the cops leave.
These losers are pushing us to the brink of a civil war.

These losers are pushing us to the brink of a civil war.

The OP has been starting threads that applaud and encourage white folks to take their AR's and defend their homes, their property, their neighborhoods from the looters.
When a black man does it, it is suddenly a bad idea, though. Why is that, I wonder?
Wow, just wow.
Thank God for the Second Amerndment...

They don't care about the Constitution up there. They'll be confiscated in Minneapolis.
They'll try anyway.
I'm going send $100 the the "defund Police' in Minneapolis.
It's my fervent wish the entire police force quits and leaves the fucking tree dwellers to fend for themselves. Ever seen a photo of Hiroshima? That's what the city run by DEMs will look like a year after the cops leave.
I'm going send $100 the the "defund Police' in Minneapolis.
It's my fervent wish the entire police force quits and leaves the fucking tree dwellers to fend for themselves. Ever seen a photo of Hiroshima? That's what the city run by DEMs will look like a year after the cops leave.

Save your money, because this could be a political stunt of all bark and no bite. As dumb and power hungry Democrat politicians are, they know fully well what less or no police would mean to their city.
These losers are pushing us to the brink of a civil war.

These losers are pushing us to the brink of a civil war.

The OP has been starting threads that applaud and encourage white folks to take their AR's and defend their homes, their property, their neighborhoods from the looters.
When a black man does it, it is suddenly a bad idea, though. Why is that, I wonder?

I take it you didn't click on the link in the OP. Had you done that, you would have seen the picture of a black business owner holding his gun. Who on the right here said it was a bad idea? We think the bad idea are these Democrat led cities that don't take a strong enough stance against protestors and rioters. And if business owners (of any color) defend their business using deadly force, I'm all for it.
They weren't able to confiscate our guns, so they are making using our guns a crime.
Google - Can you shoot some one who is robbing you? The answer is no. Someone stealing your car? Let them. Someone threatens you? You need to retreat. Even in Castle Doctrine states, you are obligated to run away from the criminal. If someone attacks you and then turns away, let them go, because if you shoot at them, YOU will be charged with attempted murder. They have made the one that is committing the crime, the victim, and the person protecting themselves or their property, the criminal.
They don't need to take our guns. They just make it a crime to use them. Even Elmer Fudd can't use his gun anymore.

Having said that, if you enter my home and I will shoot you and take my chances, whether I live in a stand your ground state or not...

The Castle Doctrine in our state protects us if we use deadly force against an intruder. It clearly states we no longer have to an obligation to retreat when somebody breaks into our home. Shoot them dead and call the cops to get rid of the body. They also extended the Castle Doctrine to our automobiles if you have a CCW permit. Breaking into my car is the same as breaking into my home as far as the law is concerned.
Dumb fucking liberals don’t understand there will be a HUGE INCREASE in black people murdered by amateur militia as compared to the police.

It’s not about black lives. We know they don’t matter to BLACK LIVES MATTER.

BLM is a communist cult and they are simply trying to overthrow the current system we have in place. It’s happening.

OMG yes......this will lead to a race war and at 12% of the population it will mean the Genocide of the American Blacks in short order.....the Hispanics have no dog in this fight and will not stand in the way.

Many of the illegals will just pack up and head back across the border till the shooting stops, hoping that the Demoncraps will win. If the Dims dont, the illegals will then be banished to their shithole countries and not be allowed here again. How can you do that. When caught without proper documentation, they are finger printed and DNA. Then sent across the border, if they come back they are executed for being an invading force. Simple. Also do away with the Anchor Baby status, we dont have slaves anymore, so those born of slaves dont have to worry about being US citizens...

Anchor babies are extremely dangerous due to Birther Tourism. They have babies here, and take them back to their extremest government or religion to be radicalized. When they turn 18, they can come back here to do God knows what harm to Americans, and nobody will suspect a thing since they are technically considered American citizens themselves.
These losers are pushing us to the brink of a civil war.

These losers are pushing us to the brink of a civil war.

The OP has been starting threads that applaud and encourage white folks to take their AR's and defend their homes, their property, their neighborhoods from the looters.
When a black man does it, it is suddenly a bad idea, though. Why is that, I wonder?
In Washington DC, the unarmed citizens there were robbed by the 5 minute guys. They would break down your door, grab tv, computers and what ever jewelry the homeowners had and in under 5 minutes be back out the door. There was a call from US that these citizens should have a right to own weapons to defend themselves with(and those are of color) and the supreme court decided that the local laws were unjust. Crime went way down, when black people were allowed to own AR-15s.

Just to let you know you stupid twit, it was the Klans that didnt want black people to defend themselves, you sound just like them today.
Let the race war begin. The media has been manufacturing all of this, of course, so I would ask who benefits from it?

A certain Hungarian born currency speculator does come to mind.......

A lot of the left benefits form it. When the leftist MSM manufactures these riots, more people will tune into their news program or sites. The more people visit their sites, the more they can charge advertisers.

For leftist politicians, it also benefits them. If we were disarmed and had no way to protect ourselves, we would experience massive out of control crime. So how do you fight big crime? The same way you combat big pharma, big tobacco, big business, and that is with a bigger government.

More jails, more lawyers, more judges, and yes, even more police officers. That's why the left really wants to see us disarmed. The huge contributions they get from trial lawyers at election time isn't for nothing.
Dumb fucking liberals don’t understand there will be a HUGE INCREASE in black people murdered by amateur militia as compared to the police.

It’s not about black lives. We know they don’t matter to BLACK LIVES MATTER.

BLM is a communist cult and they are simply trying to overthrow the current system we have in place. It’s happening.

OMG yes......this will lead to a race war and at 12% of the population it will mean the Genocide of the American Blacks in short order.....the Hispanics have no dog in this fight and will not stand in the way.

Many of the illegals will just pack up and head back across the border till the shooting stops, hoping that the Demoncraps will win. If the Dims dont, the illegals will then be banished to their shithole countries and not be allowed here again. How can you do that. When caught without proper documentation, they are finger printed and DNA. Then sent across the border, if they come back they are executed for being an invading force. Simple. Also do away with the Anchor Baby status, we dont have slaves anymore, so those born of slaves dont have to worry about being US citizens...

Anchor babies are extremely dangerous due to Birther Tourism. They have babies here, and take them back to their extremest government or religion to be radicalized. When they turn 18, they can come back here to do God knows what harm to Americans, and nobody will suspect a thing since they are technically considered American citizens themselves.
The argument of the left is that so what, those born of US citizens can be radicalized also. But this proves we have enough of your own problems why on Earth would we want more trouble from those that arent supposed to be here.

Raised in the suburbs north of San Francisco, Lindh took an interest in Islam at a young age, converting to the religion at 16 and moving to the Middle East to learn Arabic after finishing high school.
Dumb fucking liberals don’t understand there will be a HUGE INCREASE in black people murdered by amateur militia as compared to the police.

It’s not about black lives. We know they don’t matter to BLACK LIVES MATTER.

BLM is a communist cult and they are simply trying to overthrow the current system we have in place. It’s happening.

OMG yes......this will lead to a race war and at 12% of the population it will mean the Genocide of the American Blacks in short order.....the Hispanics have no dog in this fight and will not stand in the way.

Many of the illegals will just pack up and head back across the border till the shooting stops, hoping that the Demoncraps will win. If the Dims dont, the illegals will then be banished to their shithole countries and not be allowed here again. How can you do that. When caught without proper documentation, they are finger printed and DNA. Then sent across the border, if they come back they are executed for being an invading force. Simple. Also do away with the Anchor Baby status, we dont have slaves anymore, so those born of slaves dont have to worry about being US citizens...

Anchor babies are extremely dangerous due to Birther Tourism. They have babies here, and take them back to their extremest government or religion to be radicalized. When they turn 18, they can come back here to do God knows what harm to Americans, and nobody will suspect a thing since they are technically considered American citizens themselves.
The argument of the left is that so what, those born of US citizens can be radicalized also. But this proves we have enough of your own problems why on Earth would we want more trouble from those that arent supposed to be here.

Raised in the suburbs north of San Francisco, Lindh took an interest in Islam at a young age, converting to the religion at 16 and moving to the Middle East to learn Arabic after finishing high school.

Except it is not a religion. It is a system of geo political totalitarianism. Why can people not learn this?
Dumb fucking liberals don’t understand there will be a HUGE INCREASE in black people murdered by amateur militia as compared to the police.

It’s not about black lives. We know they don’t matter to BLACK LIVES MATTER.

BLM is a communist cult and they are simply trying to overthrow the current system we have in place. It’s happening.

OMG yes......this will lead to a race war and at 12% of the population it will mean the Genocide of the American Blacks in short order.....the Hispanics have no dog in this fight and will not stand in the way.

Many of the illegals will just pack up and head back across the border till the shooting stops, hoping that the Demoncraps will win. If the Dims dont, the illegals will then be banished to their shithole countries and not be allowed here again. How can you do that. When caught without proper documentation, they are finger printed and DNA. Then sent across the border, if they come back they are executed for being an invading force. Simple. Also do away with the Anchor Baby status, we dont have slaves anymore, so those born of slaves dont have to worry about being US citizens...

Anchor babies are extremely dangerous due to Birther Tourism. They have babies here, and take them back to their extremest government or religion to be radicalized. When they turn 18, they can come back here to do God knows what harm to Americans, and nobody will suspect a thing since they are technically considered American citizens themselves.
The argument of the left is that so what, those born of US citizens can be radicalized also. But this proves we have enough of your own problems why on Earth would we want more trouble from those that arent supposed to be here.

Raised in the suburbs north of San Francisco, Lindh took an interest in Islam at a young age, converting to the religion at 16 and moving to the Middle East to learn Arabic after finishing high school.

Yes, but it's one thing to get radicalized in a non-radical environment, and another to be radicalized in a radical environment. In a non-radical environment, you are exposed to different ideas and thoughts. In a radical environment, everybody thinks like you. So it's more deeply rooted and less likely to happen in the states.
These losers are pushing us to the brink of a civil war.

These losers are pushing us to the brink of a civil war.

The OP has been starting threads that applaud and encourage white folks to take their AR's and defend their homes, their property, their neighborhoods from the looters.
When a black man does it, it is suddenly a bad idea, though. Why is that, I wonder?
You're very sick, you racist whore. Skin color isn't mentioned.
Dumb fucking liberals don’t understand there will be a HUGE INCREASE in black people murdered by amateur militia as compared to the police.

It’s not about black lives. We know they don’t matter to BLACK LIVES MATTER.

BLM is a communist cult and they are simply trying to overthrow the current system we have in place. It’s happening.

Leftism always generates the opposite of its stated intent.

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