Armed civilians shoot more criminals than police in 2020.....good for them.

We already know the damage guns do.

43,000 deaths
70,000 injuries
400,000 crimes committed with guns
217 BILLION in economic losses.

Compared to, if you believe the OP, 343 times a civilian with a gun shot a bad guy and killed him.

The problem is that people like the tiny-dicked OP want you to really believe there are hundreds of thousands or millions of times that bad guys are shown guns and flee...

It's just laughable.

The lives saved...something joe doesn't want to talk about...

600 million guns in private hands......over 19.4 million Americans can carry guns legally in public for self defense.........

American use those legal guns 1.2 million times a year to stop rapes, stabbings, beatings, robberies, and murders, as well as also stopping mass public shootings when they are allowed to have their legal guns with them...

Gun deaths...the truth....


Gun murder...10,235

Gun accidents...486

Of the gun murder deaths....over 70-80% of the victims are not regular Americans....they are criminals...murdered by other criminals in primarily democrat party controlled cities....where the democrat party judges, prosecutors and politicians have released them over and over again no matter how many times they are arrested for felony, illegal gun possession and violent crimes with guns...that's on you and your political party...not normal gun owners.

Gun suicides... 23,491...

Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop brutal rapes, robberies, beatings, knifings, murders......according to the Centers for Disease Control, and 1.5 million times according to the Department of Justice.

Lives saved....based on research? By law abiding gun owners using guns to stop criminals?

Case Closed: Kleck Is Still Correct

that makes for at least 176,000 lives saved—

Money saved from people not being beaten, raped, murdered, robbed?.......

So figuring that the average DGU saves one half of a person’s life—as “gun violence” predominantly affects younger demographics—that gives us $3.465 million per half life.

Putting this all together, we find that the monetary benefit of guns (by way of DGUs) is roughly $1.02 trillion per year. That’s trillion. With a ‘T’.

I was going to go on and calculate the costs of incarceration ($50K/year) saved by people killing 1527 criminals annually, and then look at the lifetime cost to society of an average criminal (something in excess of $1 million). But all of that would be a drop in the bucket compared to the $1,000,000,000,000 ($1T) annual benefit of gun ownership.

When compared to the (inflation adjusted from 2002) $127.5 billion ‘cost’ of gun violence calculated by by our Ludwig-Cook buddies, guns save a little more than eight times what they “cost.”

Which, I might add, is completely irrelevant since “the freedom to own and carry the weapon of your choice is a natural, fundamental, and inalienable human, individual, civil, and Constitutional right — subject neither to the democratic process nor to arguments grounded in social utility.”

So even taking Motherboard’s own total and multiplying it by 100, the benefits to society of civilian gun ownership dwarf the associated costs.

Annual Defensive Gun Use Savings Dwarf Study's "Gun Violence" Costs - The Truth About Guns
Well, if they just run away and commit a crime somewhere else, then crime wasn't actually prevented, was it? Someone WAS getting robbed that night. It's not like the criminal rethought his vocation merely because some bubba redneck waived a gun at him.

Uh, guy, if guns and jails got us to No Crime, we'd be there already. We lock up 2 million people. There are 300 million guns out there.

Instead, what we have is more crime than any other in industrialized nation, cops who have to drive around like they are patrolling Fallujah, and we are wondering why things are getting worse

We have increasing gun crime because the democrat party decided to go to war against the police.....and the democrat party keeps releasing violent gun offenders over and over again, no matter how often they are arrested for illegal gun possession, gun shooting, and gun murder....

Your political party, the democrat party, created by slave rapists, is the party causing the gun crime in the cities they control....their judges, prosecutors and politicians keep letting violent criminals out of jail and prison.....
It's always kind if funny to watch DickTiny get stuck. He's like an octopus who puts out an ink cloud...

Okay, we'll just address this one.

Joe is what he does......he doesn't want to point out that the majority of gun deaths in the U.S. are suicides....that ruins his argument. He doesn't want to point out that in 2019 there were 10,258 actual gun murders...but the victims of those murders, 70-80% were criminals, engaged in the lifestyle of criminals....

Uh, sorry, man, suicides are still deaths, and they will still have people who will miss them.

The murder rate with guns in 2019 was 14,500... and it's going to top 20K in 2020, because when you put scared anxious people in a home and lock them up with other scared anxious people, and someone has easy access to a gun, bad stuff is going to happen.

The lives saved...something joe doesn't want to talk about...

I didn't talk about them, they don't happen because it just isn't CREDIBLE. You'd have to believe that gun nuts don't fire 99.999% of the time when that happy day comes when they can finally shoot them a darkie.... um, criminal. Yeah, that's it. A criminal.

It's always kind if funny to watch DickTiny get stuck. He's like an octopus who puts out an ink cloud...

Okay, we'll just address this one.

Uh, sorry, man, suicides are still deaths, and they will still have people who will miss them.

The murder rate with guns in 2019 was 14,500... and it's going to top 20K in 2020, because when you put scared anxious people in a home and lock them up with other scared anxious people, and someone has easy access to a gun, bad stuff is going to happen.

Japan, and 20 other countries with extreme gun control have higher suicide rates than we do...guns are not the issue.....

And before you try it lying and saying we have a higher suicide rate than Japan.....we had a higher suicide rate in one year, 2019......the rest of the time Japan has a far higher suicide rate, and they only let Yakuza and cops have guns there.....

The murder rate went up in 2020 because the democrat party attacked the police at the height of the blm/antifa terror attacks on our cities....blm/antifa are the terrorist wings of the democrat party that burned and looted our cities and murdered over 40 Americans...during these attacks, the democrat party attacked the police and freed the blm/antifa thugs from jail......

The police responded logically and stopped pro-active policing...allowing thugs to murder each other at will...

Along with this, the democrat party judges, prosecutors and politicians continued to release violent, repeat gun offenders from jail and prison, on bail, no cash bail, and home matter how many times they used a gun in a would have to think from this that the democrats want them to shoot people.......since they keep letting them out until they finally shoot enough people to where it is too obvious to release them again.......

the democrat party, the party you vote for joe, the party created by slave the cause of gun murder in the U.S........
Japan, and 20 other countries with extreme gun control have higher suicide rates than we do...guns are not the issue.....

And before you try it lying and saying we have a higher suicide rate than Japan.....we had a higher suicide rate in one year, 2019......the rest of the time Japan has a far higher suicide rate, and they only let Yakuza and cops have guns there.....

Japan has a history of sucide as part of their culture, and they STILL Managed to off less of themselves than we did.

The murder rate went up in 2020 because the democrat party attacked the police at the height of the blm/antifa terror attacks on our cities....blm/antifa are the terrorist wings of the democrat party that burned and looted our cities and murdered over 40 Americans...during these attacks, the democrat party attacked the police and freed the blm/antifa thugs from jail......

Okay, so 40 people were killed in riots over the summer... although some ofthose were protesters being killed by cops or right wing nutbags, but let's go with your 40 number.

How do you account for the other 21,000 murders that happened last year? You lock people in their homes for months, you fuck with their finances and lo and behold, they are going to get a little antsy.
Japan has a history of sucide as part of their culture, and they STILL Managed to off less of themselves than we did.

Okay, so 40 people were killed in riots over the summer... although some ofthose were protesters being killed by cops or right wing nutbags, but let's go with your 40 number.

How do you account for the other 21,000 murders that happened last year? You lock people in their homes for months, you fuck with their finances and lo and behold, they are going to get a little antsy.

liar. 2019 is the only year Japan had a lower suicide rate than us.

Do you think playing stupid helps you? They have almost zero access to guns and commit suicide at higher rates than we do so, moron, that proves guns are not an issue in suicide.
Japan has a history of sucide as part of their culture, and they STILL Managed to off less of themselves than we did.

Okay, so 40 people were killed in riots over the summer... although some ofthose were protesters being killed by cops or right wing nutbags, but let's go with your 40 number.

How do you account for the other 21,000 murders that happened last year? You lock people in their homes for months, you fuck with their finances and lo and behold, they are going to get a little antsy.

Easy. The democrat party and their relentless attacks against the police and the democrat party releasing the actual gun criminals from jail and prison so they cqn keep shooting people.
liar. 2019 is the only year Japan had a lower suicide rate than us.

Do you think playing stupid helps you? They have almost zero access to guns and commit suicide at higher rates than we do so, moron, that proves guns are not an issue in suicide.

The point is, their suicide rate was lower, not higher.

They have a society where suicide has been ingrained as being honorable for centuries.... and they still managed to kill themselves at a lower rate than we did.
Easy. The democrat party and their relentless attacks against the police and the democrat party releasing the actual gun criminals from jail and prison so they cqn keep shooting people.

Right, and easy access to guns had nothing to do with it, which is why we have 21,000 murders and most other industrialized countries have less than 1000.
I think that number would be 1,669,657 times they missed... and I've pointed out the ludicrousness of that at all, especially given how much the gun fetishists wank off over the thought of killing a bad guy or just some darkie who was in the wrong neighborhood.
I agree. Yet amazingly I know of nobody who has had to do this…neither does 2aguy by the way. Of the people I know, none of them know of anyone who has been in a shootout either. The papers are not filled with accounts of the alleged 70 million gun defenses that have taken place during my lifetime…few of us are serenaded with the sounds of constant (or even random) gunfire outside of our homes.
using your claim then why less then 300 by the police? I mean they encounter MILLIONS of violent and non violent crimes a year?
Not my claim. I get the stats from the OP. He’ll explain how a gun doesn’t have to be used to count as a gun usage.

You’re in the cult so the nonsense will make perfect sense to you.
Not my claim. I get the stats from the OP. He’ll explain how a gun doesn’t have to be used to count as a gun usage.

You’re in the cult so the nonsense will make perfect sense to you.
Your claim is that there would have to be 1.6 million deaths to account for the defensive use of firearms while ignoring the millions of interactions by cops that don't result in shootings either.
Your claim is that there would have to be 1.6 million deaths
In no way did I ever make such a claim.
to account for the defensive use of firearms while ignoring the millions of interactions by cops that don't result in shootings either.
Never mentioned the cops in this thread....ever.

What I did say...for those interested in that the OP consistently trots out a laughable "1.67 million defensive gun uses per year.". Of which, again according to the OP, of that 1.67 million that allegedly took place last year, 343 resulted in the death of the "perpetrator". I put that in quotes because without a trial, we don't know if these people were actually doing what the killer said they were doing when they were shot and killed.

Anyway...according to the OP's statistics, of the 1,670,000 alleged defensive gun uses, 343 fatalities.

Meaning that 1,669,657 times a gun was used and no death occurred. That means there are either a lot of bad shots out there or the OP is full of shit (or both).
The point is, their suicide rate was lower, not higher.

They have a society where suicide has been ingrained as being honorable for centuries.... and they still managed to kill themselves at a lower rate than we did.

Every single year except for 2019 was higher you troll.

What part of their culture not being relevant is so hard for your brain to process? They have almost zero access to guns….. and commit suicide at higher rates than we do……as do about 20 other countries with extreme fun control
In no way did I ever make such a claim.

Never mentioned the cops in this thread....ever.

What I did say...for those interested in that the OP consistently trots out a laughable "1.67 million defensive gun uses per year.". Of which, again according to the OP, of that 1.67 million that allegedly took place last year, 343 resulted in the death of the "perpetrator". I put that in quotes because without a trial, we don't know if these people were actually doing what the killer said they were doing when they were shot and killed.

Anyway...according to the OP's statistics, of the 1,670,000 alleged defensive gun uses, 343 fatalities.

Meaning that 1,669,657 times a gun was used and no death occurred. That means there are either a lot of bad shots out there or the OP is full of shit (or both).

, the 1.67 million is brand new research released last week by the Firearm Survey for 2020. I usually post 1.2 million defensive gun uses from research done by the Centers for Disease Control.

Then, You have 16 other studies by both government and private research groups.

You pull yours out of your ass, I have researxh going back to the 90s to 2020.
Not my claim. I get the stats from the OP. He’ll explain how a gun doesn’t have to be used to count as a gun usage.

You’re in the cult so the nonsense will make perfect sense to you.


Robber or rapist attacks the victim…. Victim draws their gun….. criminal runs away…… or surrenders….. or is shot and simply wounded….

That, you dumb ass is a defensive gun use. You raging moron…..
Right, and easy access to guns had nothing to do with it, which is why we have 21,000 murders and most other industrialized countries have less than 1000.

Nope……Democrats letting violent gun offenders out of jail and prison and then attacking the police increased the gun murder rate.

How do I know?

Because according to PEW, the research group, over the 27 years from the 90s to 2020, as more people bought guns and more people carried guns, the gun murder rate went down 49% and the gun crime rate went down 75%.

27 years of increasing gun ownership and increasing concealed carry of guns in public by law abiding gun owners…

That shows that access to lots of guns does not cause gun crime or gun murder…you idiot.

2015 was the beginning of the democrat party attack on the police and the ramped up democrat party policy of releasing violentt gun criminals no matter how many gun crimes they commit.
The new FBI crime report is out...still trying to find a readable copy, but the reporting on it shows that armed citizens with legal guns killed more criminals than the cops did in 2020.....

Good for them....

Rapes, robberies, stabbings, beatings, mass public shootings and murders, stopped by good people with guns..

Lives saved with guns.....

The FBI Uniform Crime Report for 2020 indicates that armed private citizens killed more criminals during the commission of a felony last year than were killed by police, and the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms says this data clearly underscores the continuing need for American gun ownership.

“We looked at Tables 14 and 15 in the FBI’s new report that apply to justifiable homicides by law enforcement and private citizens, respectively,” noted CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. “Last year, according to the data,
armed citizens killed 343 criminals during the commission of a felony while police fatally shot 298 felons.

Your source doesn't say anything about the number of citizens killing crooks.

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