Armed robbers are stopped by restaurant employee


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
Because he had more than 7 rounds in his firearm

Even though New York’s SAFE Act tried to make sure that New Yorkers never had more than 7 rounds in their guns with which to defend themselves, this same restriction would have left a San Diego restaurant employee outgunned. When two men with masks and guns entered a San Diego restaurant the employee who fired at them was not wishing he had fewer rounds in his gun. In fact, he fired 8 shots at the armed would-be-robbers before they fled, both with gunshot wounds. - See more at: Armed Robbers Are Stopped Because Restaurant Employee Has MORE Than 7 Bullets in His Gun

Guess that kill's the strawman argument no one needs a high-capacity magazine.
It's a match of wills.

A complete idiot BigDerp.....battling with a grossly non-partisan super badass. Only....they agree but one of them doesn't realize it!

Someone get the popcorn!
New York wants a guarantee that armed assailants will always be better armed than citizens who are defending their lives.
New York wants a guarantee that armed assailants will always be better armed than citizens who are defending their lives.

Well, the common citizen anyhow. I'm sure that the upper crust have their armed bodyguards and bullet proof limits and their permits to carry too.
New York wants a guarantee that armed assailants will always be better armed than citizens who are defending their lives.

Well, the common citizen anyhow. I'm sure that the upper crust have their armed bodyguards and bullet proof limits and their permits to carry too.

Yep and those are some of the biggest anti gunners around.

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