Army Has a new Covid Vaccine in Trials

May 20, 2014
Your stupidity may actually be military-induced stupidity. Reading the dipshit is not required. Omicron is evolving without the influence of vaccines.
Your stupidity may actually be military-induced stupidity. Reading the dipshit is not required. Omicron is evolving without the influence of vaccines.
Now go read or just dig yourself deeper.
It sounds pretty crazy, a “24 faced” vaccine virus where they can attach many different spike proteins.

The article I read admitted it may be too late if Omicron sweeps the world and gives everyone immunity.

The question is would our corrupt government actually use it if it was safe and worked? They all have stock in Pfizer and stand to make billions off the Vax passport and boosters for life program. A one and done vaccine would be just as dead on arrival as Ivermectin and other cheap drugs that save lives. Money talks in Washington, not helpful ideas.
Foolish for humankind to believe they can create something better than what God already did.

I wouldn't trust any of it. At least they a little consideration to natural immunity in their claim for "universal vaccine". Between Trump's supposed covid infection and Walter Reed they pushed the killer Resmvider too didn't they?

These guys planned it all previously and it sure looks like a large group jumped on their bandwagon. The whole world MARKED by the beast. Personally I'm still taking a hard pass.

Foolish for humankind to believe they can create something better than what God already did.

I wouldn't trust any of it. At least they a little consideration to natural immunity in their claim for "universal vaccine". Between Trump's supposed covid infection and Walter Reed they pushed the killer Resmvider too didn't they?

These guys planned it all previously and it sure looks like a large group jumped on their bandwagon. The whole world MARKED by the beast. Personally I'm still taking a hard pass.

God does not exist. You were duped.
It sounds pretty crazy, a “24 faced” vaccine virus where they can attach many different spike proteins.

The article I read admitted it may be too late if Omicron sweeps the world and gives everyone immunity.

The question is would our corrupt government actually use it if it was safe and worked? They all have stock in Pfizer and stand to make billions off the Vax passport and boosters for life program. A one and done vaccine would be just as dead on arrival as Ivermectin and other cheap drugs that save lives. Money talks in Washington, not helpful ideas.
Wherever Homo sapiens is flapping lips boasting about SARS-CoV-2 vaccines is the place to once again prove that Trump was correct and also that hcq and ivermectin prophylaxis would have stopped the commie virus. Fuck you punk-ass military c.u.n.t.s. Where's the names list of the 800,000+ Americans killed by the commie virus you gayer-than-gay cocksuckers?
It sounds pretty crazy, a “24 faced” vaccine virus where they can attach many different spike proteins.

The article I read admitted it may be too late if Omicron sweeps the world and gives everyone immunity.

The question is would our corrupt government actually use it if it was safe and worked? They all have stock in Pfizer and stand to make billions off the Vax passport and boosters for life program. A one and done vaccine would be just as dead on arrival as Ivermectin and other cheap drugs that save lives. Money talks in Washington, not helpful ideas.

Yeah, there's no money there.
The Chinese military's bat virus, 99.1% identical to SARS-CoV-2, can grow in rat cells, and Omicron likely arose in mice. We have already pointed out the R (arginine) and Q (glutamine) at position 408 and 410 of the spike that locks onto the fatty-acid binding pocket.

'....We observed amino acid mutations at 493 and 498 in five and six of the seven mouse-adapted SARS-CoV-2 variants. Identical mutations amino acid mutations, Q493R and Q498R were both observed in two variants and considering these two mutations are uncommon in human patients infected with non-Omicron variants, we concluded that the progenitor of Omicron evolved in mouse species (or at least rodent species)....mice are the likely host species in which the progenitor of Omicron evolved.'
So rival passion between these Chinese and American military boys must have begun as early as Feb 2017 when the virus was collected on Zhoushan Island, implicating both as perpetrators in the pandemic.
This particular 99.1% similar military virus links to Beijing CDC's golden-boy virologist, Yong-zhen Zhang. This automatically links back to Yunnan for the Kunming Institute of Zoology and collaboration with EC Holmes of Australia. Looking around Edward Hooper's AIDS Origins page will retrieve what Hooper has to say about Holmes, and we've already linked Zhang to fatal Heartland virus in Missouri and Tennessee.
As will be shown, SARS-CoV-2's closest relative, with 99.1% similarity, will link to Bubalus bubalus, Asian Water Buffalo and Brazilian cattle.
That's very cool, although I think omicron has basically negated any further use for a new covid vaccine. The virus no longer has a path forward to create a deadlier copy of itself that would affect humans because the variant with the more transmissability will always overrun those other variants.
That's very cool, although I think omicron has basically negated any further use for a new covid vaccine. The virus no longer has a path forward to create a deadlier copy of itself that would affect humans because the variant with the more transmissability will always overrun those other variants.
That's correct. We can see that its evolution in African mice, not Chinese communist mice, may make other differences not yet obvious. At first we thought the reason for mildness was due to mixing between negroid and caucasoid genomes. Now it looks more like the African mouse increased the attenuation.

At the same time, Gates-Fauci-WHO-CIA-British MI6 is pushing the propaganda to keep the prisoners dumbed down and afraid. Their version makes it look like Omicron's origins lie in the HIV-compromised host, which is a lie. Ferguson is the CIA-MI6 link speaking in this report, and the report is being generated from the citadel of American pig viruses, Minnesota:
'....found no evidence that Omicron is less severe than Delta....those with African ethnicity are more affected by Omicron.'

Right here, intelligence-agency thinking in designing this propaganda, makes sure that the mouse link is left out so as to more anthropomorphize Omicron's symbology in the collective unconscious of the prisoners, as if it's all human influenced.

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