Zone1 Q for Atheists

I think it was a positive post. You may be in the position that at some point, you will reach them and show them the way to faith in God
What goes way over your head is that I have been in the position many times and have many good--even excellent--conversations. You don't think the atheists in my family talk to me about my faith often!?! Unbelievable.
Makes ZERO sense what you just tried to defend.

If praying works 100% of the time, then the 'success' or the 'desired outcome' of that prayer.......what....doesn't really matter?
I didn’t say success for what you are praying for. When praying to God, God decides whether to say yes or no. There are keys to how to pray. A double mind will yield “no” every time. Without real intent and righteous intent the answer is always “no.” However, even if you are sincere and without a double mind, the answer may still be “no.” God decides what’s best. Don’t like that, don’t pray. People of faith will tell you prayer works just fine.
What goes way over your head is that I have been in the position many times and have many good--even excellent--conversations. You don't think the atheists in my family talk to me about my faith often!?! Unbelievable.
Just because it hasn’t worked yet doesn’t mean in the future it won’t. Are you just being argumentative?
I didn’t say success for what you are praying for. When praying to God, God decides whether to say yes or no. There are keys to how to pray. A double mind will yield “no” every time. Without real intent and righteous intent the answer is always “no.” However, even if you are sincere and without a double mind, the answer may still be “no.” God decides what’s best. Don’t like that, don’t pray. People of faith will tell you prayer works just fine.
You just proved Prayer Doesn't Work.
It's just Faith.

Faith is fine if that's what you want to believe,
Just quit pushing your fake faith on me.

See how that works.
You just proved Prayer Doesn't Work.
It's just Faith.

Faith is fine if that's what you want to believe,
Just quit pushing your fake faith on me.

See how that works.
Stop suggesting prayer doesn’t work when you don’t know a thing about prayer. Your idea is that it has to be your way or the highway. 100% answered in your demand every time. No, it doesn’t work that way. I explained how it works. Stop lying. Just admit you don’t understand prayer and how it works with God.
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Stop suggesting prayer doesn’t work when you don’t know a thing about prayer. Your idea is that it has to be your way or the highway. 100% answered in your demand every time. No, it doesn’t work that way. I explained how it works. Stop lying. Just admit you don’t understand prayer and how it works with God.
So you admit you are clueless about Prayer.
It's OK, I understand.
Just because it hasn’t worked yet doesn’t mean in the future it won’t. Are you just being argumentative?
No, it's pure exasperation. You don't think I've known from decades ago in the future something won't kick in!? It's like you think I've given up! Go back and read from the beginning. It's your own lack of understanding from your first post that has you thinking I am the one who is being "argumentative". I have nothing to argue about. I am good with 'my' atheists and am even better at sharing faith. In your own mind, you created an entirely different Meriweather with an entirely different set of atheists. Start with a true comprehension of what was actually posted. Thank you.
No, it's pure exasperation. You don't think I've known from decades ago in the future something won't kick in!? It's like you think I've given up! Go back and read from the beginning. It's your own lack of understanding from your first post that has you thinking I am the one who is being "argumentative". I have nothing to argue about. I am good with 'my' atheists and am even better at sharing faith. In your own mind, you created an entirely different Meriweather with an entirely different set of atheists. Start with a true comprehension of what was actually posted. Thank you.
Arguing again… relax! Why be exasperating?
Why be exasperating?
Clueless are you. I was patient, trying not to be exasperated at you being so exasperating because of your lack of reading comprehension. Anyway, we're done here and on any other thread for awhile. Explaining things to you is clearly beyond my ability. Farewell.
Clueless are you. I was patient, trying not to be exasperated at you being so exasperating because of your lack of reading comprehension. Anyway, we're done here and on any other thread for awhile. Explaining things to you is clearly beyond my ability. Farewell.
Just means you are poor at communicating with people. You simply want to make everything WW3. The fact is, you are running because I have won.
Just means you are poor at communicating with people. You simply want to make everything WW3. The fact is, you are running because I have won.
Congratulations then. Hollow victories are always the best. (Psst. We weren't fighting over anything. You misunderstood, and then were trying your best to bluster through it.) But, anyway, Congrats.
I am not an atheist. I am married to an atheist and there are many atheists in my extended family. There are some common denominators among 'my' atheists. First, they did not choose to be an atheist. It is something they recognized and owned up to about themselves. They feel they tried to believe, and belief was beyond their reach. Facing God after death? They feel the one thing they have to offer God is truth--they could not believe, but even so, they did strive to live good lives and to be considerate of others.

Right or wrong? We haven't talked about this, but my guess is that it's like hoping one is taller, thinner, not bald, etc. The reality is that they cannot believe any more than they can grow taller, lose more weight, grow more hair. They live with what they have and who they are.
As we’ve discussed before, I would have never become a Christian if I was told your Catholic Church was what Christianity is about. So I can understand your husband’s position.

Just say’n.
As we’ve discussed before, I would have never become a Christian if I was told your Catholic Church was what Christianity is about. So I can understand your husband’s position.

Just say’n.
What about the Catholic Church do you not like that makes you say this?
Do you as an atheist hope you are right or wrong?

And why.

Nope, don't think about it unless I see something on the forum. It is all manmade lies.

trump epstein 4.55.gif
As we’ve discussed before, I would have never become a Christian if I was told your Catholic Church was what Christianity is about. So I can understand your husband’s position.

Just say’n. husband chooses Catholicism over any other religion. He is an atheist, and as such he is open season for many people of faith. He comes home shaking his head over some of the things he is told. I explain Catholic teaching, and his response is, "Okay, that makes sense. This other nonsense does not." So I explain how that other "nonsense" happened to evolve.

My guess is you may not understand the Catholic (Early Christianity) approach to scripture and the Bible. Also, that all you see is the times some in the faith went off track without seeing how those in the faith who remained on track, worked to bring everyone in the Church back on track.

Still, enough of that. What is your one greatest complaint/difficulty with Catholic teaching? Could it be you have misunderstood something or not have the complete picture of that teaching?

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