Zone1 Q for Atheists husband chooses Catholicism over any other religion. He is an atheist, and as such he is open season for many people of faith. He comes home shaking his head over some of the things he is told. I explain Catholic teaching, and his response is, "Okay, that makes sense. This other nonsense does not." So I explain how that other "nonsense" happened to evolve.

My guess is you may not understand the Catholic (Early Christianity) approach to scripture and the Bible. Also, that all you see is the times some in the faith went off track without seeing how those in the faith who remained on track, worked to bring everyone in the Church back on track.

Still, enough of that. What is your one greatest complaint/difficulty with Catholic teaching? Could it be you have misunderstood something or not have the complete picture of that teaching?
He chooses atheism over your catholic thingy.
Again, an atheist is what he is; it is what he recognizes and accepts about himself. For him, it had nothing to do with choice.
If he really knew Jesus he would become a Christian.

Read up on Bonhoeffer, the pastor executed by the Nazis. He was a happy pastor who thought he knew God. Then he visited America and started attending black churches in Brooklyn. He discovered Jesus is a joyous long God that is cause for us to celebrate. It’s as interesting as a story as his fight against the Nazis.

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