Army suicides

According to the stats posted in the article, last year the military showed a suicide rate of 20.2 per 100,000. Latest stats from the general population showed a rate of 19.5 per 100,000 in 2005. We can probably assume that with the bad economy, that rate has also increased. Either way, there isn't a huge difference between the rate of suicide among military personnel versus the general population.
Large groups of people under stress tend to have higher suicide rates.

I don't think we should be surprised.

I had to deal with a lot of suicidal types while I was in (I was a neuro-psych tech working in a closed unit psych ward for over a year) and I watched plenty of Viet Nam era returnees kill themselves with drugs and alcohol after they were out, too.

This is fairly common outcome, folks, and not at all unique to this conflict.
The 2008 numbers were the highest annual level of suicides among soldiers since the Pentagon began tracking the rate 28 years ago. The Army said 128 soldiers were confirmed to have committed suicide in 2008, and an additional 15 were suspected of having killed themselves. The statistics cover active-duty soldiers and activated National Guard and reserves.

You do realize that the private citizen numbers include people that are too unstable to be accepted into the military right?

Old , infirm, too young, mental hospital patients, drug addicts, brain damaged, burned and many many more people who could never become a military prersonel.

We are talking young healthy people when they went in and now there dead.
The 2008 numbers were the highest annual level of suicides among soldiers since the Pentagon began tracking the rate 28 years ago. The Army said 128 soldiers were confirmed to have committed suicide in 2008, and an additional 15 were suspected of having killed themselves. The statistics cover active-duty soldiers and activated National Guard and reserves.

You do realize that the private citizen numbers include people that are too unstable to be accepted into the military right?

Old , infirm, too young, mental hospital patients, drug addicts, brain damaged, burned and many many more people who could never become a military prersonel.

We are talking young healthy people when they went in and now there dead.

Yes, that's true.

And as long as we send young men and women into harms way, as long as people who were raised in civil societies are put into situations where they rules are kill or be killed, we will continue to see that such events are extremely tramatic, and that some people will kill themselves because of it.

The military is worried about it?

I think not.

I think the military is well aware of this phenomena.

I think they're worried about the reaction of the public though, because for some reason the civilian population seems to forget that this is one of the normal outcomes of sending people into high stress war zones.

Empires do have a price, folks.

This is but one small price that comes from maintaining one.
Did you read even the title of the article?

It is a 28 year high.

How sad to care so little about the reality of what we are putting our people through.
"This is terrifying," an Army official said. "We do not know what is going on."
In one my pych classes I took said one of the reasons this has happened more during vietnam and now in Irag is because they just put them on a plane and they are home in a day or two. During World War II for example they had to come back on a ship and had more time to process everything before they were thrown back into regular life!
I also think they should make them go to group meetings or therapy upon returning. Even if they just sat around in a room with other vets from Irag, I am sure it help a lot.
My friend Andy was already alittle messed up from the first time he went over there and than they sent him back, I just wonder how he is going to be now????
In one my pych classes I took said one of the reasons this has happened more during vietnam and now in Irag is because they just put them on a plane and they are home in a day or two. During World War II for example they had to come back on a ship and had more time to process everything before they were thrown back into regular life!

plus there was like may be an easier way to rationalize WWII v. the more recent conflicts...
I remember telling Republicans that Bush sent our troops off under trained and under equipped and they argued with me. Even though I specifically remember articles and interviews with parents who were sending their kids what they needed, out of their own pockets.

I remember telling Republicans that the Bush was breaking the army, and they showed me that enlisting was up. (most likely fuzzy math)

And, I remember telling them about stop loss and how Bush sending them back for 5th and 6th tours was breaking these soldiers. I told them suicides were up and they argued with me.

WASHINGTON -- The U.S. army is reporting a stunning rise in suicides last month, with the number likely to surpass combat deaths.

According to figures obtained by The Associated Press, there were 24 suspected suicides in January, compared with just four in January of 2008.

If all 24 are confirmed, that would be higher than the 16 combat deaths reported in all branches of the armed forces in Iraq and Afghanistan last month.

Officials said army leaders are alarmed by the monthly figure and took the unusual step of briefing congressional leaders on the information this morning. - World - U.S. army suicides up

Why isn't the liberal media telling us this?

ABC News: Army Suicides Rise Sharply
I was unaware I was obligated to post on every single thread made on this board....I do have a job that keeps me somewhat busy...
I didnt say you were obligated to post.

Im pointing out you didnt seem to care about it at all so why get huffy about someone posting it now?

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