Army To Immediately Start Discharging Vaccine Refusers

I suspect the military selects vaccines based seriousness, transmissibility, and location
I guess not if they are treating wuflu in 2022 the same way they did in 2021 when we thought the fatality rate was 10%

now its only slightly worse than the flu
Every time I read one of your posts, I always imagine you spitting into a spittoon once you're finished.

Do you have a spittoon?
Every time I read your displeasure at my moral clarity I imagine you being triggered.

All make pretend solely because there is no truth nor law behind it
The UCMJ states that troops must submit to vaccines to go abroad....this is demanding that troops stateside be vaccinated...this will end up in court....
Brandon needs you to go Die in Russia Comrad. Grab your communist flags get 5 jabs and report to Russia at once. If you live through the jabs and War he promises ti give you 1 bottle of Vodka.
Gotta weaken the military before deployment…shhh.
The Last Refuge

Military Database Shows Alarming Increase in Adverse Medical Conditions After Forced COVID Vaccination​

January 30, 2022 | Sundance


During testimony last week, attorney Thomas Renz gave testimony {Direct Rumble Link} on behalf of whistleblowers inside the military medical system who have access to vaccination data that is withheld from the general public.

The data on adverse medical conditions that surface after vaccination within the military is contained on a system called the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED). The documents that were released to Thomas Renz are now being reviewed {Direct Rumble Link}. The resulting information is very disturbing. WATCH:

They figure if they can unlawfully force military people into compliance then surely the weak knee rest of America will cater to their hoax whim. We won’t and don’t
Another fake frightened lib loon falsity is that some military law about vaccinations exists that trumps federal law.
But….but…but…pictures of the dischargees by the bus load???
Immediately means right now or without delay and not days later.
The thread title was fake from the start and even more untruthful right now but I guess allowing lying thread titles is part of “fairness”???
Last edited:
Fake thread title still up
Is part of impartiality presenting lies?
These soldiers will count themselves lucky when the Biden war with Russia pops off. Perhaps the poisonous snakes will draft invaders to get blown up.
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Army said Wednesday it will immediately begin discharging soldiers who have refused to get the mandatory COVID-19 vaccine, putting more than 3,300 service members at risk of being thrown out soon.

No Trump appointed judges will be stopping this. Don't need any soldiers that refuse to follow orders.

Good. Get rid of the warriors. The Army will be ineffective when it matters.

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