Army to rename 9 bases after blacks or women

The historians will be able to divide up the history of the US into two eras. The pre collapse era when the military bases were named after great American Patriots and the post collapse era of the demise of the once great America when the military bases were named after filthy ass woke dipshits.

Kinda in the same timeframe when the Leftest revolutionaries learned how to steal elections and have queer and trannie parties at the White House.
The historians will be able to divide up the history of the US into two eras. The pre collapse era when the military bases were named after great American Patriots and the post collapse era of the demise of the once great America when the military bases were named after filthy ass woke dipshits.

Kinda in the same timeframe when the Leftest revolutionaries learned how to steal elections and have queer and trannie parties at the White House.

Great Patriots? Generals Polk and Bragg were the worst Generals we had on either side of the Civil War. What made them great in your mind?
They killed US soldiers, attacked US property, and invaded US states. Go sell your state's rights bullshit somewhere else.
They is patently false, ignorant one. They DID NOT invade states. Only the Yankees invaded states.

So fuck the 10th amendment say you? My, how UnConstitutional and unAmerican.

It wasn't called the "War of Northern Aggression" for shits n giggles.

If the Yankees didn't invade Virginia, Robert E. Lee probably would have been a Union General.
Ukraine flag

Yeah your opinion is shit so stfu LOL

Would you prefer it if I had the shoulder patch of the 82nd Airborne, a unit I served with? Would that make my opinion more palatable?

Bragg is generally considered among the worst generals of the Civil War. Most of the battles he engaged in ended in defeat. Bragg was extremely unpopular with both the officers and ordinary men under his command, who criticized him for numerous perceived faults, including poor battlefield strategy, a quick temper, and overzealous discipline. Bragg has a generally poor reputation with historians, though some point towards the failures of Bragg's subordinates, especially Major General and former Bishop Leonidas Polk—a close ally of Davis and known enemy of Bragg—as more significant factors in the many Confederate defeats under Bragg's command. The losses suffered by Bragg's forces are cited as highly consequential to the ultimate defeat of the Confederacy.

Bragg was a meat grinder. He threw his troops into fruitless frontal assaults, idiotic attacks when even the slowest mind had already determined that the defender had the advantage.

Polk was one of the war's more notable, yet controversial, political generals. Recognizing his familiarity with the Mississippi Valley, Confederate president Jefferson Davis commissioned his elevation to a high military position regardless of his lack of prior combat experience. He commanded troops in the Battle of Shiloh, the Battle of Perryville, the Battle of Stones River, the Tullahoma Campaign, the Battle of Chickamauga, the Chattanooga Campaign, and the Atlanta Campaign. He is remembered for his bitter disagreements with his immediate superior, the likewise-controversial General Braxton Bragg of the Army of Tennessee, and for his general lack of success in combat. While serving under the command of General Joseph E. Johnston, he was killed in action in 1864 during the Atlanta Campaign.

There were a few brilliant Generals, more good Generals, and a number of truly awful Generals. Polk and Bragg lead the list on truly awful Generals.

So I ask you again, what made them such heroic Patriots? Their losses helped speed the defeat of the Confederate Army. While most Historians agree that the South would eventually lose, they should have been able to hold out much longer, the waste of manpower and material by Bragg and Polk helped speed that almost certain defeat.

Not everyone could be a Longstreet. Not everyone could be a Lee, or a Grant. But they could certainly be better than Bragg or Polk.

That is not just my opinion, but the opinion of serious Historians. Now, please post links to your sources for these two blithering idiots being such great Patriots.
Most of the towns outside Army bases are shitholes too. Lots of black people and drugs.

The only time I've ever been shot at was the time I was riding a bus at night in Columbus, GA, outside of Ft. Benning. Some asshole took a potshot at the bus
Any proposals yet, to name a US military base Fort Wakanda?
Any proposals yet, to name a US military base Fort Wakanda?

I was saving this just for the occasion that I might use it. :laughing0301:

They were great Americans defending their homeland against an invasinon of Yankee scum. God bless them. God damn the Yankee shit.

Right. See the reply number 48. I think you’ll learn something about those great patriots. If the Confederates had sent them off to die gloriously at the Front, it is more likely, although still far from certain, that the Confederates would have survived longer as a viable independent nation.

To anyone who has read his History, your posts sound like a guy who claims Benedict Arnold was set up by Washington.
Right. See the reply number 48. I think you’ll learn something about those great patriots. If the Confederates had sent them off to die gloriously at the Front, it is more likely, although still far from certain, that the Confederates would have survived longer as a viable independent nation.

To anyone who has read his History, your posts sound like a guy who claims Benedict Arnold was set up by Washington.
My post sounds like a guy whose great great great grandfather was a soldier in the 6th Florida Battalion and later in the 9th Florida Regiment that fought against the Yankee invasion. A soldier that wrote letters explaining why he joined the Army and why he fought. Letters that were in the Library at the University of Florida. Much different that what the winners of the war put in the Jr High School history books.

However, none of that has anything to do with how this piece of shit President we have now is fucking up the US military, which is the subject of this thread.
My post sounds like a guy whose great great great grandfather was a soldier in the 6th Florida Battalion and later in the 9th Florida Regiment that fought against the Yankee invasion. A soldier that wrote letters explaining why he joined the Army and why he fought. Letters that were in the Library at the University of Florida. Much different that what the winners of the war put in the Jr High School history books.

However, none of that has anything to do with how this piece of shit President we have now is fucking up the US military, which is the subject of this thread.

The subject of the thread was renaming the bases. One example given was Fort Polk. Fort Polk is named after a General who lost pretty much every battle. A general who caused the needless death from his own stupidity of thousands of troops very much like your ancestor.

But let’s be honest. You are upset the United States Army won’t be honoring a person who if successful, would have insured the American Army wasn’t actually in Louisiana.

But you say now that this is about how Biden is destroying America, and the Military. The Unemployment rate is below 5%. It is holding at about 3.5%. So of course Recruiting is down. It is always down when the economy is doing well. So your argument is Biden is doing too well at the economy.

But the Army says that on average, only 5% of the respondents in the surveys listed “wokeness” as an issue, compared with 13% who say they believe that women and minorities will face discrimination and not get the same opportunities.

The surveys of people who didn’t join were conducted to find out why. And as usual the Conservatives, a vast majority of whom didn’t serve, have put their own spin on it. Nearly three times as many people were concerned that you all would have your way treating minorities and women badly, than having to serve with “them”.

But according to you the renaming of the bases from people who lost is going to make this worse.
About 990 Medals of Honor have been awarded (it's incorrect to use the word "won") since WW1. Couldn't the Army find a Soldier to name a base after who is more qualified than a Hispanic general who may have recommended himself for a Silver Star?
About 990 Medals of Honor have been awarded (it's incorrect to use the word "won") since WW1. Couldn't the Army find a Soldier to name a base after who is more qualified than a Hispanic general who may have recommended himself for a Silver Star?

Or at least name the base after someone who participated in a war we won.

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