Army Veteran Killed By Palestinian Attacker in Israel

HUH??? any discussion of "white" people vs "not white" would require a clear
definition of "white" vs and "non white". I am ----by education ----something like a biologist. I do not recognize "race" in the genus, species HOMO SAPIEN---since Homo SAPIENS have interbred for tens of thousands of years---FREELY.
Perhaps you can define "white" person ----vs "not white" person

Naw, I'm really not going to wander down one of your rabbit holes... Zionism is another form of colonialism. An Apartheid system where European Settlers oppress native non-Europeans.

The Zionists are Europeans. That's why I find people like Jew Roids screaming about "Antisemitism" so fucking funny, as the Arabs are the Semites here, not European Interlopers who happen to share a religion with the people who lived their 2000 years ago.

Perhaps it is you who has to be medicated, Joe. As one poster once pointed out, anti-Semitism is a mental disease and you have it bad.. Plus, you don't know it all. There were many Nazi enclaves in the New York area.

Yeah, okay, if you say so... I think you hire these people so you can whine about how oppressed you are.

A smart guy like you want us to think you are surely can research this and find out what is said about killing Infidels. It has been posted so many times on these forums that it is a shame you missed it. Maybe you can tell us, Joe, why Jerusalem is never mentioned in the Koran once, but is mentioned so many times in the Old and New Testaments.

Naw, I can tell you that they aren't in the Koran because at the time the Koran was written, the Jews were a non-factor. The Koran was more concerned with the Christian Byzantines and Zoroasterian Persians.

But you'll find a lot more truly sadistic stuff in the Bible than the Koran.

So they'll do what you guys always do. Find some obscure Hadith (not part of the Koran) not followed by all sects. Which would be about as intellectually honest as saying that Christianity is anti-Semitic by pointing out that there was a book called "The Jews and Their LIes" written by Martin Luther. You know. In Germany.
The antisemites, terrorist sympathizes, and haters of America don't seem upset at all that an innocent American army veteran has been killed by a Palestinian animal.
NO ONE SAID THAT OF WHAT YOU SPOKE..I certainly didn't....Roudy folk can criticize Israel or Zionists or Jews or Aussies or Americans,etc., this does not make them Anti Anyone,Grow Up.......but one thing is true You are Anti-Muslim,................apart from a small minority are very good people,trouble with you is "You don't think or/and you have a less expansive mind......You can do better Roudy.....steve

It does when you constantly single out just one group, then use terms out of context because you know your true views would show if you wrote what you wanted. The whole western world is turning anti muslim after what has been shown happening in Europe. And the world is seeing the same violence, terrorism and criminality taking place as takes place in Jerusalem.
"It's the Jews fault!!"...:slap:
Partly or more than Partly=Mainly........You/Jews cannot treat the Palestinians in the way they have,without expecting to be Mauled Back......Israel's main problem after 60 years of Savagery towards the Palestinians,is not the Palestinians but also the rest of the world turning on them.......all of their own making...No One these days (apart from some Jews themselves)....say or think....Oh the poor Old Jews..... because you have totally diminished any Moral High Ground you may have had in the past, because of you Savagery towards the Palestinians and the Assination of your Prime Minister Yitsak Rabin is the reason no one believes a word you or your Government say..........You may be in America but forever will be Israels LACKEYS.........and because of that you diminish yourselves and that of your future for your children......They will look back.....and think you were MAD...steve

I have to laugh at your "Savagery" shtick,Stevie. Funny how you overlook so much of the savagery in the Muslim world to obsess over the Jews. When the Jews took over the administration of the disputed territories from Jordan and Egypt, they build hospital, clinics and schools for these Arabs, gave them inoculations against infectious diseases (inoculations they never had before), increased their life expectancy and gave them one of the highest standards of living in the Middle East. Two questions for you, Stevie. Why didn't Jordan and Egypt do the same for these people, and why weren't these people clamoring for a state when Jordan and Egypt ruled over them?
That's good Sally but the Zionist Savagery etc., was a fact.........that you cannot deny.......just own up to your past.....This is a Pal/Isr thread,I have explained to you before I am most interested in the Pal/Isr schism and a positive PEACEFUL future for these two nations whom I have lived with and admire....but we are at a point neithers past can be put completely behind us.

Others like ISIS,the C in Syria etc., is separate and will and have told you before my feelings on those issues,give me a bit of respect as I have never lied(intentionally) to you.

Start a threat about Arabs and we will talk,regards STEVIE(I know you love to use this Monika Sally to irritate me,but its all water off a ducks back to be honest LOL)

Stevie must have had a girlfriend named Sally who ditched him. Sorry, Stevie,l but Sally is my real name according to my birth certificate.

I have started many threads about what is going on in other Middle East countries. Evidently you are too obsessed with the Jews that you have no interest in what is going on elsewhere. You never answered my questions which were.........

Why didn't Jordan and Egypt do the same for these people (all the things I mentioned and I forgot to mention the Israelis put in infrastructure for these Arabs), and why weren't these people clamoring for a state when Jordan and Egypt ruled over them?
Really Sally,stop being silly[/QUOTE]

Watch for the melt down when he cant brow beat his way through this thread.
Very childish, Joe. Many people work for horrible bosses, but they don't think the other people in the boss' ethnic or religious group are all the same as the boss. Just recently I read of a Jewish man's death in the paper. I recall that several years ago in the business section that he was leaving $20 million to U.C.L.A. and $25 million to USC when he died. I wouldn't call that money grubbing, and his money will be used for the students of all religions and ethnics groups at these schools.

Whenever a rich person takes a dirt nap and leaves a bunch of money to a charity or his dog, I always remember that they made that money ripping off the people who actually DID THE WORK. So it never impresses me.
HUH??? any discussion of "white" people vs "not white" would require a clear
definition of "white" vs and "non white". I am ----by education ----something like a biologist. I do not recognize "race" in the genus, species HOMO SAPIEN---since Homo SAPIENS have interbred for tens of thousands of years---FREELY.
Perhaps you can define "white" person ----vs "not white" person

Naw, I'm really not going to wander down one of your rabbit holes... Zionism is another form of colonialism. An Apartheid system where European Settlers oppress native non-Europeans.

The Zionists are Europeans. That's why I find people like Jew Roids screaming about "Antisemitism" so fucking funny, as the Arabs are the Semites here, not European Interlopers who happen to share a religion with the people who lived their 2000 years ago.

Perhaps it is you who has to be medicated, Joe. As one poster once pointed out, anti-Semitism is a mental disease and you have it bad.. Plus, you don't know it all. There were many Nazi enclaves in the New York area.

Yeah, okay, if you say so... I think you hire these people so you can whine about how oppressed you are.

A smart guy like you want us to think you are surely can research this and find out what is said about killing Infidels. It has been posted so many times on these forums that it is a shame you missed it. Maybe you can tell us, Joe, why Jerusalem is never mentioned in the Koran once, but is mentioned so many times in the Old and New Testaments.

Naw, I can tell you that they aren't in the Koran because at the time the Koran was written, the Jews were a non-factor. The Koran was more concerned with the Christian Byzantines and Zoroasterian Persians.

But you'll find a lot more truly sadistic stuff in the Bible than the Koran.

So they'll do what you guys always do. Find some obscure Hadith (not part of the Koran) not followed by all sects. Which would be about as intellectually honest as saying that Christianity is anti-Semitic by pointing out that there was a book called "The Jews and Their LIes" written by Martin Luther. You know. In Germany.

If that was the case then why are the Jews mentioned so many times, and their homeland of Israel is also mentioned many times. The koran was a rip off of the Torah and Bible with the " live in peace" sections removed

But you wont find 2 billion followers that follow those sadistic entries as you do with the koran and the muslims

The hadiths are not sect based as the originals were written during mo'mads lifetime, and were his own explanations of what the verses in the koran meant.

Would pointing out that the original Christians blamed the Jews for murdering their god, who happened to be a Jew not be grounds enough to show that Roman bastardised Christianity was anti semitic, and it has been passed down over the last two millennia to the present day.

Even when the evidence shows that 80% are not European at all, but come from the lands surrounding Israel
So the Europeans who happen to have the same haplotype as the indigenous Jews are not tied to that land.
Very childish, Joe. Many people work for horrible bosses, but they don't think the other people in the boss' ethnic or religious group are all the same as the boss. Just recently I read of a Jewish man's death in the paper. I recall that several years ago in the business section that he was leaving $20 million to U.C.L.A. and $25 million to USC when he died. I wouldn't call that money grubbing, and his money will be used for the students of all religions and ethnics groups at these schools.

Whenever a rich person takes a dirt nap and leaves a bunch of money to a charity or his dog, I always remember that they made that money ripping off the people who actually DID THE WORK. So it never impresses me.

And yet another underachiever that is insanely jealous of anyone that worked hard to get their wealth. I worked 16 hour shifts, took no time of work and ran a small business on the side. I ripped no one of as I CHARGED 5% TO 10% UNDER EVERYONE ELSE. I did most of the work myself, and what I did farm out I expected to be done with the same diligence as I would put in. You are the type of employee that would complain about my car that cost £125,000 while you drove a £1000 wreck, then whinge about my home set in its own grounds while you rented a small flat. You would spend your money on loose women, drink and drugs, while I saved mine for a rainy day. The type that would shout loudly about never being given a chance, but not once showing that you had the skills needed to be promoted.
"It's the Jews fault!!"...:slap:
Partly or more than Partly=Mainly........You/Jews cannot treat the Palestinians in the way they have,without expecting to be Mauled Back......Israel's main problem after 60 years of Savagery towards the Palestinians,is not the Palestinians but also the rest of the world turning on them.......all of their own making...No One these days (apart from some Jews themselves)....say or think....Oh the poor Old Jews..... because you have totally diminished any Moral High Ground you may have had in the past, because of you Savagery towards the Palestinians and the Assination of your Prime Minister Yitsak Rabin is the reason no one believes a word you or your Government say..........You may be in America but forever will be Israels LACKEYS.........and because of that you diminish yourselves and that of your future for your children......They will look back.....and think you were MAD...steve

I have to laugh at your "Savagery" shtick,Stevie. Funny how you overlook so much of the savagery in the Muslim world to obsess over the Jews. When the Jews took over the administration of the disputed territories from Jordan and Egypt, they build hospital, clinics and schools for these Arabs, gave them inoculations against infectious diseases (inoculations they never had before), increased their life expectancy and gave them one of the highest standards of living in the Middle East. Two questions for you, Stevie. Why didn't Jordan and Egypt do the same for these people, and why weren't these people clamoring for a state when Jordan and Egypt ruled over them?
That's good Sally but the Zionist Savagery etc., was a fact.........that you cannot deny.......just own up to your past.....This is a Pal/Isr thread,I have explained to you before I am most interested in the Pal/Isr schism and a positive PEACEFUL future for these two nations whom I have lived with and admire....but we are at a point neithers past can be put completely behind us.

Others like ISIS,the C in Syria etc., is separate and will and have told you before my feelings on those issues,give me a bit of respect as I have never lied(intentionally) to you.

Start a threat about Arabs and we will talk,regards STEVIE(I know you love to use this Monika Sally to irritate me,but its all water off a ducks back to be honest LOL)

Stevie must have had a girlfriend named Sally who ditched him. Sorry, Stevie,l but Sally is my real name according to my birth certificate.

I have started many threads about what is going on in other Middle East countries. Evidently you are too obsessed with the Jews that you have no interest in what is going on elsewhere. You never answered my questions which were.........

Why didn't Jordan and Egypt do the same for these people (all the things I mentioned and I forgot to mention the Israelis put in infrastructure for these Arabs), and why weren't these people clamoring for a state when Jordan and Egypt ruled over them?
What people ?Sally do you think you can really goad me,and by the way I did once have a Love called Sally.....she mean't so much to me,and on the odd reflections, it still it should...She died in a car crash when she was 19. (Now you managed to get personal information out of me)................steven[/QUOTE]

The things people will do to rid them of their stalkers, were you due to stand trial over your activity ?
US Department needs to issue travel warning for US citizens to Israel. The situation there is tense, Israel is building thousands more settlements, executing Palestinians on a daily basis in the West Bank, and this is drawing reprisals from not only Palestinians in the West Bank but also in the 48 territory which tells us that the situation is very dangerous. Apparently all these attacks today were due to a 50 year old woman being killed in the West Bank.

The Europeans and Germans had to deal with this plague, the poor Palestinians got the brunt of it, and now us Americans have to deal with it. Westerners should steer clear of Israel. If Western Jews want to go, they can at their own risk. In the meantime, Palestinians seem to be on quest to retrieve their land, and good luck to them.

"It's the Jews fault!!"...:slap:

It is. We should invade Israel for not protecting the very lives that make their existence possible.

Is that like a punch line to a bad joke?

Maybe. Why does the OP act like we just woke up this morning and low and behold there seems to be trouble between Israel and those the Jews displaced.

Travel by Americans to that region is dangerous. Nobody gets any special consideration vet or not. Like I implied this is a whole lot more an Israeli problem than a US State Department problem.

We made our bed by destroying much of the Arab world supposedly to protect Israel. Is it really such a shock that Americans are targets in the region now?

I'm tellin you, you need to take your act in the road, another of your punch lines:

:cuckoo:"We made our bed by destroying much of the Arab world supposedly to protect Israel. Is it really such a shock that Americans are targets in the region now?":cuckoo:

"We" destroyed much of the Arab world for Israel? Can you show us?

FYI the Arab Muslims were (are) a bunch backwards ass ignorant savages when "we" (British, Europeans, and then the USA) found them and taught them how to drill that oil, and then bought it from them at exuberant prices and lined up their filthy bloody pockets with Western money.

I thought we went out there and drilled for the oil, pumped it up and sold it for them until they got greedy and decided to do it all themselves. Then they found work and islam do not mix so had to employ westerners to do the technical side of things. I am waiting for the day the arab oil runs out and the Jews announce their substitute that costs half the price of oil
If that was the case then why are the Jews mentioned so many times, and their homeland of Israel is also mentioned many times. The koran was a rip off of the Torah and Bible with the " live in peace" sections removed

But you wont find 2 billion followers that follow those sadistic entries as you do with the koran and the muslims

You won't find 1.5 billion Muslims who follow the more savage stuff int he koran, either. Trying to conflate your disagreement with largely secular Palestinians is kind of silly. I knew Palestinian girls in college. They didn't wear Hijabs, they wore tight blue jeans.

And yet another underachiever that is insanely jealous of anyone that worked hard to get their wealth. I worked 16 hour shifts, took no time of work and ran a small business on the side. I ripped no one of as I CHARGED 5% TO 10% UNDER EVERYONE ELSE. I did most of the work myself, and what I did farm out I expected to be done with the same diligence as I would put in. You are the type of employee that would complain about my car that cost £125,000 while you drove a £1000 wreck, then whinge about my home set in its own grounds while you rented a small flat. You would spend your money on loose women, drink and drugs, while I saved mine for a rainy day. The type that would shout loudly about never being given a chance, but not once showing that you had the skills needed to be promoted.

Oh, look, it's another "Conservative" bragging about how successful he is.

Guy, I've done more than you ever will... but even I came to realize that for most people, Capitalism is a shit sandwich.

I remember my first job out of the Army, when the Jews who owned the company we worked for wouldn't spring for basic safety equipment until we called OSHA on them.
"It's the Jews fault!!"...:slap:

It is. We should invade Israel for not protecting the very lives that make their existence possible.

Is that like a punch line to a bad joke?

Maybe. Why does the OP act like we just woke up this morning and low and behold there seems to be trouble between Israel and those the Jews displaced.

Travel by Americans to that region is dangerous. Nobody gets any special consideration vet or not. Like I implied this is a whole lot more an Israeli problem than a US State Department problem.

We made our bed by destroying much of the Arab world supposedly to protect Israel. Is it really such a shock that Americans are targets in the region now?

I'm tellin you, you need to take your act in the road, another of your punch lines:

:cuckoo:"We made our bed by destroying much of the Arab world supposedly to protect Israel. Is it really such a shock that Americans are targets in the region now?":cuckoo:

"We" destroyed much of the Arab world for Israel? Can you show us?

FYI the Arab Muslims were (are) a bunch backwards ass ignorant savages when "we" (British, Europeans, and then the USA) found them and taught them how to drill that oil, and then bought it from them at exuberant prices and lined up their filthy bloody pockets with Western money.

I thought we went out there and drilled for the oil, pumped it up and sold it for them until they got greedy and decided to do it all themselves. Then they found work and islam do not mix so had to employ westerners to do the technical side of things. I am waiting for the day the arab oil runs out and the Jews announce their substitute that costs half the price of oil

Phoen----my kid was in the US navy-----his ship docked at various OIL EMIRATE
states.-------my baby ----because of the people with whom I worked and socialized
when he was a baby,, knows INDIANS (most importantly DAL AND RICE) -----
My little genius was a kinda "sophisticate" amongst his southern mates---and always led them to ANY CURRY HOUSE he could find (he managed to find one even in SCOTLAND)--------Thus----FIRST task was "find an indian"-----which was VERY EASY in the Emirates. ------he discovered that HINDUS RUN THE PLACE.
He told me "Ma---if one day ALL THE HINDUS sit down like Gandhi---and STOP
WORKING------the arabs will starve to death"
US Department needs to issue travel warning for US citizens to Israel. The situation there is tense, Israel is building thousands more settlements, executing Palestinians on a daily basis in the West Bank, and this is drawing reprisals from not only Palestinians in the West Bank but also in the 48 territory which tells us that the situation is very dangerous. Apparently all these attacks today were due to a 50 year old woman being killed in the West Bank.

The Europeans and Germans had to deal with this plague, the poor Palestinians got the brunt of it, and now us Americans have to deal with it. Westerners should steer clear of Israel. If Western Jews want to go, they can at their own risk. In the meantime, Palestinians seem to be on quest to retrieve their land, and good luck to them.

"It's the Jews fault!!"...:slap:
Partly or more than Partly=Mainly........You/Jews cannot treat the Palestinians in the way they have,without expecting to be Mauled Back......Israel's main problem after 60 years of Savagery towards the Palestinians,is not the Palestinians but also the rest of the world turning on them.......all of their own making...No One these days (apart from some Jews themselves)....say or think....Oh the poor Old Jews..... because you have totally diminished any Moral High Ground you may have had in the past, because of you Savagery towards the Palestinians and the Assination of your Prime Minister Yitsak Rabin is the reason no one believes a word you or your Government say..........You may be in America but forever will be Israels LACKEYS.........and because of that you diminish yourselves and that of your future for your children......They will look back.....and think you were MAD...steve

I have to laugh at your "Savagery" shtick,Stevie. Funny how you overlook so much of the savagery in the Muslim world to obsess over the Jews. When the Jews took over the administration of the disputed territories from Jordan and Egypt, they build hospital, clinics and schools for these Arabs, gave them inoculations against infectious diseases (inoculations they never had before), increased their life expectancy and gave them one of the highest standards of living in the Middle East. Two questions for you, Stevie. Why didn't Jordan and Egypt do the same for these people, and why weren't these people clamoring for a state when Jordan and Egypt ruled over them?
That's good Sally but the Zionist Savagery etc., was a fact.........that you cannot deny.......just own up to your past.....This is a Pal/Isr thread,I have explained to you before I am most interested in the Pal/Isr schism and a positive PEACEFUL future for these two nations whom I have lived with and admire....but we are at a point neithers past can be put completely behind us.

Others like ISIS,the C in Syria etc., is separate and will and have told you before my feelings on those issues,give me a bit of respect as I have never lied(intentionally) to you.

Start a threat about Arabs and we will talk,regards STEVIE(I know you love to use this Monika Sally to irritate me,but its all water off a ducks back to be honest LOL)

you know nothing about the history of jews and muslims---STEVIE BABY
Poor joe------he does not even seem to REALIZE that the fact that he was suckled
on Nazi shit is SO OBVIOUS------he unconsciously parrots the classic crap
HUH??? any discussion of "white" people vs "not white" would require a clear
definition of "white" vs and "non white". I am ----by education ----something like a biologist. I do not recognize "race" in the genus, species HOMO SAPIEN---since Homo SAPIENS have interbred for tens of thousands of years---FREELY.
Perhaps you can define "white" person ----vs "not white" person

Naw, I'm really not going to wander down one of your rabbit holes... Zionism is another form of colonialism. An Apartheid system where European Settlers oppress native non-Europeans.

The Zionists are Europeans. That's why I find people like Jew Roids screaming about "Antisemitism" so fucking funny, as the Arabs are the Semites here, not European Interlopers who happen to share a religion with the people who lived their 2000 years ago.

Perhaps it is you who has to be medicated, Joe. As one poster once pointed out, anti-Semitism is a mental disease and you have it bad.. Plus, you don't know it all. There were many Nazi enclaves in the New York area.

Yeah, okay, if you say so... I think you hire these people so you can whine about how oppressed you are.

A smart guy like you want us to think you are surely can research this and find out what is said about killing Infidels. It has been posted so many times on these forums that it is a shame you missed it. Maybe you can tell us, Joe, why Jerusalem is never mentioned in the Koran once, but is mentioned so many times in the Old and New Testaments.

Naw, I can tell you that they aren't in the Koran because at the time the Koran was written, the Jews were a non-factor. The Koran was more concerned with the Christian Byzantines and Zoroasterian Persians.

But you'll find a lot more truly sadistic stuff in the Bible than the Koran.

So they'll do what you guys always do. Find some obscure Hadith (not part of the Koran) not followed by all sects. Which would be about as intellectually honest as saying that Christianity is anti-Semitic by pointing out that there was a book called "The Jews and Their LIes" written by Martin Luther. You know. In Germany.

Joe ----never comment on a book you never read. It is clear that you never read the KORAN. ------I was about 20 (a REALLY LONG TIME AGO) when a then NEW translation of the koran fell into my hands ---pictthall----(?) I took a look ----
and noticed that it was ---ALL ABOUT JOOOOS----so I read it. JOOOS is very prominent in the koran. As to your idiot comment that ZIONISM is a European
phenomenon------it is clear that you know NOTHING about the history of jews
in the MIDDLE EAST-----the MOST FERVENT ZIONISTS in the world are and ---
in general have been for the past more than 1000 years----jews stuck in countries
invaded by muslims and those who have escaped that situation
You have produced sufficient evidence of the fact that you are the product of
a depraved nazi whore-house with the post above-----another reiteration of the
propaganda written by those of YOUR ilk who fled the Nuremburg trials and the
firm "philosophies" of your fellow pimps and whores. How many jews have you
met who preferred your "god" adolf Hitler to migration to Israel or even the filth
of your shit?

Actually, most of my opinions about Jews is the misfortune of having to work for one.

But hey, we ran your Hitler Card, and it's over it's limit. You guys ran out of "But, but, but Hitler years ago."

Did he sack you for being lazy, incompetent and a waste of space

Strange then that it is you that plays the Hitler cared all the time, and gets shown to be the Hitler follower.

Awww, I knew it, it's obvious he got fired by his Jewish employer being a mentally ill irresponsible moron, and now he's an out of work welfare case bum, taking his anger out by spewing Jew hate 24/7 on the Internet. The garbage shouldn't have been given a chance and hired in the first place.
HUH??? any discussion of "white" people vs "not white" would require a clear
definition of "white" vs and "non white". I am ----by education ----something like a biologist. I do not recognize "race" in the genus, species HOMO SAPIEN---since Homo SAPIENS have interbred for tens of thousands of years---FREELY.
Perhaps you can define "white" person ----vs "not white" person

Naw, I'm really not going to wander down one of your rabbit holes... Zionism is another form of colonialism. An Apartheid system where European Settlers oppress native non-Europeans.

The Zionists are Europeans. That's why I find people like Jew Roids screaming about "Antisemitism" so fucking funny, as the Arabs are the Semites here, not European Interlopers who happen to share a religion with the people who lived their 2000 years ago.

Perhaps it is you who has to be medicated, Joe. As one poster once pointed out, anti-Semitism is a mental disease and you have it bad.. Plus, you don't know it all. There were many Nazi enclaves in the New York area.

Yeah, okay, if you say so... I think you hire these people so you can whine about how oppressed you are.

A smart guy like you want us to think you are surely can research this and find out what is said about killing Infidels. It has been posted so many times on these forums that it is a shame you missed it. Maybe you can tell us, Joe, why Jerusalem is never mentioned in the Koran once, but is mentioned so many times in the Old and New Testaments.

Naw, I can tell you that they aren't in the Koran because at the time the Koran was written, the Jews were a non-factor. The Koran was more concerned with the Christian Byzantines and Zoroasterian Persians.

But you'll find a lot more truly sadistic stuff in the Bible than the Koran.

So they'll do what you guys always do. Find some obscure Hadith (not part of the Koran) not followed by all sects. Which would be about as intellectually honest as saying that Christianity is anti-Semitic by pointing out that there was a book called "The Jews and Their LIes" written by Martin Luther. You know. In Germany.

Poor Joehammad, he insists on exhibiting his total ignorance in public. No wonder he got fired.
US Department needs to issue travel warning for US citizens to Israel. The situation there is tense, Israel is building thousands more settlements, executing Palestinians on a daily basis in the West Bank, and this is drawing reprisals from not only Palestinians in the West Bank but also in the 48 territory which tells us that the situation is very dangerous. Apparently all these attacks today were due to a 50 year old woman being killed in the West Bank.

The Europeans and Germans had to deal with this plague, the poor Palestinians got the brunt of it, and now us Americans have to deal with it. Westerners should steer clear of Israel. If Western Jews want to go, they can at their own risk. In the meantime, Palestinians seem to be on quest to retrieve their land, and good luck to them.

"It's the Jews fault!!"...:slap:
Partly or more than Partly=Mainly........You/Jews cannot treat the Palestinians in the way they have,without expecting to be Mauled Back......Israel's main problem after 60 years of Savagery towards the Palestinians,is not the Palestinians but also the rest of the world turning on them.......all of their own making...No One these days (apart from some Jews themselves)....say or think....Oh the poor Old Jews..... because you have totally diminished any Moral High Ground you may have had in the past, because of you Savagery towards the Palestinians and the Assination of your Prime Minister Yitsak Rabin is the reason no one believes a word you or your Government say..........You may be in America but forever will be Israels LACKEYS.........and because of that you diminish yourselves and that of your future for your children......They will look back.....and think you were MAD...steve
More hyperbole.
Begin was a murderer so every Jew in Israel is a murderer.
Grow up.
Still have YOUR HEAD BURIED IN THE SAND I see Indie,shame really that world affairs and opinion has passed you by

Years ago....steve,it is you that should try to grow up times You are a Child.
Indie,refrain from your normal abuse when addressing me as I cannot be bothered replying in the same manner,it's boring,if you have nothing sensible to say.....just don't bother replying..steve Huh "Begin" and millions more,one swallow maketh not a summer
I should ignore someone who accuses all Israeli Jews as being murderers?
I think not.
If that was the case then why are the Jews mentioned so many times, and their homeland of Israel is also mentioned many times. The koran was a rip off of the Torah and Bible with the " live in peace" sections removed

But you wont find 2 billion followers that follow those sadistic entries as you do with the koran and the muslims

You won't find 1.5 billion Muslims who follow the more savage stuff int he koran, either. Trying to conflate your disagreement with largely secular Palestinians is kind of silly. I knew Palestinian girls in college. They didn't wear Hijabs, they wore tight blue jeans.

And yet another underachiever that is insanely jealous of anyone that worked hard to get their wealth. I worked 16 hour shifts, took no time of work and ran a small business on the side. I ripped no one of as I CHARGED 5% TO 10% UNDER EVERYONE ELSE. I did most of the work myself, and what I did farm out I expected to be done with the same diligence as I would put in. You are the type of employee that would complain about my car that cost £125,000 while you drove a £1000 wreck, then whinge about my home set in its own grounds while you rented a small flat. You would spend your money on loose women, drink and drugs, while I saved mine for a rainy day. The type that would shout loudly about never being given a chance, but not once showing that you had the skills needed to be promoted.

Oh, look, it's another "Conservative" bragging about how successful he is.

Guy, I've done more than you ever will... but even I came to realize that for most people, Capitalism is a shit sandwich.

I remember my first job out of the Army, when the Jews who owned the company we worked for wouldn't spring for basic safety equipment until we called OSHA on them.

If they don't they are apostates and open to summary execution. It is all there in the koran, and it is enforced all over the world. There was a documentary on British TV a few years back detailing how religious police went round muslim shops and threatened the owners who did not attend mosque to pray 5 times a day. First offence was a talking to, second offence was a beating to them and their family third offence was being called home to Pakistan et al and getting killed. Seems that the religious police had a field day that year and the mosques could not hold all the muslims.

That's right I worked for myself and earned a lot of money, you worked for others and because you had one bad experience your Jew hatred has you making all Jews the same as this one. Called RACIST ANTI SEMITIC JAE HATRED where I come from
It is. We should invade Israel for not protecting the very lives that make their existence possible.

Is that like a punch line to a bad joke?

Maybe. Why does the OP act like we just woke up this morning and low and behold there seems to be trouble between Israel and those the Jews displaced.

Travel by Americans to that region is dangerous. Nobody gets any special consideration vet or not. Like I implied this is a whole lot more an Israeli problem than a US State Department problem.

We made our bed by destroying much of the Arab world supposedly to protect Israel. Is it really such a shock that Americans are targets in the region now?

I'm tellin you, you need to take your act in the road, another of your punch lines:

:cuckoo:"We made our bed by destroying much of the Arab world supposedly to protect Israel. Is it really such a shock that Americans are targets in the region now?":cuckoo:

"We" destroyed much of the Arab world for Israel? Can you show us?

FYI the Arab Muslims were (are) a bunch backwards ass ignorant savages when "we" (British, Europeans, and then the USA) found them and taught them how to drill that oil, and then bought it from them at exuberant prices and lined up their filthy bloody pockets with Western money.

I thought we went out there and drilled for the oil, pumped it up and sold it for them until they got greedy and decided to do it all themselves. Then they found work and islam do not mix so had to employ westerners to do the technical side of things. I am waiting for the day the arab oil runs out and the Jews announce their substitute that costs half the price of oil

Phoen----my kid was in the US navy-----his ship docked at various OIL EMIRATE
states.-------my baby ----because of the people with whom I worked and socialized
when he was a baby,, knows INDIANS (most importantly DAL AND RICE) -----
My little genius was a kinda "sophisticate" amongst his southern mates---and always led them to ANY CURRY HOUSE he could find (he managed to find one even in SCOTLAND)--------Thus----FIRST task was "find an indian"-----which was VERY EASY in the Emirates. ------he discovered that HINDUS RUN THE PLACE.
He told me "Ma---if one day ALL THE HINDUS sit down like Gandhi---and STOP
WORKING------the arabs will starve to death"

I have seen the same thing in the UK in reverse, I worked shifts and the muslims that worked those same shifts demanded time of to pray and eat because their religion demanded it. This meant we had to work harder to cover for the muslims who where actually sleeping so they could get their other work done. We demanded the same allowance and we knew that management would refuse and stop the muslims from taking time of as well.
US Department needs to issue travel warning for US citizens to Israel. The situation there is tense, Israel is building thousands more settlements, executing Palestinians on a daily basis in the West Bank, and this is drawing reprisals from not only Palestinians in the West Bank but also in the 48 territory which tells us that the situation is very dangerous. Apparently all these attacks today were due to a 50 year old woman being killed in the West Bank.

The Europeans and Germans had to deal with this plague, the poor Palestinians got the brunt of it, and now us Americans have to deal with it. Westerners should steer clear of Israel. If Western Jews want to go, they can at their own risk. In the meantime, Palestinians seem to be on quest to retrieve their land, and good luck to them.

"It's the Jews fault!!"...:slap:

It is. We should invade Israel for not protecting the very lives that make their existence possible.

Is that like a punch line to a bad joke?

Maybe. Why does the OP act like we just woke up this morning and low and behold there seems to be trouble between Israel and those the Jews displaced.

Travel by Americans to that region is dangerous. Nobody gets any special consideration vet or not. Like I implied this is a whole lot more an Israeli problem than a US State Department problem.

We made our bed by destroying much of the Arab world supposedly to protect Israel. Is it really such a shock that Americans are targets in the region now?

Another person that thinks the muslims had lived there from before time began. They arrived some time in the late 19C after the Jews had started to work the land and make it fertile. They never had any ownership or sovereignty of the land from 1099 when they where beaten and kicked out. Then in 1914 when they fought on the side of the Ottomans they were beat again and lost any claims they had to the land under the Treaty of Sevres and the Treaty of Lausanne.

The reality is the arab muslims do not want to lose any land and will fight to the death to take back what they have already stolen. They are after world domination at any cost, even if it means the majority of the world is a nuclear wasteland

No. You have no idea what I think. I made my point clear that it is obviously dangerous for Americans, especially American military, to travel in the region. I also made it clear that what happens in Israel is Israel's responsibility to deal with.

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