Army's 100 Years Of Honoring The Confederacy Ends

When I served in the Army the Confederate flag was flown at several fire bases I visited. One fairly large facility.

That is back when there were no Queers, Transvestites in the Army and we told the uppity Negroes to shut the fuck up.
When I served in the Army the Confederate flag was flown at several fire bases I visited. One fairly large facility.

That is back when there were no Queers, Transvestites in the Army and we told the uppity Negroes to shut the fuck up.
You're an idiot.
You need to look up the definition of sexual deviance , it does not include sexual minorities but it may well include people like yourself. Wake up already and stop the self hatred , it does no one any good , especially yourself.
I am not impressed with how libs describe themselves

All that matters is how I see them
You are confused Moon Bat. The idiots are these sicko shitheads that think it is super cool to destroy history and heritage.
Im far from confused and farther from a Moonbat. You are standing firmly and directly in idiotville though.
When I served in the Army the Confederate flag was flown at several fire bases I visited. One fairly large facility.

That is back when there were no Queers, Transvestites in the Army and we told the uppity Negroes to shut the fuck up.
When I was in I don't think that many of those in knew the significance of the name of the bases. It wasn't until recently that it became an issue.
When I was in I don't think that many of those in knew the significance of the name of the bases. It wasn't until recently that it became an issue.
This. No one knew or cared about who the bases were named after. Changing them is fine, but acting like black service members were crying themselves to sleep at night about it or were even aware of it is revisionist history.
This. No one knew or cared about who the bases were named after. Changing them is fine, but acting like black service members were crying themselves to sleep at night about it or were even aware of it is revisionist history.
I was in for quite sometime I don't recall it ever coming up in a discussion, whether with white or black servicemembers.
It will be tough to call them by the new names. I have called those bases Bragg, Gordon, Benning, Ft Lee, etc by those names for 40 years.
I know what you mean. My son was stationed at Fort Benning, and my daughter was stationed at Fort Lee and Fort Hood.
I know what you mean. My son was stationed at Fort Benning, and my daughter was stationed at Fort Lee and Fort Hood.
I have been to all the bases on the east coast numerous times. Stationed at Rucker, Meade, and a few others. Dating back to 83.

What I thought was funny were some people who want to rename Ft Jackson. They did not realize it was named after Andrew Jackson.
Poor whiny can't change history, it already happened skrewey.
I can just see you in the Army skrewey, what a hoot.

Yes it happened. And the Confederacy was burned to the ground, and had all of it's money, land, and property confiscated because of it.

Right after Lee had to prostate himself in complete humiliation before Grants officers at Appomattox Court House.

And then his property seized, and s now Arlington National Cemetary.

You really want to keep monuments up to your humiliating defeat?
Yes it happened. And the Confederacy was burned to the ground, and had all of it's money, land, and property confiscated because of it.

Right after Lee had to prostate himself in complete humiliation before Grants officers at Appomattox Court House.

And then his property seized, and s now Arlington National Cemetary.

You really want to keep monuments up to your humiliating defeat?
The monument for Lee is for the man that he was and a great leader.
You and your ilk want to destroy anything that doesn't fit your, pardon the pun, skewed view of life. You hate America and all that it stood and stands for, and its time we cleaned out the Dim toilet.
Yes it happened. And the Confederacy was burned to the ground, and had all of it's money, land, and property confiscated because of it.

Right after Lee had to prostate himself in complete humiliation before Grants officers at Appomattox Court House.

And then his property seized, and s now Arlington National Cemetary.

You really want to keep monuments up to your humiliating defeat?
Fluuusshhh and round and round goes skrewey down and down......
Yes it happened. And the Confederacy was burned to the ground, and had all of it's money, land, and property confiscated because of it.

Right after Lee had to prostate himself in complete humiliation before Grants officers at Appomattox Court House.

And then his property seized, and s now Arlington National Cemetary.

You really want to keep monuments up to your humiliating defeat?
..and there went your statue around and around and down the toilet and out where it belongs skrewey.
When I served in the Army the Confederate flag was flown at several fire bases I visited. One fairly large facility.

That is back when there were no Queers, Transvestites in the Army and we told the uppity Negroes to shut the fuck up.
Fortunately most of those you call Uppity Negroes and Queers are officers and don't have to deal with the trashy white enlisted ( or drafted ) people like you most likely were.

So dont think Flash is an idiot or you dont agree that he should stop posting idiotic things like

"When I served in the Army the Confederate flag was flown at several fire bases I visited. One fairly large facility.

That is back when there were no Queers, Transvestites in the Army and we told the uppity Negroes to shut the fuck up."

Im very confused.

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