Army's 100 Years Of Honoring The Confederacy Ends

Where's Uncle Remus? I bet almost no kids born after after 2000 have ever heard an Uncle Remus story.

They chip away at history all the time, then tell ridiculous lies.

Robert E. Lee was one of the best military tacticians ever. Ever on this planet.
... until he was not at Gettysburg and lost the war.
You ASS-ume too much , the " uppity " ones as you call them are the smart ones , they know what they're doing and they don't stand and take your shit. Those are the few that become leaders.
I didn’t call anyone anything dum dum. You also obviously know little to nothing of how the military works. Now run along.
Poor whiny can't change history, it already happened skrewey.
I can just see you in the Army skrewey, what a hoot.
This is a lie.

No one is trying to ‘change history.’

The fact is that such monuments were intended to intimidate black Americans and reinforce racist black codes, Jim Crow, and segregation.
All Confederates were pardoned and many rejoined the US Army.

A small part of history you dolts like to ignore.
They are complete morons, because history has to be preserved and taught in order to never forget the mistakes human beings can make in life, along with the consequences that come with them as well as the solution's that came afterwards.

Our problem today is that we have evil that is taking our history, and then studying it for nefarious purposes.

Otherwise they are looking for weaknesses, and it matters not when those mistakes were made, because they are looking at the human condition in hopes to exploit the condition for various reasoning that empowers them or enriches them.

These types of people's numbers have grown exponentially in these latter days.

Yes, this country should protect it's history, and then make sure that it's not being taught wrongfully or worse exploited for all the wrong reasons.
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This is a lie.

No one is trying to ‘change history.’

The fact is that such monuments were intended to intimidate black Americans and reinforce racist black codes, Jim Crow, and segregation.
You apply that interpretation, but it doesn't make it so.

Seeing a statue in all it's splendor and stature, and then thinking to ones self "how could this individual as smart as he looks", make the mistake of fighting a war that had the stigmatism of Slavery attached to it or worse to reside over a war that was being fought over the enslavement of men against their will ??? Quickly ones idea of such a splendid heroe looking man, next turns into the idea that (sin once enters the heart), can destroy even the tallest of men.
The monument for Lee is for the man that he was and a great leader.
You and your ilk want to destroy anything that doesn't fit your, pardon the pun, skewed view of life. You hate America and all that it stood and stands for, and its time we cleaned out the Dim toilet.
Worse, you want to keep monuments to treasonous war criminals who sought to destroy America.
They were named after them as a recruitment tool during WW1. It had little to do with racism. At least on the part of the government.

I posted an article in another thread sometime ago that talked about Washington sending emissaries to all the southern states because their citizens wouldn't join the military. States were told that bases would be named after Confederat heroes if states would provide men. The states made a big push to get men enlisted and the drive was successful. Now, that very same government, in the name of political correctness is reneging on their promise.
The problem with the rempant re-naming of these posts is that history changes the view of previous behaviors. What was once acceptable is no longer viewed that way years later. Eisenhower, it is reported, cheated on his wife. Should we honor him?

I get that you don't want to "honor" the rebs with naming bases after them but anytime you name anything after someone; you open yourself up to the same interpretation downrange.

Fort Liberty is great. It isn't named after someone whose actions can be viewed differently in 20-80 years. I say just leave it as it is if you're going to just pick another historical figure to honor.
That the racist, bigoted right continues to defend their fellow racist treasonous war criminals who sought to destroy America comes as no surprise.
But it was your Dimtard party that founded the KKK....remember? Racist group, burning crosses, lynching blacks....and actually the treasonous war criminal you are whining about,....Dim also. They fought for what they believed in, unlike your ilk who hates everything about this country and just cries nonstop like babies. You remember babies, right Mrs. Jones? Those things you like to murder??

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