Arrest Made In Attempt To Obstruct Election Certification

Lol, well retard a fair reasonable and independent DOJ has arrested her. She will now get a chance at a jury trial. The jury will determine kid the arrest was fair and responsible.. Then mist likely she will join the hundreds upon hundreds of retards in jailfor Jan 6th. We will rejoice and laugh at your retarded ass and wonder wen your retarded ass will join your retarded brethren.
I didn't think minors were allowed to post on this forum.
"Kellye SoRelle — general counsel for the antigovernment group — was arrested in Texas on charges including conspiracy to obstruct the certification of President Joe Biden's electoral college victory, the Justice Department said."

Here's what happened after the 2016 election:

I'll be waiting for the arrest of:

James McGovern (D-Mass.)

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.)

Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Tx)

Arizona Rep. Raúl Grijalva

And several others. What time frame should we expect their arrests by the independent, fair, and unbiased DOJ?

You tried to have a coup because your thin-skinned narcissistic Orange God couldn't accept that he lost. Not only the Presidency, but the House and the Senate. Because even though he's gone bankrupt six times and divorced twice, he's a "winner."
You tried to have a coup because your thin-skinned narcissistic Orange God couldn't accept that he lost. Not only the Presidency, but the House and the Senate. Because even though he's gone bankrupt six times and divorced twice, he's a "winner."
Ummmmmmmmmm, did you not even read the links in the OP? In 2016 several democrats obstructed the electoral vote certification, claiming the election was a fraud.
I didn't think minors were allowed to post on this forum.
Lol, OK retard. Hilarious. Well ffirst off where in the rules does it state a minor can't be on this site? Not that is relevant. Hilarious. So where is this election fraud evidence? Lol, how many court cases did yall lose? Lol. Is Joe Biden in the Whitehouse? What was the result of the whole audit thing in Arizona? 300 more votes for Biden? Hilarious. Did ya see the guy hired in Wisconsin that was hired to do the audit got fired? Did you see Bill Barr trumps hand picked lucky say the election fraud thing was bull shit? How about John Bolton basically saying everything trumps says is bull shit? How many Trumptards are in jail as we speak over Jan 6th? Lol you are a retard. I would love to know the answers to the questions retard! Inquiring minds want to know.
All 50 states said the same thing about the 2020 election too,

Oh really? All 50 states? Even the red ones? You mean the governors all gave their opinion as if somehow they all had prescient abilities, did their own massive investigations or did the states themselves issue the edicts? :lmao:

Do you have any record of that propitious event? I mean, not only are there still two open cases at least but they've spent two years just trying to really figure out what happened at one 4 hour riot!

But they all knew long ago without question that despite many states conducting highly suspicious and illegal alterations to election laws with people dropping off handfuls of ballots all around town at all hours of the night for days on end without chain of custody spending weeks finding and counting ballots, that some lowlife BUM whose own Pres wanted to dump him who ran no campaign with no real message and couldn't gather more than 1% of the vote any other time running with the most disliked VP in the party not only still won totally on the up and up, but they even set new historic records getting 17 million more votes than even his golden boy superstar of the DNC Barry Obumma ever got!!!

Lol, OK retard. Hilarious. Well ffirst off where in the rules does it state a minor can't be on this site? Not that is relevant. Hilarious. So where is this election fraud evidence? Lol, how many court cases did yall lose? Lol. Is Joe Biden in the Whitehouse? What was the result of the whole audit thing in Arizona? 300 more votes for Biden? Hilarious. Did ya see the guy hired in Wisconsin that was hired to do the audit got fired? Did you see Bill Barr trumps hand picked lucky say the election fraud thing was bull shit? How about John Bolton basically saying everything trumps says is bull shit? How many Trumptards are in jail as we speak over Jan 6th? Lol you are a retard. I would love to know the answers to the questions retard! Inquiring minds want to know.
I always know when a lefty looses an argument when their only come back is calling people names.
Who did they do that to?
Guess you don't keep up with the news. It's even on the liberal news. They are rounding up every protester that was at the Capitol and finding some kind of charge for every single one of them. They are having a kangaroo hearing on Jan 6th where they are a panel of nothing but anti-Trumpers being judge, jury, and executioner. And, they are attempting to suppress the votes of millions and millions of voters who would vote for Trump.
Opposing or objecting to the EC results isn't a crime its protected by the first amendment, but using violence to try to prevent those results from being certified and threatening to assassinate the VP and members of Congress is a crime.

The OP is trying to equate the two.

And lets not forget about Trump's numerous attempts to threaten and coerce state officials into throwing out legal votes for Biden and forge phony Trump votes
Sure sure, she was using the fine Boy Scout who helped her so much during the election. You know James Comey.

The Democrats were the minority in both chambers of Congress until 2019.
Means nothing. She and other leading Ds including O, Brennan and the Clap effectively harmed the incoming administration pushing a hoax.

You bought the hoax right?

Yet another example proving we live in a failed state controlled by criminals.
There is no law that prevents congressman and senators from voting to decertify electoral votes on counting day in fact there is a perfectly legal means to do it. Thus no law to prevent people from planning ahead of time how and when to do it. Nor any law to prevent people from trying to convince congressman and senators from doing so.
Guess you don't keep up with the news. It's even on the liberal news. They are rounding up every protester that was at the Capitol and finding some kind of charge for every single one of them. They are having a kangaroo hearing on Jan 6th where they are a panel of nothing but anti-Trumpers being judge, jury, and executioner. And, they are attempting to suppress the votes of millions and millions of voters who would vote for Trump.
There were tens of thousands of protestors at the Capitol. They’re not rounding up everyone of them. A few hundred are charged I’m not aware of anyone falsely charged. Are you?

How are they suppressing millions of votes exactly? By telling the people what he did? Seems kind of like a good thing to me. Transparency is great.
I really hate to say it or even see it but we are getting closer and closer to having to take back our country, which has been taken over by Democrats.
The Declaration of Independence says exactly this. It's not just the Democrats either. There are several Republicans that go along with it and simply don't fight the takeover by the fascist-communist Democrats. You would think those are contradiction of terms but not really. Communists use fascism as well to begin the process of unrest to conquer and divide. We are not God and are not capable on our own to build a utopian government without it crumbling into Communism or Nazism. Humans are too flawed.

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