Art of the Deal. China Blinks.

You do know that Tramp blinked first and that was China's response to Tramp delaying his tariffs on China.
Oh that's right, you get your FAKE NEWS from the Right.
China asked Trump to delay the tariffs, so as a good will gesture he delayed them two weeks. That's not blinking, that's smart negotiating. Your TDS is showing.
There is no "trade deal" yet, they seem to be taking the low hanging fruit first instead of a mega-deal.
What do you think will happen this week when the Fed lowers interest rates a 1/4 point?
China asked no such thing. Tramp's economic advisors showed him just how much his STUPID tariffs would cost the American consumer during the Christmas season and Tramp caved.
China asked no such thing ?????????? Yes they did.
If you don't know how to debate, with facts, please go to the flame zone or other places where liars with TDS hang out.

The fact is that, despite escalating trade tensions, Beijing sees Trump as the ideal U.S. president for China. Trump’s withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, his tough approach to trade with Japan, and his talk of removing U.S. troops from South Korea all served China’s interests by accelerating the decline of U.S. influence in Asia, opening space for China to expand its influence even faster than it had ever thought possible. China could hardly hope for a more cooperative occupant of the White House. China remains confident in its ability to manage Trump.

You make a lot of claims there without even one link to back them up?! More "fake news".
1. Trump's tariffs is causing many companies to move out of China to places like VN.
Trade war drives manufacturers out of China, just not to the US
2. Trump wants Japan to rebuild their defenses to help restrain China

In the time of Trump, Japan is looking to defend itself
3. The 30,000 US troops in SK are just a trip-wire, the South Koreans are enough of a trip-wire. Trump is right.
4. China is building bases on man made islands

Why China is building islands in the South China Sea
5. We're in a trade war with China and you're rooting for the Chinese? WTF? Grow a brain. If Trump was being "managed" by China he would not be pursuing a trade war to promote US jobs.
truthful hyperbole
Is a PC oxymoron for LYING!

To the list you go. Your warnings were long ago Edith. I’ve had enough of your spew.
Who gives a hairy flying FUCK who in on your STUPID list. :asshole:

You will never get off the list with that sort of attitude. I could always move you higher.
Kiss my ass.

I will have to make a new the Beast super-predator list.

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