China military show of force near Taiwan has experts asking if island could be the 'next Hong Kong'

They have no way to transport troops.
Not according to my research

China’s amphibious force emerges
Beyond grabbing Taiwan or Diaoyu/Senkaku isles, real usefulness is in peacetime Asia-Pacific influence battle

notice that they have an impressive shipbuilding capability

if they invade taiwan the only way to stop them is by a total 1950 level US military commitment
Repercussions will still happen. South Korea, Japan and the U.S. are formidable. If nothing is done with China annexing Taiwan, then Japan will most definitely upgrade their defense force into a military force with nuclear weapons. China may not want that.

The problem is, what precedence has the West shown to follow through on this? Iran is still hugged by the world outside the U.S and it's closest allies. China released the Wuhan Virus, decimating the global economy, costing 100's of thousands of lives, and everyone acts as if it's one big misunderstanding. Nary a peep of outrage outside of a few brave nations.

What about Taiwan wanting to be in the W.H.O and China blocking it? Or altering the H.K agreement? Concentration camps, theft of businesses on their soil.

Silence from "leaders" everywhere.

We are at the cross roads of civilization, no different than in 1942, it's just coming in a far more deliberate and calculating manner. Some believe "hey, no shots fired, everything is all systems go".

How horribly wrong the West is. How much of our soul must be sold to make a few bucks?
Dont count on South Korea to join in a war against china

they are heavily invested in china and still threatened by north korea
I repeat my mantra that we are living in a time of the weakest leadership in Western history. European weakness and unreliability as an ally to HK, Taiwan and others is going to be tested. China realized after they took HK without any consequences (anyone remember Poland?), that now is the time to take what it can. They have so many in the West in their back pocket that it's clear what they can get away with.

Who, other than America, has had the courage to stand up for liberty?! Too many are treasonous in their cowardice as far as I am concerned. Remember what I said would happen to Taiwan, and maybe even Japan eventually. Western leaders of today are feckless. It's insulting to watch how docile they are in the face of an obvious global threat.

Mark my words, if they attack Taiwan, just as they did with the Wuhan Virus, the world will hear silence from our "leaders". America cannot become like the rest of the world, either domestically, or, in your desire to maintain peace.

China military show of force near Taiwan has experts asking if island could be the 'next Hong Kong'

A stream of Chinese fighter jets sliced through Taiwan’s southwest airspace on Wednesday, according to the island’s defense ministry. It was the latest in a string of perceived threats by Beijing in recent weeks.

It comes as Taiwan and the United States appear to draw closer diplomatically – much to Beijing’s ire – and Taipei calls for even more international support amid deepening concerns it could at any moment become the “next Hong Kong.”

In June, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) imposed a sweeping security law in the name of quashing dissent in Hong Kong – prompting activists and opposition politicians to flee or face arrest in a fast-moving erosion of freedoms that the financial enclave was supposed to uphold until at least 2047.

Hong Kong and Taiwan are widely viewed by Chinese nationalists as the two remaining strongholds of opposition to President Xi Jinping's rule, with the former having quickly fallen. As it stands, China does not allow its neighbor to obtain recognition on the international stage.

"Beijing cannot win the hearts and minds of the Taiwanese, the CCP has therefore chosen a punitive strategy – increased military coercion, efforts to isolate Taiwan internationally, and various attempts to undermine the effectiveness of Taiwan's democratic institutions, support for those institutions, and to erode state cohesion," Michael Cole, Taipei-based senior fellow with the Global Taiwan Institute in Washington, D.C., and the Macdonald-Laurier Institute in Ottawa, Canada, told Fox News. "Taiwan's very existence as a free, democratic society is a living condemnation of the CCP. Hong Kong was a stark reminder of that reality, and the Taiwanese were well aware of this."
If they ante up their doom and gloom, save us a world war and sick 'em and the tug they threatened their neighbor with. We cant afford Ww Iii because of the Demmies printing superfluous counterfiet money they "ok" using Pelosi's hotlip lipstick smeared to yoking this free country to foist her lies that links everyone to an asocial basement hider Biden. He's a criminal who steals from a system of giving taxpayer money to corrupt leaders of poor countries, and using his title of Senator and/or Vice President, threatens to destroy their job if they don't pay him millions under the table of taxpayer gifts to that underdeveloped nation. That's the rottenist thing a criminal can do--steal money through channels from his boss eho in this case are all the taxpayers in America, Zand his Demmie helpers decided the public couldn't know it, so they ran him for president in spite of his mental unfitness so clear to see when he speaks. That stealing from the people destroyed his mind. Nobody can handle that much stress of getting caught, and thanks to courageous men in this nation, Biden was caught with his hand in Ukraine's cookie jar. Grapevine says he took 30% of that bonanza to help the Ukrzine be a free people. Sociocommunists have no need for free men. Their rights mean the Dem.ies have to play nice. The Democrats have absolutely zero chance of playing nice due to their own damned wickedness.

Down with fairweather "friend" China who put American workers out of a job for well over 30 years and gave Biden billions in corrupt dollars. Gash darn extortion of the American economy, that damn Biden cheater.

Plz excuse my typo.
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Repercussions will still happen. South Korea, Japan and the U.S. are formidable. If nothing is done with China annexing Taiwan, then Japan will most definitely upgrade their defense force into a military force with nuclear weapons. China may not want that.
We should let Japan rebuild its military to WW2 levels, just to piss off the ChiComs and hopefully get some form of regime change.
Repercussions will still happen. South Korea, Japan and the U.S. are formidable. If nothing is done with China annexing Taiwan, then Japan will most definitely upgrade their defense force into a military force with nuclear weapons. China may not want that.
We should let Japan rebuild its military to WW2 levels, just to piss off the ChiComs and hopefully get some form of regime change.
We can't do that, Bootney. It seems like a fine thing, but it would be a footshoot, trust that. However, if President Trumps best advisers recommended it, the President could be agreeing to China sinking the Japanese Islands, which would threaten life in the Pacific Northwest, the State of Alaska, and our dear Canadian neighbors' western coastal inhabitants. And what would we do without our dear USMB contributor, Ropey? :(
I think if Biden wins then the Chinese will attack and invade Taiwan cuz they know he's a pussy and they have deals with his son. But if Trump wins, then nada, he might not start a war with them but there will be consequences. Same with Putin, you don't fuck with Trump.
Its not just that he is a pussy, they own him, literally, just as they do Diane Feinstein who is nakedly lobbying on communist China's behalf in the senate, and who is obviously a traitor to the United States, obviously so, along with current senate majority leader, Mitch Mcconnell! They also own, Bill Gates, Michael Bloomberg, Jack Dorcey(even though twitter is verboten in China), google(all of it), apple(all of it), Jeff Bezos, NBC/Universal(all of it), Hollywood(all of it), and hundreds of other American billionaires and industrialists, hundreds of them!

China owns every college and university in the United States, and on most of them they have fully operational "Confucious" institutes which are equal part spy centers/recruiters, and communist propaganda distillers. China literally owns every academic of consequence on those campuses and its those academics who are currently dispensing and advancing extraordinarily poisonous "critical race theory," and I promise you funding BLM/antifa operations in every state. I could go on and on and on, the entire political/industrial class of the United States, all of it, has sold itself to the CCP and they are all actively working to effect the CCP's agenda upon the United States!

This is irrefutable fact! Now, as to their fucking navy, its a laugher, the United States can send in two air battle groups and annihilate China's navy in 48-hours or less and probably most of their land based aircraft in two or three weeks time, indeed, just two US air battle groups(aircraft carriers)can field more and substantially superior combat aircraft then both China and Russia have in their entire arsenals both land and sea based!

China has no support and logistical vessels, they cannot project their will beyond their own coastal waters, and they have but one official ally upon earth, that being the "Hermit Kingdom" of North Korea, and I might point out that India hates them, is a US ally, and has largely speaking, parity in military assets.... The only way China wins, is via democratic party treachery, and unfortunately they own them too.

If not for those greedy fucking tech billionaires, China is a glorified third world power, but thanks to the vast transfer of wealth courtesy of those same greedy billionaires named Gates, Bezos, Bloomberg, and so on, they own virtually every politician within the United States senate and at least two of the last three US presidents and two of the last democratic party nominees for president, including Joe Biden! :wink:
I repeat my mantra that we are living in a time of the weakest leadership in Western history. European weakness and unreliability as an ally to HK, Taiwan and others is going to be tested. China realized after they took HK without any consequences (anyone remember Poland?), that now is the time to take what it can. They have so many in the West in their back pocket that it's clear what they can get away with.

Who, other than America, has had the courage to stand up for liberty?! Too many are treasonous in their cowardice as far as I am concerned. Remember what I said would happen to Taiwan, and maybe even Japan eventually. Western leaders of today are feckless. It's insulting to watch how docile they are in the face of an obvious global threat.

Mark my words, if they attack Taiwan, just as they did with the Wuhan Virus, the world will hear silence from our "leaders". America cannot become like the rest of the world, either domestically, or, in your desire to maintain peace.

China military show of force near Taiwan has experts asking if island could be the 'next Hong Kong'

A stream of Chinese fighter jets sliced through Taiwan’s southwest airspace on Wednesday, according to the island’s defense ministry. It was the latest in a string of perceived threats by Beijing in recent weeks.

It comes as Taiwan and the United States appear to draw closer diplomatically – much to Beijing’s ire – and Taipei calls for even more international support amid deepening concerns it could at any moment become the “next Hong Kong.”

In June, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) imposed a sweeping security law in the name of quashing dissent in Hong Kong – prompting activists and opposition politicians to flee or face arrest in a fast-moving erosion of freedoms that the financial enclave was supposed to uphold until at least 2047.

Hong Kong and Taiwan are widely viewed by Chinese nationalists as the two remaining strongholds of opposition to President Xi Jinping's rule, with the former having quickly fallen. As it stands, China does not allow its neighbor to obtain recognition on the international stage.

"Beijing cannot win the hearts and minds of the Taiwanese, the CCP has therefore chosen a punitive strategy – increased military coercion, efforts to isolate Taiwan internationally, and various attempts to undermine the effectiveness of Taiwan's democratic institutions, support for those institutions, and to erode state cohesion," Michael Cole, Taipei-based senior fellow with the Global Taiwan Institute in Washington, D.C., and the Macdonald-Laurier Institute in Ottawa, Canada, told Fox News. "Taiwan's very existence as a free, democratic society is a living condemnation of the CCP. Hong Kong was a stark reminder of that reality, and the Taiwanese were well aware of this."
Trump should declare the U.S. recognition of Taiwanese government as the official government of China and ignore Beijing forever. That will trigger the ChiComs so much, they will declare war on the U.S. and we can finally get regime change in China (the only regime change worth doing).

Fuck China

Short of doing this, we should recognize Taiwan as a sovereign nation and ally, if not for any other reason; only to gauge how far China is willing to go currently.
Taiwan Presents Weapons Shopping List To US At Key Defense Industry Conference
Taiwan’s deputy defense minister to brief US side on the weaponry “most needed” in closed-door meeting...

Fake News Pro Beijing Press not allow.

Weapons sales will be a closed-door discussion issue. Among closed-door topics include “US defense cooperation with Taiwan, the defense procurement process and Taiwan’s defence and national security needs,” the council said according to South China Morning Post. It will also “provide opportunities to connect with others working on Taiwan defense and national security issues.”

Also sure to catch Beijing's notice following last month's ratcheting PLA aerial and sea drills around the island is the following statement on the conference agenda: “Taiwan’s deputy defense minister Chang Guan-chung is expected to brief the US side on the weaponry most needed and urgently sought by the island after seeing growing military intimidation from Beijing.”

Ahead of the conference Reuters pointed out last month the US is content to further build up 'Fortress Taiwan' while "needling China" - as it "plans to sell as many as seven major weapons systems, including mines, cruise missiles and drones to Taiwan, four people familiar with the discussions said, as the Trump administration ramps up pressure on China."

That prior extensive report previewed Taiwan's defense needs - some of which are in various phases of passing US legal hurdles and discussions, according to Reuters :
  • Drones that can see over the horizon for surveillance and targeting, coupled with advanced missiles and coastal defenses that include smart mines and anti-submarine capabilities to impede a sea invasion...
  • A Lockheed Martin-made High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS), essentially a truck-based rocket launcher, is among the weapons Taiwan wants, people familiar with the negotiations said.
  • at least four large sophisticated aerial drones to Taiwan for what could be about $600 million.
  • under discussion are land-based Boeing-made Harpoon anti-ship missiles to serve as a coastal defense against cruise missiles.
  • Other systems include "underwater sea mines and other capabilities to deter amphibious landing, or immediate attack," Taiwan's de facto ambassador here to United States said in July.
Anti-tank missile systems are also said to be under consideration, at a moment Chinese PLA naval and aerial drills near the island have been on the uptick. Beijing has repeatedly signaled that it considers reunification as a landmark mission and won't stand idly by as external forces intervene in what it sees as inter-China affairs.
Mark my words, if they attack Taiwan, just as they did with the Wuhan Virus, the world will hear silence from our "leaders". America cannot become like the rest of the world, either domestically, or, in your desire to maintain peace.

Okay, a couple of issues here.

The first one is, like it or not, the world recognizes Taiwan as part of China. Taiwan itself engages in the fiction that it is the "Republic of China". So if China were to invade Taiwan, that would be, at least legally, an internal matter.

Would it be very sad if China invaded Taiwan? Um, yeah, I guess. Is it worth fighting a world war over? Probably not.

Now, this is all speculation, because China wouldn't kill the goose that is laying the Golden Eggs. While an invasion would truly suck for the 23 million POOR people who live in Taiwan, the rich people would just flee to the west and take their billions of investment with them.

So in short, probably not a problem and definitely not MY problem.
Short of doing this, we should recognize Taiwan as a sovereign nation and ally, if not for any other reason; only to gauge how far China is willing to go currently.

Actually, that would be stupid.

The one thing China is Very picky about is any threats to it's sovereignty. They'll let you do your own thing, as long as you recognize their sovereignty.

If you mutts understood Chinese history, and the "Century of Humiliation" starting with the Opium Wars and ending with the Chinese Revolution, you'd understand why.

As long as everyone goes along with the polite fiction of "one China", we'll be fine.
The problem is, what precedence has the West shown to follow through on this? Iran is still hugged by the world outside the U.S and it's closest allies.

Probably because the rest of the world see the US in the wrong, not Iran. Iran is abiding by agreements the US rejected. the US has consistently attempted to undermine Iran's sovereignty... and let's not forget, we supported that cocksucker the Shah for decades.

China released the Wuhan Virus, decimating the global economy, costing 100's of thousands of lives, and everyone acts as if it's one big misunderstanding. Nary a peep of outrage outside of a few brave nations.

Because not crazy people realize viruses are naturally occurring events.

What about Taiwan wanting to be in the W.H.O and China blocking it? Or altering the H.K agreement? Concentration camps, theft of businesses on their soil.

What about it? We are throwing Mexicans into concentration camps, we don't have any business whining about China. As far as Taiwan and Hong Kong, those are internal matters.

We are at the cross roads of civilization, no different than in 1942, it's just coming in a far more deliberate and calculating manner. Some believe "hey, no shots fired, everything is all systems go".

How horribly wrong the West is. How much of our soul must be sold to make a few bucks?

More along the lines of, "Are we really willing to kill millions of people over a non-issue?"

First, China's military isn't really that great. THey only have a couple of aircraft carriers, and they are far below the Nimitz Class ones we started pumping out 50 years ago, much less the new Ford Class.

The main difference is in 1942, Germany was actively occupying or invading other sovereign nations.

I guess the better analogy would be 1938, when Germany was only interested in German Speaking areas- The Rhineland, Austria, the Sudetenland - that wanted to be part of Germany, anyway.

So let's say China achieves it's goal of a "Great China". Then what?

They really don't have the naval capability to invade Japan or the Philippines.

As far as their land neighbors... they are mostly hemmed in by either Russia or India, both of which are nuclear powers...

That's the main difference between 1938/42 and now. Nuclear weapons make major wars of aggression impractical.
The United States can win a naval war against china

the unknown question is do we have the political will to protect Taiwan?

I hope we do

but china may calculate that we wont oppose an invasion just as they did in 1950 with korea

Except China didn't get involved in the Korean War until we started encroaching on their territory.... Sure they were supplying the North Koreans, but they didn't commit troops until McArthur started crossing or threatening to cross the Yalu.
Short of doing this, we should recognize Taiwan as a sovereign nation and ally, if not for any other reason; only to gauge how far China is willing to go currently.

Actually, that would be stupid.

The one thing China is Very picky about is any threats to it's sovereignty. They'll let you do your own thing, as long as you recognize their sovereignty.

If you mutts understood Chinese history, and the "Century of Humiliation" starting with the Opium Wars and ending with the Chinese Revolution, you'd understand why.

As long as everyone goes along with the polite fiction of "one China", we'll be fine.

Fuck their polite fiction.
They weren't worried about their sovereignty when they unleashed the Wuhanvirus on the world!
I repeat my mantra that we are living in a time of the weakest leadership in Western history. European weakness and unreliability as an ally to HK, Taiwan and others is going to be tested. China realized after they took HK without any consequences (anyone remember Poland?), that now is the time to take what it can. They have so many in the West in their back pocket that it's clear what they can get away with.

Who, other than America, has had the courage to stand up for liberty?! Too many are treasonous in their cowardice as far as I am concerned. Remember what I said would happen to Taiwan, and maybe even Japan eventually. Western leaders of today are feckless. It's insulting to watch how docile they are in the face of an obvious global threat.

Mark my words, if they attack Taiwan, just as they did with the Wuhan Virus, the world will hear silence from our "leaders". America cannot become like the rest of the world, either domestically, or, in your desire to maintain peace.

China military show of force near Taiwan has experts asking if island could be the 'next Hong Kong'

A stream of Chinese fighter jets sliced through Taiwan’s southwest airspace on Wednesday, according to the island’s defense ministry. It was the latest in a string of perceived threats by Beijing in recent weeks.

It comes as Taiwan and the United States appear to draw closer diplomatically – much to Beijing’s ire – and Taipei calls for even more international support amid deepening concerns it could at any moment become the “next Hong Kong.”

In June, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) imposed a sweeping security law in the name of quashing dissent in Hong Kong – prompting activists and opposition politicians to flee or face arrest in a fast-moving erosion of freedoms that the financial enclave was supposed to uphold until at least 2047.

Hong Kong and Taiwan are widely viewed by Chinese nationalists as the two remaining strongholds of opposition to President Xi Jinping's rule, with the former having quickly fallen. As it stands, China does not allow its neighbor to obtain recognition on the international stage.

"Beijing cannot win the hearts and minds of the Taiwanese, the CCP has therefore chosen a punitive strategy – increased military coercion, efforts to isolate Taiwan internationally, and various attempts to undermine the effectiveness of Taiwan's democratic institutions, support for those institutions, and to erode state cohesion," Michael Cole, Taipei-based senior fellow with the Global Taiwan Institute in Washington, D.C., and the Macdonald-Laurier Institute in Ottawa, Canada, told Fox News. "Taiwan's very existence as a free, democratic society is a living condemnation of the CCP. Hong Kong was a stark reminder of that reality, and the Taiwanese were well aware of this."
If Biden becomes president, there'll be nothing to stop them.
Fuck their polite fiction.
They weren't worried about their sovereignty when they unleashed the Wuhanvirus on the world!

Actually, they did what the rest of the world failed to... contain it.

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