Artful Homemade Quilts Have A Way

After doing purple and yellow, and then reds with pastels, this one is pure eye candy:

And a pile of cabin squares like this would get you on your way:
Finished an all-yellows random cabin squares quilt with a bright modern alphabet also randomly scattered on the yellow background last night, and made a 16-cabin sailing ship (small) usually made with half-square triangles, and set into a 12", more or less block for a multi-ship quilt for young child or seafarin' man, depending, but this one, I had a lot of purple and yellow half squares intended for a 12-block cabin quilt, but only used 6 of them--4 for sails, and 2 for the ship front and back.

I found this quilt lay out online of the usual 16-block layout that usually encompasses 2 rows of sails, a row for the ship, and a row for the ocean. It's always fun to use an ocean fish fabric to represent the row for the ocean or create Greek-frieze block for the square-rolling seas. (go figure!) On this quilt, the 16 blocks in cabin rather than half squares, like the ones below, the sky is just a row of yellow cabin quilt squares to represent the bright buttermilk skies of certain mornings and evening sunrises and sunsets. The sales and ship are squares of purple ship and purple sails. And in order to successfully make a cabin quilt, it's pretty given that a border with as few seams as possible all the way around are greatly helpful into keeping the top straight and true while basting, then quilting the whole thing with as few cupping issues as possible. Cups in any layer can result in an uneven top and a back that is full of totally horrible quilting folds, some of which can reach top and bottom or side to side of the quilt. (akk! To be avoided!!) So that's why I border my cabin quilt, because I'm dealing with people to quilt these cabin quilts who have little to no experience with that little problem, and I try to keep them out of the disaster of having to remove stitches from the entire back, rebaste, and resew, or heaven forbid, toss the whole thing to the bottom of the "to do" stacks in which the quilter dies before the top is quilted. lol

Anyhoo, there are six quilts in the stack because I think I completed at least 3 small tops since the last brag, because my pile has 6 complete infant tops, so that leaves 4 to go, and the little ship quilt that got assembled this morning may be #7 unless I added it to the count when I put last night's completion on the top of the stack. :dunno: Anyway, before the third Tuesday this month, I hope to have another 10 tops ready for the ladies to quilt. We may not meet in December due to Christmas, but then, we may, because our chairman likes to get those quilts to the various sources of our giving before Christmas is celebrated, in case one of the recipients at the shelter or home they live in doesn't get any other gifts. You just never know if it's an elderly person in a home, whether anybody even bothers to visit them, or if it's a fatherless child, no way is that kid getting anything from daddy dearest, and single mommie may have to spend all her earnings on heating, food and a roof.
ships lay out.JPG
Having seen the above color choices, yellow and purple doesn't seem tooo awful bad....she rationalizes to the moon and back.... :D
Today, I finished the ninth quilt and finally did ONE that was not a log cabin!!

This one was from some green squares I was going to use on a tree quilt like one I made years ago, but decided that would be too boring. So I grabbed a couple of stacks of leftover squares (probably about 200 2.5" squares, found a light green solid color called mint, and got busy making 9-patch squares, each one with 5 different tree leaf and geometric, floral, etc green prints to put in the center and corner and got busy last night. This morning, I had 4 of 24 squares done, so I did 4 more when I got up, which was 8 out of 24. Well, later in the afternoon, I put the last ones together, but that totalled only 16 squares. :( So I cut some more mint color for the 4 light areas and of course there were plenty and more than plenty of green squares left to complete the 24 squares, which was done about 20 minutes ago. I also set them with brown sets, and did a one-of-a-kind quilt with a bird fabric I bought a bolt of at wall mart years ago but never got to use. It was a really pretty fabric and had backyard songbirds on them of all kinds, yellow and dark like orioles, but yellow, Eastern bluebirds, a red bird like a tanager and a little sparrow-like dark brown bird. I had to make the borders large enough to encompass the birds which also had fruits around them--like pears, plums, small apples or peaches, etc. The brown material was a modern type of op-art with light and dark brown, and really worked up nice. I was too pleased when done. It's sure nice to finish a quilt like you've never seen before and feel you made an American original quilt top. This one, of course, is # 9 in my little stack of tops going to the charity bees next week, and I'm happy it's done! I put in a lot of hours in that quilt, not counting the hours 3 or 4 years back when I was making all those squares up from 2 1/2" strips cut all the way across which was probably 17 across and with the left overs (only 1 color per square, I had a lot of stacks of dark and medium greens in the tones of leaves you would see in nature. So 2 stacks easily had 200 squares in them. There were no more than 2 repetitions of each color, but some only had no repetitions. Now I can go sing tonight If I want, and I do want to. So it's off to the races!

9 quilt tops sitting there, just one to go . Yay!!!
here's somebody else's green 9-patch, although this is more Irish green than leaf greens:

And here are some nine patches, but they only have 2 colors in them
but are more like tree leaf greens, mainly:

I have 3 blue bobbins and would like to make 2 blue quilts, after finishing one up last night that was a simple blue stripes quilt. So I went to bing! to get some inspiration. Other people's quilts just are inspirational, even bits and pieces, too:

Just love it.​
This one looks simple enough...

This time I loaded Child's blue quilt in:

Blue dog quilt that should be blue:

I think the maker cut her own ears, because none of them look exactly alike.​
Mermaid................................................Storm at Sea​

Sea Life...................................................Tides
.....Row quilts can be blue................................................Or Not.................


The trouble with row quilts is that a row can take 2 days, which would mean
spending 14 days on any of the above quilts. With a 10-a-month goal, when would one sleep? :eek:

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