Article on the War on Terror

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Diamond Member
Sep 13, 2020
I would like opinions on this article and the authors opinions stated in it. She seems to have an insiders knowledge. But as for me I see the whole war on terror as necessary the alternative would be our nations destruction. George W. Bush in his speech to the country stated it will be a long war . So it s no surprise to me. The question is what is the best strategy to bring it to an end with a victory for democracy. The War on Terror Is Inescapable
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I would like opinions on this article and the authors opinions stated in it. She seems to have an insiders knowledge. But as for me I see the whole war on terror as necessary the alternative would be our nations destruction. George W. Bush in his speech to the country stated it will be a long war . So it s no surprise to me. The question is what is the best strategy to bring it to an end with a victory for democracy. The War on Terror Is Inescapable
If you want to end Islamic Terrorism you go to Iran and Saudi Arabia, that if another attack happens on US soil, then 1 of the 2 holy towers will vaporize in a mushroom cloud. See if the Muslims will get angry with those who represent the radical side of their religion. The only way Camel Jockeys are emboldened is when no action is taken against them for terrorist activities like Khobar Towers and the USS Cole...

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