Climate is not the disaster. Calling it consensus is the disaster.

Yep, it's the only thing he hangs his hat on because he doesn't understand the science.
Neither do you uneducated slobs.

Get it through your thick skulls.

You don't understand the science. You say so. That's not because the scientists got it wrong. It's because you don't know what the hell you are talking about.

Did did you just try to insult me by saying i "hang my hat" on the scientific community?

Well that accidental and idiotic outburst kind of says it all. Thanks.
Neither do you uneducated slobs.

Get it through your thick skulls.

You don't understand the science. You say so. That's not because the scientists got it wrong. It's because you don't know what the hell you are talking about.

Did did you just try to insult me by saying i "hang my hat" on the scientific community?

Well that accidental and idiotic outburst kind of says it all. Thanks.
Of course I do. I've been studying paleoclimates for over 20 years. The only one having an outburst is you. It's not an outburst to say you don't know anything about this subject. You literally admitted it. But just because you know nothing on this subject doesn't mean other people don't.

It seems you want to squelch all debate on a scientific subject which is the antithesis of science. You are a fucking moron.
Of course I do.
False. And it is quite hilarious that you think so.

No ding, you do not understand the life's work across every field of science of the scientists who conteibuted to the evidence.

JfC man get some self respect. You are embarrassing yourself.
False. And it is quite hilarious that you think so.

No ding, you do not understand the life's work across every field of science of the scientists who conteibuted to the evidence.

JfC man get some self respect. You are embarrassing yourself.
Plate tectonics led to the polar regions becoming thermally isolated and is a necessary condition for bipolar glaciation.

Keep yapping your trap and I'll keep teaching your dumb ass about the reason our planet's climate is the way it is.
Your panel had a blurb that was embedded:

View attachment 971742
That's from the U.N., part of a longer dialogue that states that the human caused greenhouse raised the temp of the "globe" by 1.5C since the 1800's. This is ridiculous considering that there simply is not enough heat energy coming from the sun to heat the Earth 1.5C in just 150 years.

Climate change is a doomed group-think, like lemmings marching to the sea.
Lemmings don't march to the sea.
Lemmings don't march to the sea.
interesting & thanks.

They do suffer mass catastrophes from population booms leaving lots of dead lemmings. Perhaps a better example of an information cascade in animals is the ant death spiral. Usually group think is smarter than that of individuals but a group can still snag and go wrong where the individual would know better.
That's from the U.N., part of a longer dialogue that states that the human caused greenhouse raised the temp of the "globe" by 1.5C since the 1800's. This is ridiculous considering that there simply is not enough heat energy coming from the sun to heat the Earth 1.5C in just 150 years.
Do you have any actual published science to back up this claim?

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