Artificial creation lab made humans scientist grow human eggs to full maturity outside the womb


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
(By Nate Brown) For the first time, scientists have developed human eggs, outside the of the human body, from the earliest stages in ovarian tissue and grown them to full maturity. The research paves the way towards lab-grown humans, and further increases the reality that mankind is attempting to remove the Hand of God from creation. Artificial wombs, artificial eggs, artificial intelligence, all of which was once science fiction, is now becoming reality. Happening now is the research to create children outside of a mothers womb, and even further, entirely design the creation through manipulating its DNA. For the reason of alleviating infertility, scientists have sidestepped the ethical boundaries, and are directly closing in on developing methods to create lab-grown babies.

Artificial Creation, Lab-Made Humans: Scientists Grow Human Eggs to Full Maturity Outside the Womb

And of course the DEMOTARDS can't think past the box on this and how detrimental it is and will be. It's way beyond their comprehension levels or way past what they can think of just in general.
(By Nate Brown) For the first time, scientists have developed human eggs, outside the of the human body, from the earliest stages in ovarian tissue and grown them to full maturity. The research paves the way towards lab-grown humans, and further increases the reality that mankind is attempting to remove the Hand of God from creation. Artificial wombs, artificial eggs, artificial intelligence, all of which was once science fiction, is now becoming reality. Happening now is the research to create children outside of a mothers womb, and even further, entirely design the creation through manipulating its DNA. For the reason of alleviating infertility, scientists have sidestepped the ethical boundaries, and are directly closing in on developing methods to create lab-grown babies.

Artificial Creation, Lab-Made Humans: Scientists Grow Human Eggs to Full Maturity Outside the Womb

And of course the DEMOTARDS can't think past the box on this and how detrimental it is and will be. It's way beyond their comprehension levels or way past what they can think of just in general.
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