‘As a Muslim Student I Don’t Feel Safe With Him on Campus’

He probably doesnt feel safe with muzzies walking around campus
DePaul Students Demand Professor's Censure For Supporting Israel

Then see a psychiatrist and get some medication, you nutter.

DePaul Students Demand Professor's Censure For Supporting Israel

Then see a psychiatrist and get some medication, you nutter.
We need to stop treating childish emotional disorders with meds and get back to tough love. The meds have distorted reality for generations of Americans who are now confused adults.

And JFTR, Hill is a Jamaican immigrant, mulatto, homosexual, and professor of philosophy, ethicist,
and Honors Distinguished Faculty
at DePaul University.

In other words your typical Israel-lovin' Nazi. :lol:
Turnabout is fair play. The kikes are pushing and getting legislation against companies who support boycotts of Israel. Why not the other way round?
Well the nut can always go back to his death cult nirvana and go to school there.

Good riddance.
If they don't "feel safe" then they should take some personal responsibility, and find a school that preaches to their own choir.
Once you understand that to islam the conflict in Israel is one of absolutes with no wiggle room. If a person supports Israel's right to exist then that means support for the total elimination of the Palestinian people. It is genocide. To islam Israel must be completely destroyed and all Jews killed. Anything less than 100% is unacceptable.

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