‘As a Muslim Student I Don’t Feel Safe With Him on Campus’

Kudos to the administration for standing up to the lefties on this.
He probably doesnt feel safe with muzzies walking around campus
Yeah, who’s most likely to walk into the classroom and start shooting, the Jew or the Muslim.

The EMO white kid who is neither
yea, don't think i've seen either of the 2 choices doing that.

in any event, $100 says he's on anti-depressants.

Most Americans are drugging themselves in some way these days. She made statistically factual statement.
Muslim students feel safe in muslim environments. They should be at the University of Ryiadh.
That's funny because I don't feel safe with muslim pond-life non-humans sharing the same atmosphere as me. Ergo, they should be exterminated, thereby putting them out of the rest of the world's misery. Filthy fucking crybabies are such VICTIMS while they commit a long list of human rights atrocities that no other religion is currently committing.

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