As an Offended Roman Catholic, I demand...


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
We are to understand that Native Americans (or "Injuns," if you prefer) are offended at the names of many sports teams because they sully certain tribes or the native American peoples as a whole. "Redskins," "Braves," "Illini," fair enough. Change those names without delay.

I am an American Roman Catholic, and I have a similar and even more profound problem with the naming of thousands of American Cities.

You may be aware that the City we call, "Los Angeles," is actually, "El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Ángeles," meaning literally, "The City of Our Lady, Queen of the Angels."


The aforementioned city has become, relative to current and historical Roman Catholic teaching, a moral cesspool, where sexual perversion, pornography, indecency, drug abuse, hedonism, self-indulgence, and sexual promiscuity are not only tolerated but CELEBRATED, both in real life, and in the "art" that originates in that den of iniquity. Its continuing to go by the historical name, "Los Angeles," is a monumental affront to the Roman Catholic Church, an insult to the brave, pious missionaries who founded the City, and a slap in the face of contemporary Roman Catholics who must endure the indignity of having this moral septic tank referred to daily as the city of Our Lady, Queen of the Angels.

They need to get a new, different name.

And what about San Francisco? A City named for one of the great Catholic saints, known for his piety and diligence in obedience to the Word of God - and it remains the name of, basically, the capital of sodomy in the United States. Get another name!

Sacramento? Sacreligious!

California is the worst offender in sullying the names of Roman Catholic saints, Our Lord, and other things held holy by the Church, but many other states are similarly guilty. "Corpus Christi" (The Body of Christ) Texas? Are you kidding me?

Seriously, there needs to be a wave of non-religious re-naming throughout the United States. Doesn't the U.S. Constitution forbid the mixing of Church & State (or something like that)?

The time has come. Let San Francisco become "Sodom." Truth in advertising, and all that.
We are to understand that Native Americans (or "Injuns," if you prefer) are offended at the names of many sports teams because they sully certain tribes or the native American peoples as a whole. "Redskins," "Braves," "Illini," fair enough. Change those names without delay.

I am an American Roman Catholic, and I have a similar and even more profound problem with the naming of thousands of American Cities.

You may be aware that the City we call, "Los Angeles," is actually, "El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Ángeles," meaning literally, "The City of Our Lady, Queen of the Angels."


The aforementioned city has become, relative to current and historical Roman Catholic teaching, a moral cesspool, where sexual perversion, pornography, indecency, drug abuse, hedonism, self-indulgence, and sexual promiscuity are not only tolerated but CELEBRATED, both in real life, and in the "art" that originates in that den of iniquity. Its continuing to go by the historical name, "Los Angeles," is a monumental affront to the Roman Catholic Church, an insult to the brave, pious missionaries who founded the City, and a slap in the face of contemporary Roman Catholics who must endure the indignity of having this moral septic tank referred to daily as the city of Our Lady, Queen of the Angels.

They need to get a new, different name.

And what about San Francisco? A City named for one of the great Catholic saints, known for his piety and diligence in obedience to the Word of God - and it remains the name of, basically, the capital of sodomy in the United States. Get another name!

Sacramento? Sacreligious!

California is the worst offender in sullying the names of Roman Catholic saints, Our Lord, and other things held holy by the Church, but many other states are similarly guilty. "Corpus Christi" (The Body of Christ) Texas? Are you kidding me?

Seriously, there needs to be a wave of non-religious re-naming throughout the United States. Doesn't the U.S. Constitution forbid the mixing of Church & State (or something like that)?

The time has come. Let San Francisco become "Sodom." Truth in advertising, and all that.
I believe the Native Americans are far more outraged / insulted by your Pope canonizing mass murderers into saints. The mass murderers he calls "saints" were proven to have been vicious, merciless and blood thirsty men. Men void of any conscience. Men that had to have been demon possessed to do what they did. These men were sadistic mass murderers of the native American Indians. They were not saints and to insist they were is highly insulting. All things considered........who could blame them for their outrage?!

You should do an independent study on the life of Padre Junipero Serra. An utterly evil man.
Padre Junipero Serra: From mass-killer to 'Sainthood'
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OP has a point.
PC bullshit has got to go.
People get their feelings hurt. Its life. Grow the fuck up.
I wonder if the Indians have a name like "uncle tom" for the Indians that have played on those teams?
Its like some rock band called "the chinks" got forced to change their names because it was offensive to Asians. The band is a bunch of Asian dudes..
We are to understand that Native Americans (or "Injuns," if you prefer) are offended at the names of many sports teams because they sully certain tribes or the native American peoples as a whole. "Redskins," "Braves," "Illini," fair enough. Change those names without delay.

I am an American Roman Catholic, and I have a similar and even more profound problem with the naming of thousands of American Cities.

You may be aware that the City we call, "Los Angeles," is actually, "El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Ángeles," meaning literally, "The City of Our Lady, Queen of the Angels."


The aforementioned city has become, relative to current and historical Roman Catholic teaching, a moral cesspool, where sexual perversion, pornography, indecency, drug abuse, hedonism, self-indulgence, and sexual promiscuity are not only tolerated but CELEBRATED, both in real life, and in the "art" that originates in that den of iniquity. Its continuing to go by the historical name, "Los Angeles," is a monumental affront to the Roman Catholic Church, an insult to the brave, pious missionaries who founded the City, and a slap in the face of contemporary Roman Catholics who must endure the indignity of having this moral septic tank referred to daily as the city of Our Lady, Queen of the Angels.

They need to get a new, different name.

And what about San Francisco? A City named for one of the great Catholic saints, known for his piety and diligence in obedience to the Word of God - and it remains the name of, basically, the capital of sodomy in the United States. Get another name!

Sacramento? Sacreligious!

California is the worst offender in sullying the names of Roman Catholic saints, Our Lord, and other things held holy by the Church, but many other states are similarly guilty. "Corpus Christi" (The Body of Christ) Texas? Are you kidding me?

Seriously, there needs to be a wave of non-religious re-naming throughout the United States. Doesn't the U.S. Constitution forbid the mixing of Church & State (or something like that)?

The time has come. Let San Francisco become "Sodom." Truth in advertising, and all that.

There is no such thing as a great Catholic saint because in order to be a saint you must be born again. See John 3:16 and the Words of Jesus Christ concerning the definition of a "Christian". To the best of my knowledge none of them were Christians or they would have renounced Catholicism and confronted the Pope about the heresy of the RCC as John Hus did and Savonarola. Of course the Roman Catholic Church had both of them burned at the stake for speaking the truth but then again when have the Romans ever been on the side of truth?

Speaking of the is a novel idea for you. Tell your Pope that he needs to apologize for leading a church that has a bloody history of inquisitions, mass rape, torture and murder against non Catholics including the Native American people. You can start there.

Padre Junipero Serra: From mass-killer to 'Sainthood'

Serra, a Franciscan priest, arrived in San Diego in 1769. He was Vatican’s chief inquisitor in northern Mexico, called New Spain in those days. Among his duties was supervising the torture of confessions out of witches. Historians consider the mission system that Serra founded the first prison system established on what became American soil. Those lovingly preserved missions were the first institutions of the genocide of California’s natives.

In 1767 the Spanish emperor’s expulsion of the Jesuits from Spain’s colonies led the government to ask the Franciscan Order to replace them as missionaries in Baja (lower) California. Serra was appointed head of these missions. The next year the Spanish governor decided to explore and found missions in Alta (upper) California, the area which is now the state of California. This project was intended both to Christianize the extensive Indian populations and to serve Spain’s strategic interest by preventing Russian explorations and possible claims to North America’s Pacific coast.
Note that there was nothing Christian about what what done. The word that should have been used was Catholicize. Force them into Catholicism by any means necessary. The Spanish Emperor was a very wise man! Too bad the American people didn't take notice and follow his example. Apparently one book entitled Washington in the lap of Rome would not be enough to prevent what we see unfolding today! When it is all said and done history books will recall a time when a Spanish Emperor had more common sense than the leaders in America that failed to see the importance of what he did for his people.
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We are to understand that Native Americans (or "Injuns," if you prefer) are offended at the names of many sports teams because they sully certain tribes or the native American peoples as a whole. "Redskins," "Braves," "Illini," fair enough. Change those names without delay.

I am an American Roman Catholic, and I have a similar and even more profound problem with the naming of thousands of American Cities.

You may be aware that the City we call, "Los Angeles," is actually, "El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Ángeles," meaning literally, "The City of Our Lady, Queen of the Angels."


The aforementioned city has become, relative to current and historical Roman Catholic teaching, a moral cesspool, where sexual perversion, pornography, indecency, drug abuse, hedonism, self-indulgence, and sexual promiscuity are not only tolerated but CELEBRATED, both in real life, and in the "art" that originates in that den of iniquity. Its continuing to go by the historical name, "Los Angeles," is a monumental affront to the Roman Catholic Church, an insult to the brave, pious missionaries who founded the City, and a slap in the face of contemporary Roman Catholics who must endure the indignity of having this moral septic tank referred to daily as the city of Our Lady, Queen of the Angels.

They need to get a new, different name.

And what about San Francisco? A City named for one of the great Catholic saints, known for his piety and diligence in obedience to the Word of God - and it remains the name of, basically, the capital of sodomy in the United States. Get another name!

Sacramento? Sacreligious!

California is the worst offender in sullying the names of Roman Catholic saints, Our Lord, and other things held holy by the Church, but many other states are similarly guilty. "Corpus Christi" (The Body of Christ) Texas? Are you kidding me?

Seriously, there needs to be a wave of non-religious re-naming throughout the United States. Doesn't the U.S. Constitution forbid the mixing of Church & State (or something like that)?

The time has come. Let San Francisco become "Sodom." Truth in advertising, and all that.

Seeing what some of those "brave, pious missionaries" were not exactly the nicest people on Earth, i'd say it's actually quite apt.
As I a Christian I am offended by Roman Catholicism and what it has done to the Native American people ( AND the Jews, the Protestants, the non Catholics of the world) in the name of Jesus Christ when Jesus Christ had nothing to do with it. The KJV Bible never taught any Christian to force others to convert to a false religion called Catholicism by way of torture, rape and murder.

Padre Junipero Serra: From mass-killer to 'Sainthood'

...... for Alta California’s Indians the missions and their Franciscan administrators were part and parcel of an enormously destructive colonization process. The Spanish, largely through disease, were responsible for a population decline from about 300,000 Indians in 1769 to about 200,000 by 1821. The strenuous work regime and high population density within the missions themselves also caused high death rates among the mission Indians. By law, all baptized Indians subjected themselves completely to the authority of the Franciscans; they could be whipped, shackled or imprisoned for disobedience, and hunted down if they fled the mission grounds. Indian recruits, who were often forced to convert nearly at gunpoint, could be expected to survive mission life for only about ten years. As one Friar noted, the Indians “live well free but as soon as we reduce them to a Christian and community life – they fatten, sicken, and die.”

The Western “civilization” Serra brought to California, blessed the White soldiers to gang rape native American women to humiliate and destroy old Indian faith and culture. Catholic Church’s concern for the natives earthly welfare was practically nowhere during the propagation of Christ’s message to the ‘heathen’ natives.The priests were only concerned to baptize their native captives before they die under torture. Drinking urine and burning and beating one’s self was normal priestly behavior in those days. Serra wore coarse clothing that scratched his flesh. That not being enough, he inserted broken wires into his clothing, which constantly gouged him. He burned his chest with candles and hot coal. For years he beat his chest with heavy rocks while spreading the word of his Lord Christ, which led to shortness of his breath in later life. Serra’s Church superiors disapproved his methods as they’re more fanatical than most priests’ practices (reported by Daniel Fogel in his book, Junípero Serra, the Vatican and Enslavement Theology, p. 48).

The Jesuit mission system of Baja California had reduced the natives from a “pre-mission” population of about 60,000, to 5,000 in 1770. The Spanish mission system in Florida, begun as an adjunct to protecting Spain’s plunder route from South America and Mesoamerica, had long ago decimated the natives through slave labor and disease. By 1700, the pre-Columbian Timucuan population of Florida had declined from perhaps 200,000 to 1,000. The priests were in one way much like their soldier counterparts. The Spanish mines and plantations were instruments of genocide, and when the natives were “used up,” the soldiers moved on to find more natives to rape, murder, and enslave.

The missions were prisons, with the natives being penned into them, treated like slaves and animals, dying of disease, etc, and when the natives of Baja California were used up, the priests moved on to find more natives to “save.” A child’s life expectancy if he/she was born in the mission could be as many as ten years. In some missions, their life expectancy was two years. I have not heard of such a low life expectancy anywhere else in history. The primary disease vector was the syphilis that Spanish rapists injected into native populations. The missions were death camps, and Serra could not have been happened. He wrote, “In San Antonio, they are faced with two harvests, that is, of the wheat, and of a plague among the children, who are dying.” The children’s deaths were a harvest for the pious padre, just like the Grim Reaper.
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OP has a point.
PC bullshit has got to go.
People get their feelings hurt. Its life. Grow the fuck up.
I wonder if the Indians have a name like "uncle tom" for the Indians that have played on those teams?
I grew up in Oklahoma and went to school with Indians.

They called a fellow Indian who acted white an "apple".

Red on the outside and white on the inside. ....... :cool:
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Padre Junipero Serra............ a Saint? Think again. He was a pyschopath and a demon possessed madman. That Pope Francis considers such a wicked man worthy of sainthood? Should be raising major red flags, people! MAJOR red flags!
I'm American. My people have never been mass murdered.

I'm not Catholic. I don't care what the Catholics do.
Billy, if you do not speak up for your own people.
I'm American. My people have never been mass murdered.

I'm not Catholic. I don't care what the Catholics do.

You stated in post #7 there was no one more Native American than you were. If that is true and your heritage is Native American Indian? Your people were mass murdered. The history on that massacre is found in the link about Padre Junipero Serra who was a Catholic Jesuit and a mass murderer. If you don't care? Then you don't care. But many Native American Indians do, Billy. Not everyone is burying their heads in the sand on this one.
Yes, the Native American people were treated harshly and disgustingly by Catholics and The Catholic Church. This is an unmistakable and sad fact. Jeremiah has an ax to grind so she is laying the blame solely at the feet of Catholics all the while ignoring the horrific treatment the native population suffered at the hands of Protestants.
Billy, if you do not speak up for your own people.
I'm American. My people have never been mass murdered.

I'm not Catholic. I don't care what the Catholics do.

You stated in post #7 there was no one more Native American than you were. If that is true and your heritage is Native American Indian? Your people were mass murdered. The history on that massacre is found in the link about Padre Junipero Serra who was a Catholic Jesuit and a mass murderer. If you don't care? Then you don't care. But many Native American Indians do, Billy. Not everyone is burying their heads in the sand on this one.

I am a Native American because I was born here and my family goes back 8 generations. I have no ties whatsoever to any other nation nor to any other culture other than that assimilated nationally. The notion that America is "a nation of immigrants" is pure nonsense. Such a sentiment would apply to every nation and nearly every continent on the planet.
Yes, yes, I knew it would come to this.

There is a mountain of literature, written by anti-Catholic bigots, that "proves" that the Spanish missionaries were murderers, rapists, torturers, blah, blah, blah.

Aside from simply being irrationally resentful of the leadership and power of the RC church (usually based on cherry-picked, out-of-context quotes from the KJV), they employ the sophomoric conceit of evaluating the actions of well-meaning people hundreds of years ago, based on current beliefs and sensibilities. In the case of Amerindians, most of whom who died after involvement with Europeans died of diseases for which they had no immunity, innocently passed on by the missionaries, colonists, or conquistadors. If that is the standard, then the Indians owe us big time for introducing Europeans to tobacco, which has killed - and continues to kill - millions of Americans of European ancestry, as well as people in Europe and around the world.

In the view of ALL CHRISTIANS in the 16th through 18th centuries, the primitive Indians were certain to reap eternal damnation if they continued their heathen beliefs and practices. This was not some unorthodox Catholic belief. It was a Bible-based, completely orthodox Christian belief. The desire to convert them to Christianity was an act of extreme heroism and self sacrifice. The missionaries HAD NOTHING TO GAIN by coming to the New World, exposing themselves to rigors, dangers, and possible murder by indigenous peoples who likely would see them as hostile invaders. And many of them WERE murdered by the aboriginals, so this concern was not fatuous.

I blush to admit that I have not done any independent research on the conduct of Father Serra and his Spanish Catholic contemporaries, but I have confidence that if there were clear and unambiguous evidence of the kind of wrongdoing alleged by people such as those posting above, NO POPE, and especially NOT THIS POPE would go forward with canonization. It is not even conceivable.

But California should get started with the business of re-naming all of the cities starting with "San" and words of similar import. Their anti-Catholic bigots would thank them for it.
We are to understand that Native Americans (or "Injuns," if you prefer) are offended at the names of many sports teams because they sully certain tribes or the native American peoples as a whole. "Redskins," "Braves," "Illini," fair enough. Change those names without delay.

I am an American Roman Catholic, and I have a similar and even more profound problem with the naming of thousands of American Cities.

You may be aware that the City we call, "Los Angeles," is actually, "El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Ángeles," meaning literally, "The City of Our Lady, Queen of the Angels."


The aforementioned city has become, relative to current and historical Roman Catholic teaching, a moral cesspool, where sexual perversion, pornography, indecency, drug abuse, hedonism, self-indulgence, and sexual promiscuity are not only tolerated but CELEBRATED, both in real life, and in the "art" that originates in that den of iniquity. Its continuing to go by the historical name, "Los Angeles," is a monumental affront to the Roman Catholic Church, an insult to the brave, pious missionaries who founded the City, and a slap in the face of contemporary Roman Catholics who must endure the indignity of having this moral septic tank referred to daily as the city of Our Lady, Queen of the Angels.

They need to get a new, different name.

And what about San Francisco? A City named for one of the great Catholic saints, known for his piety and diligence in obedience to the Word of God - and it remains the name of, basically, the capital of sodomy in the United States. Get another name!

Sacramento? Sacreligious!

California is the worst offender in sullying the names of Roman Catholic saints, Our Lord, and other things held holy by the Church, but many other states are similarly guilty. "Corpus Christi" (The Body of Christ) Texas? Are you kidding me?

Seriously, there needs to be a wave of non-religious re-naming throughout the United States. Doesn't the U.S. Constitution forbid the mixing of Church & State (or something like that)?

The time has come. Let San Francisco become "Sodom." Truth in advertising, and all that.

Jesus hometown was a town liken to San Francisco in that it was a port town
where men lay with men.
Perhaps why they changed it to Nazareth which didn't yet exist, much like you want to change the name in shame.
sources: Matthew 4:13
Matthew 11:23
Matthew 17:24
Mark 1:21,2:1 etc.....
We are to understand that Native Americans (or "Injuns," if you prefer) are offended at the names of many sports teams because they sully certain tribes or the native American peoples as a whole. "Redskins," "Braves," "Illini," fair enough. Change those names without delay.

I am an American Roman Catholic, and I have a similar and even more profound problem with the naming of thousands of American Cities.

You may be aware that the City we call, "Los Angeles," is actually, "El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Ángeles," meaning literally, "The City of Our Lady, Queen of the Angels."


The aforementioned city has become, relative to current and historical Roman Catholic teaching, a moral cesspool, where sexual perversion, pornography, indecency, drug abuse, hedonism, self-indulgence, and sexual promiscuity are not only tolerated but CELEBRATED, both in real life, and in the "art" that originates in that den of iniquity. Its continuing to go by the historical name, "Los Angeles," is a monumental affront to the Roman Catholic Church, an insult to the brave, pious missionaries who founded the City, and a slap in the face of contemporary Roman Catholics who must endure the indignity of having this moral septic tank referred to daily as the city of Our Lady, Queen of the Angels.

They need to get a new, different name.

And what about San Francisco? A City named for one of the great Catholic saints, known for his piety and diligence in obedience to the Word of God - and it remains the name of, basically, the capital of sodomy in the United States. Get another name!

Sacramento? Sacreligious!

California is the worst offender in sullying the names of Roman Catholic saints, Our Lord, and other things held holy by the Church, but many other states are similarly guilty. "Corpus Christi" (The Body of Christ) Texas? Are you kidding me?

Seriously, there needs to be a wave of non-religious re-naming throughout the United States. Doesn't the U.S. Constitution forbid the mixing of Church & State (or something like that)?

The time has come. Let San Francisco become "Sodom." Truth in advertising, and all that.
What exactly bothers you? That beaners live there?
The bother is that these cities have such blatantly Catholic Christian names, while being so profoundly Un - Christian in practice.

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