As Crooked As A Snake With Arthritis


Sep 23, 2010
Micheal Lewis’ book Flash Boys: A Wall Street Revolt prompted the most inane question asked by talking heads in recent days: “Is the stock market rigged?”

Of course it’s rigged! It’s always been rigged!

Let’s look at percentages and rigging.

Wall Street firms are gambling casinos. Gambling casinos always stack the percentages in favor of the house. Wall Street does not operate on percentages although the commissions for buying and selling are fixed percentages. Churning customers’ accounts is quite lucrative even with a fixed percentage in place.

Do percentages mean the games in Las Vegas gambling casinos are rigged? Of course not. The percentages will grind you down fast enough —— some “games” faster than others. Slot machines are the worst. Not only are the suckers bucking brutal percentages, they are getting ten decisions a minute on average. And that’s playing one machine only; play 2 machines simultaneously and you get twenty decisions a minute. That means the house’s percentage is eating you alive every time a decision is made.

The galloping dominoes, blackjack, and roulette devour you at a slower rate than the slots, and the house percentage is not as savage as it is on a slot machine; nevertheless, every casino game will pick you just as clean with fewer decisions.

NOTE: Punters only get nine decisions a day at a race track assuming they bet every race. So how many wealthy horse degenerates do you know?

Incidentally, slot machines do not require dealers, croupiers, etc. One man can service a thousand one armed bandits. That makes the slots the most profitable game in the house in terms of labor as well as house percentages and the number of decisions per day.

How is the stock market rigged?

As accurate as this video is it makes no mention of the methods being used to rig today’s stock market. Favorable legislation for corporations traded on the stock market is one method that is easy to see. The cloak of respectability provided by the Securities and Exchange Commission is the most subtle method. Micheal Lewis exposed the hi-tech method:

[ame=]Stock Market Is Rigged, Explains Michael Lewis On '60 Minutes' - YouTube[/ame]​

The Young Turk in the video was wrong when he said:

. . . I am positive to this day we will have another meltdown and the next economic meltdown we will not be able to fix.

Democrats and their media stooges will never allow the stock market to crash because they know big government collectivism will get the blame. Hell, there is a good chance the media would get some of the blame. Rather than let the market crash Democrats will do whatever it takes to prop it up; abolish individual liberties; impoverish tens of millions of Americans; keep the borders open permanently; outsource jobs and industries; a permanent class of unemployed well above 10 percent; stimulus packages and bailouts are just a few of the techniques Democrats are already using.

Most importantly, Democrats will continue to create welfare state government jobs in an all-out drive to insure election victories far into the future. (If the parasite class was cut in half today there would not be a Democrat in Congress by 2020.)

It has taken Socialists 85 years to convince Americans that the crash in ‘29 was the primary cause of the Great Depression —— and that robber barons were responsible. They will not throw away that myth for any reason. That’s why Democrats still engage in economic class-warfare.

In the 1920s, the stock market was as crooked as a snake with arthritis. Today’s stock market is just as crooked, but you won’t hear Democrats complaining about their creation.

If there is any truth in wealthy capitalists being the cause of every economic woe as Democrats claim it is more true that tax dollar millionaire/billionaire Democrats will destroy this country in a heartbeat if they can blame the private sector rich. Should they manage to pull it off they will revert to “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” Never forget that the Great Depression gave Socialists the power. Another Great Depression will give them absolute power so long as they can blame everyone else for the economic collapse.

HillaryCare II is the lynchpin

As I’ve said many times —— forcing Americans to buy healthcare insurance is designed to prop up the stock market in perpetuity. Look at it this way. The government passes a law ordering every adult American to purchase food at supermarket chains, and retail items at department store chains because they are traded on Wall Street. Anybody that buys an item from a local store would be breaking the law. Once they break the law they would subjected to fines, imprisonment, and confiscation of their property, not to mention the legal fees it would take to fight the case in rigged courts.

The government ordering Americans what to buy, where to buy, and how much they have to pay for the items they buy is no different than the government ordering Americans to purchase health insurance.

Finally, Democrats can sell forced healthcare insurance as compassion. They cannot sell propping up Wall Street for any reason. In that sense it is a good thing the super-salesman in the White House could not sell water to Bedouins for a penny a barrel. Some correctly say that he has three more years to harm this country. I would add that he also has three more years to destroy Socialism in this country. The midterms will be the beginning.
Frankly, I don’t know what the hell “momentum meltdown” means if it is not salesmen failing to bullshit the suckers:

"The momentum meltdown continues to be the story," said Art Hogan, chief market strategist at Wunderelich Securities, referring to the bashing of Internet names, which on Monday included, Priceline Group, Google and Apple.

I do know that the more people who talk Wall Street lingo the deeper the country sinks. Listen to the people in the video. If you understand them you are part of the problem:

S&P 500 erases 2014 gain as stocks close lower for third day
Kate Gibson | @CNBCKateGibson
Monday, 7 Apr 2014 | 3:42 PM ET

S&P 500 erases 2014 gain as stocks close lower for third day
Uncle Ferd gonna get Granny one o' dem bubble suits so she can bounce back up when she falls...
Falls also problem for middle-aged with arthritis
1 May`14 — Falls are just as much of a problem for middle-aged adults with arthritis as they are for older people, a new government study shows.
In a telephone survey, about a third of adults 65 and older with arthritis said they had taken a tumble in the last year. But slightly more of those aged 45 to 64 reported falling. More of the middle-aged group reported being injured from falls; 17 percent compared to 12 percent in the older group.

Thursday's report was issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. About half of Americans 65 and older complain of arthritis symptoms like joint pain and stiffness. Nearly a third of middle-aged people have arthritis. The number of has been growing, mostly because of overweight baby boomers.

Arthritis can make it harder to balance and it can sap lower-body strength, contributing to falls. Walking and moderate physical exercise is recommended for those with arthritis to keep symptoms from getting worse, said the CDC's Kamil Barbour, the study's lead author. The report is based on a 2012 survey of 339,000 people ages 45 and older.

Falls also problem for middle-aged with arthritis

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