As Economy Heats Up, Home Sales Hit 3 Year High

US Treasuries yield is 1.92% - that is why the debt is not an immediate problem, considering as well increasing the money supply to pay for it - that also adds the necessary liquidity for a Goods and Services economy, and helps maintain the low interest rates.

Inflation does not necessarily have to evolve but does historically lower the value of debt. Inflation is not so easily controlled as the present conditions.

big winner since 09 is the stock market that likewise in the long run is a hedge against Inflation.

Equities and commodities can be hedges against inflation. However, both are massively manipulated these days.
Representative Paul Ryan, chairman of the House Budget Committee, declared this month that the U.S. national debt “is hurting our economy today.” It’s an idea embraced by almost every Republican and even some Democrats.

Economic data -- on jobs, housing and investment -- don’t support that claim.

And economists across the political spectrum dispute the best-known study of the subject, by Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff, which found that nations with debt loads greater than 90 percent of their economies grow more slowly.

Economists See No Crisis With U.S. Debt as Economy Gains - Bloomberg


Because individuals aren't constrained by our national debt to keep them from being successful.

Meanwhile the massive debt helps drive growth, alright......of government.

Sure. The bar has been set low if that's what we're going to call growth. Anyway, the debt will sink us if we continue on increasing it at 1, 1.5 t a year. It's just a matter of time.

Borrowing is the fuel for a healthy economy.


How is that borrowing doing for your economy? Government borrowing is rarely healthy, and borrowing, in the private sector, is only healthy when one has the means to repay the borrowed money. Prudent lenders pretty much insist on proof of the ability to repay the loan.

It has always been an amusement to me to watch you loons continually regurgitate the current words of wisdom delivered by your political leaders and propagandists. Don't you have the ability to think for yourselves?
Sure. The bar has been set low if that's what we're going to call growth. Anyway, the debt will sink us if we continue on increasing it at 1, 1.5 t a year. It's just a matter of time.

Borrowing is the fuel for a healthy economy.


How is that borrowing doing for your economy? Government borrowing is rarely healthy, and borrowing, in the private sector, is only healthy when one has the means to repay the borrowed money. Prudent lenders pretty much insist on proof of the ability to repay the loan.

It has always been an amusement to me to watch you loons continually regurgitate the current words of wisdom delivered by your political leaders and propagandists. Don't you have the ability to think for yourselves?

Nope, they just can not think it through.

US Treasuries yield is 1.92% - that is why the debt is not an immediate problem, considering as well increasing the money supply to pay for it - that also adds the necessary liquidity for a Goods and Services economy, and helps maintain the low interest rates.

Inflation does not necessarily have to evolve but does historically lower the value of debt. Inflation is not so easily controlled as the present conditions.

big winner since 09 is the stock market that likewise in the long run is a hedge against Inflation.

The yields are being manipulated by fed purchases. The money supply has grown enormously.
United States Money Supply M2
Inflation will necessarily follow that graph.

US Treasuries yield is 1.92% - that is why the debt is not an immediate problem, considering as well increasing the money supply to pay for it - that also adds the necessary liquidity for a Goods and Services economy, and helps maintain the low interest rates.

Inflation does not necessarily have to evolve but does historically lower the value of debt. Inflation is not so easily controlled as the present conditions.

big winner since 09 is the stock market that likewise in the long run is a hedge against Inflation.

The yields are being manipulated by fed purchases. The money supply has grown enormously.
United States Money Supply M2
Inflation will necessarily follow that graph.

the yields went down during and continued to remain historically low after the recession 07-09, had they gone up there would have been a World Wide Depression and the national debt would have been unsustainable - that is what the Administration and Federal Reserve has to date prevented.

with low rates the problem then is a lack of Revenue or there would be no crisis / debt at all and is a lost opportunity the Republicans are most responsible for.
US Treasuries yield is 1.92% - that is why the debt is not an immediate problem, considering as well increasing the money supply to pay for it - that also adds the necessary liquidity for a Goods and Services economy, and helps maintain the low interest rates.

Inflation does not necessarily have to evolve but does historically lower the value of debt. Inflation is not so easily controlled as the present conditions.

big winner since 09 is the stock market that likewise in the long run is a hedge against Inflation.

The yields are being manipulated by fed purchases. The money supply has grown enormously.
United States Money Supply M2
Inflation will necessarily follow that graph.

the yields went down during and continued to remain historically low after the recession 07-09, had they gone up there would have been a World Wide Depression and the national debt would have been unsustainable - that is what the Administration and Federal Reserve has to date prevented.

with low rates the problem then is a lack of Revenue or there would be no crisis / debt at all and is a lost opportunity the Republicans are most responsible for.

Wow, can you tell me the numbers for the lottery? You seem to know lots of stuff other people smarter than you dont know.
There is no lack of revenue. The gov't has more revenue than they did in 2007. There is no reason for the Fed's present actions and arguably they have made the economy worse, not better.
Let's see if I have this right.
Under Bush debt was bad and more of it was worse.
Under Obama debt is a good thing and more debt is better for the economy in the long run.

Is that about it?

Yes sir!

One trill+ plus bubble we can count on eventually bursting in the foreseeable future are student loans. As currently, 6 out of 10 baby-boomers cannot retire due to having savings of 25K or less (many had to cash in what was left of their 401Ks') after the 2008 economic debacle and that money they've spent!). So they'll work to the tomb holding onto their jobs like a hemorrhoid to an asshole, leaving most students entering the workforce left to underemployment and being underpaid, unable to pay off those loans which will not go away.
The highest debt-to-GDP ratio the US has ever had was in 1945 when it hit 122%.

We're still here.

Six ways to lower the ratio:

1. GDP growth. If you grow the economy faster than you grow deficits, the debt to GDP ratio lowers. The US economy accelerated after WWII.

2. External devaluation, a.k.a. inflation. Printing money. Debasing the currency. The US rate of inflation for 1946 was 8.3 percent. 1947, 14.4 percent. 1948, 8.1 percent. In 1949 there was a recession and deflation of -1.2 percent. 1950, 1.3 percent. 1951, 7.9 percent.

3. Internal devaluation. Budget cuts and higher taxes, a.k.a. "austerity". Top tax rates by the end of WWII were already in the 90s. After WWII, defense spending was radically cut.

Defense spending in 2005 dollars:

4. Renegotiate for lower interest rate with creditors. You figure the odds of China giving us a break on our debt interest.

5. Default. Give the finger to China, Japan, Brazil, Russia, Britain, and India. Tell them to pack sand. Give them a "haircut" or don't pay them back at all. Then see if anyone lends us another dime.

6. Bailout. The IMF riding in and rescuing us. Figure those odds, too.

Good essay, whether yours or a Harvard economist.


We (the Government) are paying an average 2.9% interest on the Treasuries Obama sold, and an average of 6.8% on the Treasuries Bush sold.


Where should you negotiate?

(heh heh)

The highest debt-to-GDP ratio the US has ever had was in 1945 when it hit 122%.

We're still here.

Six ways to lower the ratio:

1. GDP growth. If you grow the economy faster than you grow deficits, the debt to GDP ratio lowers. The US economy accelerated after WWII.

2. External devaluation, a.k.a. inflation. Printing money. Debasing the currency. The US rate of inflation for 1946 was 8.3 percent. 1947, 14.4 percent. 1948, 8.1 percent. In 1949 there was a recession and deflation of -1.2 percent. 1950, 1.3 percent. 1951, 7.9 percent.

3. Internal devaluation. Budget cuts and higher taxes, a.k.a. "austerity".[/IMG]

4. Renegotiate for lower interest rate with creditors. You figure the odds of China giving us a break on our debt interest.

5. Default. Give the finger to China, Japan, Brazil, Russia, Britain, and India. Tell them to pack sand. Give them a "haircut" or don't pay them back at all. Then see if anyone lends us another dime.

6. Bailout. The IMF riding in and rescuing us. Figure those odds, too.

Good essay, whether yours or a Harvard economist.


We (the Government) are paying an average 2.9% interest on the Treasuries Obama sold, and an average of 6.8% on the Treasuries Bush sold.


Where should you negotiate?

(heh heh)


I can see this will be tough.
It doesnt matter. Once you set out to renegotiate terms for one type of debt it will cast a doubt on all of them and they will all discount based on expected payout.
Other countries aren't lending to us now. We're monetizing debt and the federal reserve is buying up 90% of it. International currency holdings would be dumped in the face of default. it's not an option. it would kill the dollar dead.

Treasury Scarcity to Grow as Fed Buys 90% of New Bonds - Bloomberg

You sir are dumb as a bag of rocks.

Countries don't "lend" money, they buy a Government's bonds.

U.S. Treasury prices have risen to the lowest interest rates in U.S. history.

Now don't ask us to explain, please, you can figure it out - can't you?.

Other countries aren't lending to us now. We're monetizing debt and the federal reserve is buying up 90% of it. International currency holdings would be dumped in the face of default. it's not an option. it would kill the dollar dead.

Treasury Scarcity to Grow as Fed Buys 90% of New Bonds - Bloomberg

You sir are dumb as a bag of rocks.

Countries don't "lend" money, they buy a Government's bonds.

U.S. Treasury prices have risen to the lowest interest rates in U.S. history.

Now don't ask us to explain, please, you can figure it out - can't you?.


You're not what we call a deep thinker, are you?
Lending money is done via bond purchase. This is obvious to anyone who knows anything.
Sure. The bar has been set low if that's what we're going to call growth. Anyway, the debt will sink us if we continue on increasing it at 1, 1.5 t a year. It's just a matter of time.

Borrowing is the fuel for a healthy economy.


Always was and always will be.

After Jesus kicked the Money Changers out of the temple, they left their greed for Jesus and his Apostles to spread around.

Ever since, people and Countries have been using their borrowing and lending powers to increase their economies - and wealth

Fun, eh?

Pure projection, you haven't a clue as to what is happening kid.

Our Gov is issuing bonds and the Fed is PRINTING the money so that we can buy understand that?

Other countries aren't lending to us now. We're monetizing debt and the federal reserve is buying up 90% of it. International currency holdings would be dumped in the face of default. it's not an option. it would kill the dollar dead.

Treasury Scarcity to Grow as Fed Buys 90% of New Bonds - Bloomberg

You sir are dumb as a bag of rocks.

Countries don't "lend" money, they buy a Government's bonds.

U.S. Treasury prices have risen to the lowest interest rates in U.S. history.

Now don't ask us to explain, please, you can figure it out - can't you?.

And yet another liberal storyline develops. I think I'll call it the Alfred E. Newman philosphy. The country is in 16 trillion of debt and that ain't a problem....right. Liberal economists toeing the liberal line, not surprising.

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