As Economy Heats Up, Home Sales Hit 3 Year High

Because they know they can make bank renting them while they accrue in value.

Then they will sell them off at a tidy profit
the right in this country is so confused they cant even tell what a good investment is anymore

They listen to Fox Hate Radio all day long, and can't understand the real world.

Bush destroyed the financial system, and the Right is told only tax cuts for the biggest corporations and the wealthy can fix the system.

Dumb, really dumb ....
Another extremely educated forum member. :eusa_hand:

That's funny coming from someone who said the Fed has been buying mortgages only since late last year.

I said nothing of the sort, Corky. But I can see you're absolutely distraught over being correct, so you're so right!!!

I'm bored. Have fun with the next real estate, bond market and treasury crash.

Let's review:

The Fed has been pumping those billions into the economy for years. Until now, that money has sat in vaults. Not moving.

No, they have not. QE-infinity began in late 2012.

Right there for all to see.
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Existing home sales continued to climb in February, further evidence of a continuing recovery in the housing market.

Home sales rose 0.8% in February from January to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 4.98 million, 10.2% above last year's level, the National Association of Realtors said Thursday.

February home sales hit 3-year high

In some areas, maybe.

IF the banks ease up on lending requirements, then yes of course homes sales are bound to go up.

For a while there, you couldn't borrow from many banks regardless of how qualified you were.
Peter Schiff - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Political career

Schiff was an economic adviser to Ron Paul's unsuccessful 2008 presidential campaign. In support of Paul's economic revitalization plan, Schiff said: "We need a plan that stimulates savings and production, not more of the reckless borrowing and consumption that got us into this mess in the first place.

That rules out all the Democrat plans.
Existing home sales continued to climb in February, further evidence of a continuing recovery in the housing market.

Home sales rose 0.8% in February from January to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 4.98 million, 10.2% above last year's level, the National Association of Realtors said Thursday.

February home sales hit 3-year high

In some areas, maybe.

IF the banks ease up on lending requirements, then yes of course homes sales are bound to go up.

For a while there, you couldn't borrow from many banks regardless of how qualified you were.

Banks lost so much money trading worthless mortgage derivatives, they refused to lend

...At a time when money was needed to pump up housing and business.

The Government was the ONLY answer to recovery.

The ONLY answer.

Are the Big investors stupid?

The ‘big investors’ are not stupid; it’s the people that follow them that are. They made money in the last bubble also as they bought up bad assets like mad so that they can sell them right before the collapse. Of course everyone else said hay; they are buying them so should I. They just missed it when they sold them.

I don’t care what the big investors are doing. They are not there for the long haul. If they can buy an asset early today and sell it late today for a profit, that’s what they are going to do. You and I simply are not going to be doing that. What they are doing is NOT indicative of a recovery in the market. There are other factors that are more important in so far as how that affects the rest of us that are not billionaires and market traders. Now, realize that I have not stated I disagree that the market is recovering, just that following the ‘big investors’ is a meaningless pursuit and adds nothing.

As far as the recovery goes, it looks like (to me at least) that the housing is making a slight recovery BUT that the underlying problems have not been addressed. IOW, things are getting better right now but I don’t see any reason whatsoever that the same thing is not going to happen exactly like it did before. With jobs still in the shit can, the fact that the housing market is recovering is rather meaningless as far as I am concerned. Until jobs recover, I don’t think anything else is really going to matter and will be short lived. Without a healthy consumer base, the rest is just a façade waiting to crumble. Really, how is the housing market going to really recover if no one can actually afford a house?
Are the Big investors stupid?

The ‘big investors’ are not stupid; it’s the people that follow them that are. They made money in the last bubble also as they bought up bad assets like mad so that they can sell them right before the collapse. Of course everyone else said hay; they are buying them so should I. They just missed it when they sold them.

I don’t care what the big investors are doing. They are not there for the long haul. If they can buy an asset early today and sell it late today for a profit, that’s what they are going to do. You and I simply are not going to be doing that. What they are doing is NOT indicative of a recovery in the market. There are other factors that are more important in so far as how that affects the rest of us that are not billionaires and market traders. Now, realize that I have not stated I disagree that the market is recovering, just that following the ‘big investors’ is a meaningless pursuit and adds nothing.

As far as the recovery goes, it looks like (to me at least) that the housing is making a slight recovery BUT that the underlying problems have not been addressed. IOW, things are getting better right now but I don’t see any reason whatsoever that the same thing is not going to happen exactly like it did before. With jobs still in the shit can, the fact that the housing market is recovering is rather meaningless as far as I am concerned. Until jobs recover, I don’t think anything else is really going to matter and will be short lived. Without a healthy consumer base, the rest is just a façade waiting to crumble. Really, how is the housing market going to really recover if no one can actually afford a house?

The so-called "big investors" make the Housing market, and always have.

Whether they are builders or banks or speculators, they ARE the market.
Representative Paul Ryan, chairman of the House Budget Committee, declared this month that the U.S. national debt “is hurting our economy today.” It’s an idea embraced by almost every Republican and even some Democrats.

Economic data -- on jobs, housing and investment -- don’t support that claim.

And economists across the political spectrum dispute the best-known study of the subject, by Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff, which found that nations with debt loads greater than 90 percent of their economies grow more slowly.

Economists See No Crisis With U.S. Debt as Economy Gains - Bloomberg

Three years after a government spending surge in response to the recession drove the U.S. past that red line -- the nation’s $16.7 trillion total debt is now 106 percent of the $15.8 trillion economy -- key indicators reflect gathering strength.

Businesses have increased spending by 27 percent since the end of 2009. The annual rate of new home construction jumped about 60 percent.

Employers have created almost 6 million jobs.

Economists See No Crisis With U.S. Debt as Economy Gains - Bloomberg
Sure. The bar has been set low if that's what we're going to call growth. Anyway, the debt will sink us if we continue on increasing it at 1, 1.5 t a year. It's just a matter of time.

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