As I correctly stated months ago - The Illegals will be allowed in

The Democrats have chosen to side with Illegals over American citizens to shutdown the government in order to ensure our sovereignty is not assure, so our borders will remain open, so American citizens are not protected from drug cartels / human traffickers / MS-13 gangs / violent illegals, so Federal Law-violating criminal illegal-protecting Sanctuary Cities remain, so they could keep energizing their easily-duped base with chants of Disbanding ICE - the 2nd largest law enforcement in the United States, so they could continue to ensure our existing Immigration laws and Naturalization process is NOT enforced / followed, and so they can continue to have a never-ending supply of illegal votes in hopes of putting them back and keeping them in complete power.

Barak Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer voted in 2007 to secure our borders but their actions now prove they were lying just as much then as when Barak Obama told Americans his disastrous Obamacare would not cost a dime, would pay for itself, and if Americans liked their existing plans and doctors they could keep them.

President Trump has not shutdown the US government but has chosen to stand with the American people to ensure our sovereignty, to secure our borders, to protect American citizens....AND TO FORCE DEMOCRATS - ESPECIALLY PELOSI AND SCHUMER - TO HONOR THE PROMISE THEY MADE TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE IN 2007 TO SECURE OUR BORDERS!

This is Trump’s ICE, anything they do is on him.

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Thats true Trump should order a wall built and all invaders kept out. Hey wait a sec....

But instead he just keeps not doing it and pulling you folks around by the nose

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Did you count them?

Did you read the article? Do you know ANYTHING about how many illegals cross the border every month?

Your idiot question is about as relevant as an air conditioner in the Arctic circle.

Your stupidity is your greatest "quality"

Let's see how "smart" you are dumb-ass.

(maybe he'll go look it up before he says something else stupid?)
He's exceptionally stupid for a black man, wouldn't you agree?

Fox is a foil. Thats all. Its the typical "you stand here and ll stand there and then you surrender". All part of the same media elites and all equally useful to liberals.
The Democrats have chosen to side with Illegals over American citizens to shutdown the government in order to ensure our sovereignty is not assure, so our borders will remain open, so American citizens are not protected from drug cartels / human traffickers / MS-13 gangs / violent illegals, so Federal Law-violating criminal illegal-protecting Sanctuary Cities remain, so they could keep energizing their easily-duped base with chants of Disbanding ICE - the 2nd largest law enforcement in the United States, so they could continue to ensure our existing Immigration laws and Naturalization process is NOT enforced / followed, and so they can continue to have a never-ending supply of illegal votes in hopes of putting them back and keeping them in complete power.

Barak Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer voted in 2007 to secure our borders but their actions now prove they were lying just as much then as when Barak Obama told Americans his disastrous Obamacare would not cost a dime, would pay for itself, and if Americans liked their existing plans and doctors they could keep them.

President Trump has not shutdown the US government but has chosen to stand with the American people to ensure our sovereignty, to secure our borders, to protect American citizens....AND TO FORCE DEMOCRATS - ESPECIALLY PELOSI AND SCHUMER - TO HONOR THE PROMISE THEY MADE TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE IN 2007 TO SECURE OUR BORDERS!

This is Trump’s ICE, anything they do is on him.

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Thats true Trump should order a wall built and all invaders kept out. Hey wait a sec....

But instead he just keeps not doing it and pulling you folks around by the nose

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You keep forgetting you are not talking to a fellow liberal. I see him doing it and being blocked.
This shows you have no soul. As I say...liberals arent human.
You think Republicans want to stop illegal immigration? The last 2 years prove they do not.
This is kind of the sick quandary we find ourselves in. The Democrats block the people at every junction and then say "hey Republicans cant help you either bucko you are conquered". Its demonic.

The Two Party system is no longer.
It's actually the Elitist party vs the American People.

Once you get to Washington, you're TOLD how it don't buck the system. CAN be part of the SHOW that keeps the American People fighting among themselves and distracted.
He can and should. Dems will oppose him every step of the way. Do it without them. He has the authority.

I don't think he can. The "Establishment" was around LONG before Trump or Obama came along.
Their tentacles reach back over 100 years.

You can't just get elected and suddenly change everything. The last President to try was JFK. was Trump who RECENTLY said......


Trump is a NewYork Democrat. Don't you think it's interesting that he ran and won as a "Republican" ? C'mon already!
He's not a bad person...just a man in a system he also answers to.
The Democrats have chosen to side with Illegals over American citizens to shutdown the government in order to ensure our sovereignty is not assure, so our borders will remain open, so American citizens are not protected from drug cartels / human traffickers / MS-13 gangs / violent illegals, so Federal Law-violating criminal illegal-protecting Sanctuary Cities remain, so they could keep energizing their easily-duped base with chants of Disbanding ICE - the 2nd largest law enforcement in the United States, so they could continue to ensure our existing Immigration laws and Naturalization process is NOT enforced / followed, and so they can continue to have a never-ending supply of illegal votes in hopes of putting them back and keeping them in complete power.

Barak Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer voted in 2007 to secure our borders but their actions now prove they were lying just as much then as when Barak Obama told Americans his disastrous Obamacare would not cost a dime, would pay for itself, and if Americans liked their existing plans and doctors they could keep them.

President Trump has not shutdown the US government but has chosen to stand with the American people to ensure our sovereignty, to secure our borders, to protect American citizens....AND TO FORCE DEMOCRATS - ESPECIALLY PELOSI AND SCHUMER - TO HONOR THE PROMISE THEY MADE TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE IN 2007 TO SECURE OUR BORDERS!

This is Trump’s ICE, anything they do is on him.

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Thats true Trump should order a wall built and all invaders kept out. Hey wait a sec....

But instead he just keeps not doing it and pulling you folks around by the nose

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You keep forgetting you are not talking to a fellow liberal. I see him doing it and being blocked.
This shows you have no soul. As I say...liberals arent human.

You are fooled by his words and ignore his non actions

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It is not possible to ELECT a politician to save America.
We are FAR beyond that point.

The Constitution provides THE ONLY means to save America.....but all the Patriots are too old or under the bed, scared and hiding.

Therefore...the end doesn't require much imagination....just a look around

Police numbers in the US are dropping. Departments desperate for new hires.
Rape and assaults increasing rapidly
Murder on the rise
Abuse against women on the rise
Exponentially increasing population of foreign born immigrants with no concern of our laws and no responsibility in the US

Where did you think all this was leading? Utopia?
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You are fooled by his words and ignore his non actions

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I watched your words and actions. And then watch you pretend otherwise.

Wait..maybe you did demand action? Should I search USMB for you demanding that Trump shut the border and "own ICE'?

Didnt think so. You have no soul.
I watched your words and actions. And then watch you pretend otherwise.
Wait..maybe you did demand action? Should I search USMB for you demanding that Trump shut the border and "own ICE'?
Didnt think so. You have no soul.

He's like member RightWinger.

They act or present as if they're one thing when the opposite is actually the case.

Deception artists.....JUST LIKE the Elites (Paul Ryan, Boehnor, etc etc etc)
You are fooled by his words and ignore his non actions

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I watched your words and actions. And then watch you pretend otherwise.

Wait..maybe you did demand action? Should I search USMB for you demanding that Trump shut the border and "own ICE'?

Didnt think so. You have no soul.

For my whole time on this forum I have called for pulling the troops out of the ME and half the troops from Europe and stationing them on the border to defend this nation for a change.

Do you have any more lies to tell about me?

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Regardless of appearances, Trump has no real power to stop the influx of immigrants....finally your proof....

The illegals are now being allowed in by the thousands. More caravans are forming in Central America on the Great news. where I live, Hispanics are the vast majority. Few speak English here in South Florida already.

ICE releases hundreds of migrants in Texas, New Mexico, reports say

(It's actually thousands, but the media and govt don't want you to know that)

America has been lost folks. Rome has fallen. From here forward it's gonna get really ugly
At some point, people who still believe there was hope in Trump will have to come to the realization that Trump is only a part of the System

That we cannot and never will have the Constitutional Republic our forefathers paid for. Their gift was that we had the ABILITY to preserve it but we got lazy and apathetic. we were spoiled and came to believe that Freedom was Free.

Rest assured....Freedom was NEVER FREE and never will be. The time has come that the freedom won by our forefathers has been stolen once again by corrupt men. Men who's only concern is their own greed and power lust. The ONLY way to ever get it back is through great sacrifice. P-E-R-I-O-D.

Going to the polls and voting ain't sacrifice bubba. And to prove the point, MANY won't even do that!
For my whole time on this forum I have called for pulling the troops out of the ME and half the troops from Europe and stationing them on the border to defend this nation for a change.

Do you have any more lies to tell about me?

You come across like RightWinger. You say you are patriotic but seem to support the radical left wing agenda in your words.
When is the first time you said such a thing?
Are you for or against the Border wall?
I watched your words and actions. And then watch you pretend otherwise.
Wait..maybe you did demand action? Should I search USMB for you demanding that Trump shut the border and "own ICE'?
Didnt think so. You have no soul.

He's like member RightWinger.

They act or present as if they're one thing when the opposite is actually the case.

Deception artists.....JUST LIKE the Elites (Paul Ryan, Boehnor, etc etc etc)
JUST LIKE the Elites Paul Ryan, Boehnor....Obama, Hillary, Bill, Pelosi, Schumer, Feinstien...

For my whole time on this forum I have called for pulling the troops out of the ME and half the troops from Europe and stationing them on the border to defend this nation for a change.

Do you have any more lies to tell about me?

You come across like RightWinger. You say you are patriotic but seem to support the radical left wing agenda in your words.
When is the first time you said such a thing?
Are you for or against the Border wall?

Find me a single post of me supporting the radical left wing agenda. Just because I am not a Trump sheep does not make me left.

I have said that about the border for my entire time on this forum.

I am against a stupid wall because it is a waste of money that is not needed. My plan works better and saves money vice spending more.

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Right. But they aren't pretending to be Rightwing.
No, they are pretending / pretended to be FOR America while aiding and abetting and standing with our enemies, terrorists, violent illegals, human traffickers, MS-13....while they rigged primaries, cheated in debates, protected a proven felon from indictment and gave her a nomination she could not / did not win....while they continue to demonstrate they are loyal to 2 things and 2 things only - the Democratic party and themselves.

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