As I correctly stated months ago - The Illegals will be allowed in

Find me a single post of me supporting the radical left wing agenda. Just because I am not a Trump sheep does not make me left.
I have said that about the border for my entire time on this forum.
I am against a stupid wall because it is a waste of money that is not needed. My plan works better and saves money vice spending more.

What would work better would be considered inhumane. If those crossing our border illegally were treated as dangerous terrorists and permanently stopped right then and there, the number of attempts would drop to nearly zero overnight.

By being soft on immigration, we've infused our society with millions of people who have no legal responsibility here, drain our system of billions in revenues and do not follow our laws. In my neighborhood there was a mob of illegals (I'm nearly certain) who were having a loud block party and shooting off the very heavy, house shaking fireworks until 3am. I called to Police twice. TWICE THERE WAS NO ANSWER! NONE! If this isn't a sign of what's coming nothing is.
I watched your words and actions. And then watch you pretend otherwise.
Wait..maybe you did demand action? Should I search USMB for you demanding that Trump shut the border and "own ICE'?
Didnt think so. You have no soul.

He's like member RightWinger.

They act or present as if they're one thing when the opposite is actually the case.

Deception artists.....JUST LIKE the Elites (Paul Ryan, Boehnor, etc etc etc)

It is because they know, deep down, that they are on the side of demons. God placed natural law within everyone. Thus the atheists screaming that Trump isnt christian enough..the homosexuals screaming he isnt chaste enough and the treasonous open borders crowd complaining that Trump isnt doing enough to close the border.
These things actively involve double-think. Orwell was prescient. "1984" and "Animal Farm" seemed like such exaggerated hyperbole. Until you watch these people.

G Orwell had lived in the Soviet Union. He knew what he was talking about when he wrote about leftists.
Right. But they aren't pretending to be Rightwing.
No, they are pretending / pretended to be FOR America while aiding and abetting and standing with our enemies, terrorists, violent illegals, human traffickers, MS-13....while they rigged primaries, cheated in debates, protected a proven felon from indictment and gave her a nomination she could not / did not win....while they continue to demonstrate they are loyal to 2 things and 2 things only - the Democratic party and themselves.

True. But we know they are against America. A lost cause. We're not going to change them to be Pro-American until America is Venezuela. THEN, they'll be happy. Miserable and in chaos and violence....but happy nonetheless.
You are fooled by his words and ignore his non actions

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I watched your words and actions. And then watch you pretend otherwise.

Wait..maybe you did demand action? Should I search USMB for you demanding that Trump shut the border and "own ICE'?

Didnt think so. You have no soul.

For my whole time on this forum I have called for pulling the troops out of the ME and half the troops from Europe and stationing them on the border to defend this nation for a change.

Do you have any more lies to tell about me?

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No you havent. You have always attacked Donald Trump when he tried to do those things. Your hatred for him is the hatred of decency.
It is because they know, deep down, that they are on the side of demons. God placed natural law within everyone. Thus the atheists screaming that Trump isnt christian enough..the homosexuals screaming he isnt chaste enough and the treasonous open borders crowd complaining that Trump isnt doing enough to close the border.
These things actively involve double-think. Orwell was prescient. "1984" and "Animal Farm" seemed like such exaggerated hyperbole. Until you watch these people.

G Orwell had lived in the Soviet Union. He knew what he was talking about when he wrote about leftists.

The question no one has an answer to is.....

What can we do?
Regardless of appearances, Trump has no real power to stop the influx of immigrants....finally your proof....

The illegals are now being allowed in by the thousands. More caravans are forming in Central America on the Great news. where I live, Hispanics are the vast majority. Few speak English here in South Florida already.

ICE releases hundreds of migrants in Texas, New Mexico, reports say

(It's actually thousands, but the media and govt don't want you to know that)

America has been lost folks. Rome has fallen. From here forward it's gonna get really ugly

I thought Mexico agreed to hold them there when they applied for Asylum?

Build a damn wall and start enforcing your laws to the fullest. Also, replace radical alt-left judges who have walls around their homes but want the average American to suffer, all for a few votes for his Team.
I watched your words and actions. And then watch you pretend otherwise.
Wait..maybe you did demand action? Should I search USMB for you demanding that Trump shut the border and "own ICE'?
Didnt think so. You have no soul.

He's like member RightWinger.

They act or present as if they're one thing when the opposite is actually the case.

Deception artists.....JUST LIKE the Elites (Paul Ryan, Boehnor, etc etc etc)
JUST LIKE the Elites Paul Ryan, Boehnor....Obama, Hillary, Bill, Pelosi, Schumer, Feinstien...


Propaganda is hard to counter. They have been practicing since 1917.
I thought Mexico agreed to hold them there when they applied for Asylum?

Build a damn wall and start enforcing your laws to the fullest. Also, replace radical alt-left judges who have walls around their homes but want the average American to suffer, all for a few votes for his Team.

We know approx 35,000 - 50,000 illegals cross the US border EVERY MONTH.
Were I live, that is PAINFULLY evident. Hispanics are by far the majority. maybe in some parts of the US not yet.

I do not believe there is any aspect of government remaining that is Pro-American.
ALL of government is "Pro-Self-interests", and by default, that means against whatever is good for the people in general.

If the PTB in government had really wanted to curb illegal immigration there have been 100 ways to get it done with or without a wall over the last 100 years. But NOTHING is done. There's your proof.

Whoever is REALLY running our government (not our politicians I guarantee you), does not want to stop the flow of immigration.
Somehow they benefit the most from breaking America. The US WAS one of the most Free places on Earth. Now by every metric it is slipping farther and farther down the list.

The LAST and only remaining hindrance to completing their breaking of the US and the US Constitution is the revocation of the 2nd Amendment. It's where a LOT of their money and energy is spent. Once they achieve that, all hell breaks loose. They will no longer need to hide their hidden agendas
I just don't see how anyone could be happy about this. Other than the fact that they are stupid and short sighted "Yippee tens of thousands of people are sneaking into our country , breaking laws, lowering wages for Americans, sucking up tax dollars , YAY fuck you Trump!!

What a bunch of morons.

How can you say they're sneaking when it's all over the news? Looks like they're pretty up front to me.
It is because they know, deep down, that they are on the side of demons. God placed natural law within everyone. Thus the atheists screaming that Trump isnt christian enough..the homosexuals screaming he isnt chaste enough and the treasonous open borders crowd complaining that Trump isnt doing enough to close the border.
These things actively involve double-think. Orwell was prescient. "1984" and "Animal Farm" seemed like such exaggerated hyperbole. Until you watch these people.

G Orwell had lived in the Soviet Union. He knew what he was talking about when he wrote about leftists.

The question no one has an answer to is.....

What can we do?

Yes there is an answer but it isnt a trite answer or an easy aphorism. And the first step is recognizing what you face and how ingrained it is. You watch them snicker here "there is nothing you can do". Accept the fact that there may not be..under their rules. But you dont have to play by their rules. Donald Trump doesnt.
Ignore the propaganda. Its unrelenting and they have the money and power to keep it up relentlessly. Billions from corporations and hedge funds and they occupy all positions of power in the mass media and educational; system. You still dont have to accept it. But you will have to accept the attempts at ostracism. That is the goal of propaganda.
And also remember they are cowards. They would be Nazis in Germany..or Khmer Rouge..or Red Guards...they are programmed to be servile towards raw power. A lot of their mob pack effectiveness drains away when you go around the propaganda and unite people they are trying desperately to separate. They will flee when they dont feel the reassuring encouragement from power.
You are fooled by his words and ignore his non actions

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I watched your words and actions. And then watch you pretend otherwise.

Wait..maybe you did demand action? Should I search USMB for you demanding that Trump shut the border and "own ICE'?

Didnt think so. You have no soul.

For my whole time on this forum I have called for pulling the troops out of the ME and half the troops from Europe and stationing them on the border to defend this nation for a change.

Do you have any more lies to tell about me?

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No you havent. You have always attacked Donald Trump when he tried to do those things. Your hatred for him is the hatred of decency.

you just keep making up lies about me. I will take that as a win.

In the past week I have given Trump praise for going to see the troops, pulling out of Syria and planning to pull out of Afghanistan. I have no problem giving Trump his due when he does something I think deserves it.
What would work better would be considered inhumane. If those crossing our border illegally were treated as dangerous terrorists and permanently stopped right then and there, the number of attempts would drop to nearly zero overnight.

you are 100% correct. And that is a job for the military.
You are fooled by his words and ignore his non actions

Sent from my iPhone using

I watched your words and actions. And then watch you pretend otherwise.

Wait..maybe you did demand action? Should I search USMB for you demanding that Trump shut the border and "own ICE'?

Didnt think so. You have no soul.

For my whole time on this forum I have called for pulling the troops out of the ME and half the troops from Europe and stationing them on the border to defend this nation for a change.

Do you have any more lies to tell about me?

Sent from my iPhone using

No you havent. You have always attacked Donald Trump when he tried to do those things. Your hatred for him is the hatred of decency.

you just keep making up lies about me. I will take that as a win.

In the past week I have given Trump praise for going to see the troops, pulling out of Syria and planning to pull out of Afghanistan. I have no problem giving Trump his due when he does something I think deserves it.

“Liberals always double down when caught lying” Vox Day

You have spent your dad atracking Trump while Democrats apoeL to foreign citizens to help them overthrow native citizens.
Then you complain Trump isn’t doing anything?
I thought Mexico agreed to hold them there when they applied for Asylum?

Build a damn wall and start enforcing your laws to the fullest. Also, replace radical alt-left judges who have walls around their homes but want the average American to suffer, all for a few votes for his Team.

We know approx 35,000 - 50,000 illegals cross the US border EVERY MONTH.
Were I live, that is PAINFULLY evident. Hispanics are by far the majority. maybe in some parts of the US not yet.

I do not believe there is any aspect of government remaining that is Pro-American.
ALL of government is "Pro-Self-interests", and by default, that means against whatever is good for the people in general.

If the PTB in government had really wanted to curb illegal immigration there have been 100 ways to get it done with or without a wall over the last 100 years. But NOTHING is done. There's your proof.

Whoever is REALLY running our government (not our politicians I guarantee you), does not want to stop the flow of immigration.
Somehow they benefit the most from breaking America. The US WAS one of the most Free places on Earth. Now by every metric it is slipping farther and farther down the list.

The LAST and only remaining hindrance to completing their breaking of the US and the US Constitution is the revocation of the 2nd Amendment. It's where a LOT of their money and energy is spent. Once they achieve that, all hell breaks loose. They will no longer need to hide their hidden agendas

You know who is running your government. And you know why they need open borders.
You have spent your dad atracking Trump while Democrats apoeL to foreign citizens to help them overthrow native citizens.
Then you complain Trump isn’t doing anything?

Have I attacked Trump today?

Hell I spent at least half the day being called a Trump sheep for defending his trip to Iraq.

You wingnuts are all the same, it matters not which side you are nuts about.
Have I attacked Trump today?
Hell I spent at least half the day being called a Trump sheep for defending his trip to Iraq.
You wingnuts are all the same, it matters not which side you are nuts about.

I don't think Trump is what most on the right think or hope he is.

The guy's been in NewYork city most of his life.
Suddenly, he's a champion of rural America ?

Only reason he hasn't gone after the guns is probably that his sons are avid hunters.

He is not a particularly bad person per se, about average, just not the Conservative savior most on the Right have been led to believe. Although his ego is big no argument there.

This Wall thing? He knew he couldn't get a wall built from day one. May not have even wanted it himself.
Until I SEE a WALL, I'm convinced it's Washington business as usual. Good cop / bad cop extreme. The most elaborate game of pull the wool over the subjects head ever played.
Fortunately for them, there are more really stupid people in America than ever.

SHOW ME THE WALL....then I'll recant.
Regardless of appearances, Trump has no real power to stop the influx of immigrants....finally your proof....

The illegals are now being allowed in by the thousands. More caravans are forming in Central America on the Great news. where I live, Hispanics are the vast majority. Few speak English here in South Florida already.

ICE releases hundreds of migrants in Texas, New Mexico, reports say

(It's actually thousands, but the media and govt don't want you to know that)

America has been lost folks. Rome has fallen. From here forward it's gonna get really ugly

The problem remains the same, our resources cannot handle all these people. We don't have facilities for them. We have two choices left:

A). Either start shooting them all dead as they cross into the USA.

B). Build the freeking wall.
Regardless of appearances, Trump has no real power to stop the influx of immigrants....finally your proof....

The illegals are now being allowed in by the thousands. More caravans are forming in Central America on the Great news. where I live, Hispanics are the vast majority. Few speak English here in South Florida already.

ICE releases hundreds of migrants in Texas, New Mexico, reports say

(It's actually thousands, but the media and govt don't want you to know that)

America has been lost folks. Rome has fallen. From here forward it's gonna get really ugly
They were temporarily housed in El Paso........derp

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