As many as 10 dead in shooting at Batman premiere in Denver: reports

The parents of the child who was permitted to go to a movie at midnight with her big brother is not at all responsible for the shooting.
You are obviously speaking from experience.

If my brother had been sitting behind that nut in that theater and had pulled out the concealed weapon he is licensed to carry, the gunman might be dead and the innocent murder victims alive today.

It would be interesting to know what your brother would do.

The facts that we have are, that shortly after the movie began Holmes left his seat, went out the emergency exit door and came back in full body armor with his weapons. So he would not have been sitting in front of your brother wearing body armor and holding his weapons.

If you want to have a clearer idea of what firearms do to someone wearing body armor check out what happened at the Bank of America in North Hollywood in 1997.
Hmmmm, so how did he get his gear after he was seated ? Did he have it stashed in the theater prior to his murderous spree, and if so, how did he stash his weaponry and gear in the theater prior to (did he have an accomplice) maybe, or and enabler maybe working within ? Was there constumes being warn by many who entered the theater this night, thus allowing this person to go undetected if were carrying this gear and weaponry on his person ? What was he wearing before leaving his seat to get his weapons and gear (plain clothes)? It sounds as if he had an accomplice to me, maybe someone working at this theater maybe, or maybe he had stashed this stuff in the roof of the men's room one item at a time over many days of visiting the theater for the later event to take place as it did. The investigation will be interesting to learn, but also will help in stopping another such event from happening in the future hopefully, just like we have learned how to stop many new would be terroist attacks on this nation since 9-11. Will be interesting to learn what political ideology, family background, educational character, along with culture etc. this man held over the years as well or if he held any at all to be considered as much, and if he did, did it play any part in his deteriorated mind over the years now? It all will be important findings in the making up of this cats total profile to be mindful of in the coming years.
I don't know if this issue has been addressed or not already in this 87 page chat, but after I learned that the youngest movie theater victim was only six years old, I was like, "Why was a six year old even there in the first place when the movie on the screen is a PG-13 rated film? And taking the kid to see it at midnight only made the person who brought the kid look even more brain dead. :( :( :(

God bless you and every impacted person always!!!


P.S. May that little one be with the Lord now too.
You act as if you are surprised that a 6 year old was there with parent ? All I can say to this is, "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN FOR THE LAST 30 YEARS OR SO", because it is in no way unusual now for this kind of thing to be going on in America, as the 60's hippy's had won their revolution long ago.

Did you arrive in a time machine where you had once stepped into such a device, from a period where this sort of thing would have shocked parents and the nation big time back in your day? I mean if a 6 year old could have entered a theater that was playing a movie that would have been considered R-rated easily back in those days, yes people would have been livid let alone shocked. We keep falling and failing, but no one seems to know why anymore, now isn't that strange and shocking ? I know why, but it has become unpopular to say amongst a sea of devils these days, so we get what we get, and the rest is just history.
Little kids being at these films is one thing, but them being there at midnight is a whole other story. They should be in their beds fast asleep by then.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. And if you don't like that I show some responsibility unlike other people in this sick word, then maybe I am not the one who has the problem.
Read again and comprehend better, because I am for your types and your type of responsibility as is shown... peace
The Swiss don't have a legacy of slavery where there is an entire race that believes they are owed something from society. Nor do they have mexicans that believe Switzerland is still mexico and they are owed a livelihood from the "thieves" that stole it.
I don't hold with racist ideas and I won't debate with racists. I will say a word or two about integrating immigrants into the host community.

Society owes itself the wisdom to put the effort into integrating immigrant communities for the good of all which means opening doors to opportunity and empowering all as full citizens.

Keeping some as 2nd class "illegals" is exactly going to fuel the growth of sub-cultures and alienation which leads to gun crime.

The failure of the US to have a comprehensive immigration law reform, to refuse nationality to many immigrants yet use those immigrants as cheap labour with no union rights and no legal protection of employees is precisely what leads to alienated sub-cultures and gun crime and resentment from the host community working class as wage rates are under cut by the "illegals".

American society owes itself better politics.

  • Amnesty for illegal immigrants.
  • Citizenship for all.

That's the progressive way forward for America. That's how to well-regulate any militia.
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You are obviously speaking from experience.

If my brother had been sitting behind that nut in that theater and had pulled out the concealed weapon he is licensed to carry, the gunman might be dead and the innocent murder victims alive today.

It would be interesting to know what your brother would do.

The facts that we have are, that shortly after the movie began Holmes left his seat, went out the emergency exit door and came back in full body armor with his weapons. So he would not have been sitting in front of your brother wearing body armor and holding his weapons.

If you want to have a clearer idea of what firearms do to someone wearing body armor check out what happened at the Bank of America in North Hollywood in 1997.
Where the LAPD went to the local gun store to borrow a few AR-15 rifles?
I don't hold with racist ideas and I won't debate with racists. I will say a word or two about integrating immigrants into the host community.

Will you now?

How about we have some people move into your flat, uninvited, because they want to? And of course you need to make them co-owners, because they are in your flat so have as much right to it as you - just pay the rent and shut up.

Society owes itself the wisdom to put the effort into integrating immigrant communities for the good of all which means opening doors to opportunity and empowering all as full citizens.

Is that right?

So wisdom is having uninvited people flood in with no recourse?

Fucking brilliant.

Keeping some as 2nd class "illegals" is exactly going to fuel the growth of sub-cultures and alienation which leads to gun crime.

Wait, so this gunman shot only illegals?

The failure of the US to have a comprehensive immigration law reform, to refuse nationality to many immigrants yet use those immigrants as cheap labour with no union rights and no legal protection of employees is precisely what leads to alienated sub-cultures and gun crime and resentment from the host community working class as wage rates are under cut by the "illegals".

Look sparky, if you want to pretend to be an American who has a vested interest, and ergo a say in our immigration policy, learn to spell "labor."

Comprehensive immigration reform is simply massive deportation of all who don't have the legal right to be in this country, and that should begin immediately.

Over in your home country of Fuckistan, or wherever you're from, if a man robs a store and takes a TV, do you hand him title, as a "comprehensive robbery reform?"

American society owes itself better politics.


American society owes itself enough sense to ignore fucknuts like you.

  • Amensty for illegal immigrants.
  • Citizenship for all.

Better idea;

  • Deportation for illegals
  • Enforcing the law

That's the progressive way forward for America. That's how to well-regulate any militia.

That's the fucknut path to utter destruction.
The parents of the child who was permitted to go to a movie at midnight with her big brother is not at all responsible for the shooting.
I never said that they were, but now that all of this has happened, how are them parents going to feel now about allowing their two kids to go to the movie? By the way, is the little girl's brother still here or did the shooter get him too?

Read again and comprehend better, because I am for your types and your type of responsibility as is shown... peace
Sorry. Sometimes the way that a message is delivered can make people take the message its self the wrong way. :( :( :(

God bless you two and every impacted person always!!! :) :) :)

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If my brother had been sitting behind that nut in that theater and had pulled out the concealed weapon he is licensed to carry, the gunman might be dead and the innocent murder victims alive today.

It would be interesting to know what your brother would do.

The facts that we have are, that shortly after the movie began Holmes left his seat, went out the emergency exit door and came back in full body armor with his weapons. So he would not have been sitting in front of your brother wearing body armor and holding his weapons.

If you want to have a clearer idea of what firearms do to someone wearing body armor check out what happened at the Bank of America in North Hollywood in 1997.
Hmmmm, so how did he get his gear after he was seated ? Did he have it stashed in the theater prior to his murderous spree, and if so, how did he stash his weaponry and gear in the theater prior to (did he have an accomplice) maybe, or and enabler maybe working within ? Was there constumes being warn by many who entered the theater this night, thus allowing this person to go undetected if were carrying this gear and weaponry on his person ? What was he wearing before leaving his seat to get his weapons and gear (plain clothes)? It sounds as if he had an accomplice to me, maybe someone working at this theater maybe, or maybe he had stashed this stuff in the roof of the men's room one item at a time over many days of visiting the theater for the later event to take place as it did. The investigation will be interesting to learn, but also will help in stopping another such event from happening in the future hopefully, just like we have learned how to stop many new would be terroist attacks on this nation since 9-11. Will be interesting to learn what political ideology, family background, educational character, along with culture etc. this man held over the years as well or if he held any at all to be considered as much, and if he did, did it play any part in his deteriorated mind over the years now? It all will be important findings in the making up of this cats total profile to be mindful of in the coming years.

He went out the emergency door and propped it open slightly. He got his gear, put on the armor and came back in the theater. This is what they already know. There is some speculation that he got a ticket to a showing of the movie earlier in the day so he would know which exit to use.

I've heard leftists say that there has to be some political ideology behind this attack. It's doubtful. John Hinkley didn't try to assassinate Ronald Reagan because Hinkley was a democrat, but because he wanted to impress Jodie Foster. Jared Loughner didn't try to shoot Gabby Giffords because he was a republican but because he believed it would improve world literacy.

There is nothing cultural or political behind someone imagining they are a cartoon character. They are just crazy. It is a total psychotic break. There is no way to stop these kinds of attacks. There is no way to predict when someone is going to have a psychotic break. Until they actually engage in the attack, there is no way to stop them from doing so either.

The difference between David Berkowitz and James Holmes is that Berkowitz was delusional, but not suffering from a psychotic break. Berkowitz believed a dog was talking to him, but he knew who he was at all times. Berkowitz never, for a moment, believed he was the dog. James Holmes believes he is the Joker from a Batman comic book. Had he never heard of the Joker, he would have fixated on something else. He might have believed he was Darth Vader or Wile E Coyote chasing Bugs Bunny with Acme explosives.
Election year? No appetite for gun-law reform? That's a shame.

It's a very bad joke to kill innocent people or to be a governor whose government allows anyone to get so much firepower for their own personal unsupervised use and allows that unnecessary fire-power to be used against defenceless citizens.

- banned by freaking news.

Now uploaded to ImageShack -

Photoshop: Compare the Colorado jokers

I actually support the 2nd amendment to the constitution of the USA - the right bear arms as part of a well-regulated militia.

The whole "well-regulated militia" part gets forgotten by the NRA and gun-rights nuts who want to take a good idea too far to the point that individuals can have way more firepower than they ever need for self-defence or to defend their own family in their own home.

To my mind, "well-regulated" would mean regulating against personal automatic weapons. Automatic weapons should be limited to organised police or community defence militia forces on duty. I would support say Church or University or town militias - who would be required to be insured to pay out compensation if any of their guns got misused.

For home defence, single shot shotguns or bolt-action hunting rifles is plenty. No-one needs a personal automatic or semi-automatic assault rifle at home. Such weapons should be held in militia arsenals and only used when militia personnel are on supervised duty.

I don't have all the details sorted out but I just think the laws are too slack right now and it's not what the 2nd amendment calls for.

Freaking News banned my Compare-the-jokers entry to their news photoshop contest this week. Too many complaints (from supporters of Governor Hickenlooper maybe?)

Sometimes satire helps get people interested in the political message, sometimes not.
Freaking News banned my Compare-the-jokers entry to their news photoshop contest this week. Too many complaints (from supporters of Governor Hickenlooper maybe?)

Sometimes satire helps get people interested in the political message, sometimes not.

As a freedom hater from Fuckistan, or wherever you are from, what business do you have libeling Gov. Hickenlooper? What business is it of yours?
When I was 10 yrs old I wanted to be a cowboy and I wanted to have a Winchester rifle to shoot the bad guys

but then I grew up
When I was 10 yrs old I wanted to be a cowboy and I wanted to have a Winchester rifle to shoot the bad guys

but then I grew up

Now that you're 11, you want to be Che Guevara and put gasoline filled tires on enemies of the people to watch them scream as they burn...
It would be interesting to know what your brother would do.

The facts that we have are, that shortly after the movie began Holmes left his seat, went out the emergency exit door and came back in full body armor with his weapons. So he would not have been sitting in front of your brother wearing body armor and holding his weapons.

If you want to have a clearer idea of what firearms do to someone wearing body armor check out what happened at the Bank of America in North Hollywood in 1997.
Hmmmm, so how did he get his gear after he was seated ? Did he have it stashed in the theater prior to his murderous spree, and if so, how did he stash his weaponry and gear in the theater prior to (did he have an accomplice) maybe, or and enabler maybe working within ? Was there constumes being warn by many who entered the theater this night, thus allowing this person to go undetected if were carrying this gear and weaponry on his person ? What was he wearing before leaving his seat to get his weapons and gear (plain clothes)? It sounds as if he had an accomplice to me, maybe someone working at this theater maybe, or maybe he had stashed this stuff in the roof of the men's room one item at a time over many days of visiting the theater for the later event to take place as it did. The investigation will be interesting to learn, but also will help in stopping another such event from happening in the future hopefully, just like we have learned how to stop many new would be terroist attacks on this nation since 9-11. Will be interesting to learn what political ideology, family background, educational character, along with culture etc. this man held over the years as well or if he held any at all to be considered as much, and if he did, did it play any part in his deteriorated mind over the years now? It all will be important findings in the making up of this cats total profile to be mindful of in the coming years.

He went out the emergency door and propped it open slightly. He got his gear, put on the armor and came back in the theater. This is what they already know. There is some speculation that he got a ticket to a showing of the movie earlier in the day so he would know which exit to use.

I've heard leftists say that there has to be some political ideology behind this attack. It's doubtful. John Hinkley didn't try to assassinate Ronald Reagan because Hinkley was a democrat, but because he wanted to impress Jodie Foster. Jared Loughner didn't try to shoot Gabby Giffords because he was a republican but because he believed it would improve world literacy.

There is nothing cultural or political behind someone imagining they are a cartoon character. They are just crazy. It is a total psychotic break. There is no way to stop these kinds of attacks. There is no way to predict when someone is going to have a psychotic break. Until they actually engage in the attack, there is no way to stop them from doing so either.

The difference between David Berkowitz and James Holmes is that Berkowitz was delusional, but not suffering from a psychotic break. Berkowitz believed a dog was talking to him, but he knew who he was at all times. Berkowitz never, for a moment, believed he was the dog. James Holmes believes he is the Joker from a Batman comic book. Had he never heard of the Joker, he would have fixated on something else. He might have believed he was Darth Vader or Wile E Coyote chasing Bugs Bunny with Acme explosives.
There are political solutions to these things, just as there have been political ideologies, problems and the ramifications of these politics as is found over time, that have led to the decline of our society, but what we have to do is elect the right people again, who will represent the people in a good majority, and not take sides against the good majority (note the word GOOD), in which it has been doing for way to long now. We all know what has taken place in this nation, but denial is a very bad trait that is going on in this nations mind anymore, thus causing the citizens to block this stuff out just about immediately after it happens.
When I was 10 yrs old I wanted to be a cowboy and I wanted to have a Winchester rifle to shoot the bad guys

but then I grew up
and what came next, you joined the bad guy's in a situation where you felt that "if ya can't beat'em, well you might as well join'em", this sort of senario ?? B )
I know, and you have to wonder. You also have to wonder why the hell you would take a three month baby to the cinema and not hire a babysitter like any responsible person would.
If you have to wonder, then you have been absent from the human race for the last 30 years or more..

Does Colorado regulate baby sitters like California.

Babysitting bill in Calif. Legislature |

How will parents react when they find out they will be expected to provide workers' compensation benefits, rest and meal breaks and paid vacation time for…babysitters? Dinner and a movie night may soon become much more complicated.

Under AB 889, household “employers” (aka “parents”) who hire a babysitter on a Friday night will be legally obligated to pay at least minimum wage to any sitter over the age of 18 (unless it is a family member), provide a substitute caregiver every two hours to cover rest and meal breaks, in addition to workers' compensation coverage, overtime pay, and a meticulously calculated timecard/paycheck.

Failure to abide by any of these provisions may result in a legal cause of action against the employer including cumulative penalties, attorneys' fees, legal costs and expenses associated with hiring expert witnesses, an unprecedented measure of legal recourse provided no other class of workers – from agricultural laborers to garment manufacturers. (On the bright side, language requiring an hour of paid vacation time for every 30 hours worked was amended out of the bill in the Senate.)

Good Lord...forget going out once you have junior....

BTW, in the 50's, theaters had something called "crying rooms" people today call them "family rooms" it's a room surrounded by glass where you can seen the screen and the sound is piped in and you and your kids aren't bothering anybody that doesn't already have kids of their own. Still, I don't think parents took their kids out to movies at midnight, come to think of it, I don't think they played movies at midnight.
It would be interesting to know what your brother would do.

The facts that we have are, that shortly after the movie began Holmes left his seat, went out the emergency exit door and came back in full body armor with his weapons. So he would not have been sitting in front of your brother wearing body armor and holding his weapons.

If you want to have a clearer idea of what firearms do to someone wearing body armor check out what happened at the Bank of America in North Hollywood in 1997.
Hmmmm, so how did he get his gear after he was seated ? Did he have it stashed in the theater prior to his murderous spree, and if so, how did he stash his weaponry and gear in the theater prior to (did he have an accomplice) maybe, or and enabler maybe working within ? Was there constumes being warn by many who entered the theater this night, thus allowing this person to go undetected if were carrying this gear and weaponry on his person ? What was he wearing before leaving his seat to get his weapons and gear (plain clothes)? It sounds as if he had an accomplice to me, maybe someone working at this theater maybe, or maybe he had stashed this stuff in the roof of the men's room one item at a time over many days of visiting the theater for the later event to take place as it did. The investigation will be interesting to learn, but also will help in stopping another such event from happening in the future hopefully, just like we have learned how to stop many new would be terroist attacks on this nation since 9-11. Will be interesting to learn what political ideology, family background, educational character, along with culture etc. this man held over the years as well or if he held any at all to be considered as much, and if he did, did it play any part in his deteriorated mind over the years now? It all will be important findings in the making up of this cats total profile to be mindful of in the coming years.

He went out the emergency door and propped it open slightly. He got his gear, put on the armor and came back in the theater. This is what they already know. There is some speculation that he got a ticket to a showing of the movie earlier in the day so he would know which exit to use.

I've heard leftists say that there has to be some political ideology behind this attack. It's doubtful. John Hinkley didn't try to assassinate Ronald Reagan because Hinkley was a democrat, but because he wanted to impress Jodie Foster. Jared Loughner didn't try to shoot Gabby Giffords because he was a republican but because he believed it would improve world literacy.

There is nothing cultural or political behind someone imagining they are a cartoon character. They are just crazy. It is a total psychotic break. There is no way to stop these kinds of attacks. There is no way to predict when someone is going to have a psychotic break. Until they actually engage in the attack, there is no way to stop them from doing so either.

The difference between David Berkowitz and James Holmes is that Berkowitz was delusional, but not suffering from a psychotic break. Berkowitz believed a dog was talking to him, but he knew who he was at all times. Berkowitz never, for a moment, believed he was the dog. James Holmes believes he is the Joker from a Batman comic book. Had he never heard of the Joker, he would have fixated on something else. He might have believed he was Darth Vader or Wile E Coyote chasing Bugs Bunny with Acme explosives.

I vote for Darth Vader, he could try to kill people with his mind, but I doubt he'd get very far...

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