As many as 10 dead in shooting at Batman premiere in Denver: reports

More info (facts ) that you seem to ignore
police carry guns .. not to kill people but to DEFEND themselves when under attack
guns are designed to DEFEND
get with the programe idiot
Yep, and if defend means to kill an attacker with the weapon that you are choosing and then using to defend yourself with, then so be it, as long as it is done in defense of ones own life found in the rules of self defense or in regards to the lives of someone else who is innocent and being threatened to be killed or is actually being attacked to be killed then so be it also, just as long as it is not being done in aggression of by the man or woman holding the gun and/or the carrier of a weapon, then so be it.. I agree!

yes in a world were everybody does the right thing *you would have no need to defend yourself would you ??
99 % of people buy guns to defend themselves or hunt , the other 1% are the ones we need to concern ourselves with .
dont put everyone in the same boat and take away a constitutional right from all the other citizens
Freaking News banned my Compare-the-jokers entry to their news photoshop contest this week. Too many complaints (from supporters of Governor Hickenlooper maybe?)

Sometimes satire helps get people interested in the political message, sometimes not.

As a freedom hater


what business do you have libeling
Gov. Hickenlooper? What business is it of yours?
The business of saving lives.
It seems to me that Colorado needs some help since they are not getting any help from this foolish Governor who doesn't have a clue how to keep people safe.

My ancestors left Fifeshire, Scotland back in 1652 for a reason now I understand why.
The gun fools are clearly as mad as spoons.
They want Americans to have the right of self defence.
In the UK, we have a police force.
In America, they have jokers.

BBC News - US 'joker' held in Maryland over alleged gun threats

Another one so soon after lots dead in the terrible cinema attack.
Yes we have "Jokers" who are killed by the police force here as well, and why not within these types of crimes of course, or maybe the jokers even take their own lives first. Then we have the other options in a string of options we have in order to battle crime here in America (making crime very tough to do, and this for the very few criminal elements in which we do have here that want to travel down this road finally) where these jokers can also be killed by the good concealed carrying citizens who also have a gun to use before a crime sometimes gets worse, far before the late police force on occasion does arrive on the scene of course.

So what we have is a three tier system of crime fighting in America you see, where as first we have the killer killing himself first (happens alot), or the gun carrying citizen killing him second if need be in some specific situations, and next the cops killing him in the final showdown, that's if he is to cowardly to do his ownself due to his cowardly acts comitted, and so there you have it, the best crime fighting system in the world amongst a population of millions upon millions here in America, that are living free the most of us as we scurry through out our daily lives here FREE.
In 2010, 358 people in America were shot and killed with rifles of any type. That same year, 745 people were beaten to death with bare hands.

Clearly, we must ban hands.
In 2010, 358 people in America were shot and killed with rifles of any type. That same year, 745 people were beaten to death with bare hands.

Clearly, we must ban hands.
And with a justice system that has been infiltrated, and is mostly run by liberals these days, it's so wonder now that all the citizens are wanting to arm themselves more and more in America, because liberals have the worse record that there is in America and beyond, about going soft on criminals or crime, and thus they were responsible for creating the once known infamous revolving door, in which turned the bad guy's right back out on the streets sadly enough, to then rape and kill again and again, and this was an in your face embarssment to the liberals with all their (he's a human being to bullcrap) whom needs to be treated like one yada yada yada, even though the bad guy they refer to just killed a family in an home invasion maybe, and did it in the most hurendus ways imaginable (or) raped someones little child (or) was caught in a mass killing of innocent people excetra excetra as the list of indictments could just go on and on and on.

Then there is this idiot ACLU clan, that is also a huge part of the liberal destruction of this nation, along with the idiot activist liberal judges, and other various groups who are destroying this nation everyday that they are in power in this nation like they are. It's gotten so bad that these idiots are actually rubbing off on good people who weren't so bad before, but decided I guess that if ya can't beat'em, well it best to just join them as the (COWARDS) they all are, and that is what I see these kind of traiterous idiots as when they do this.

More and more the nation falls under the hands of complete radicals, as they take the high ground, and this from complete self made idiots in their lives, for whom figured that ground could never be taken from them, and then blinked while it was taken from them without even an effort hardly given in the fight at all againts the ones by way of vote, who surprisingly took it with ease from them. They might just deserve what they get in life ya know (COWARDS)..

The Federal government should be indicted for what it has done to this nation also, along with Hollywood as well, and I believe that an indictment could easily be brought against these two with ease, if we were to gather up all the evidence needed to present them both with an indictment based upon what has gone terribly wrong in this nation now to date, and has laid waist to it in so many ways sadly these days, and the bodies just keep on mounting and mounting in number, but the circumstances are swept under the rug mostly, because the agenda can't be broken, it must go on no matter what now.
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The gun fools are clearly as mad as spoons.
They want Americans to have the right of self defence.
In the UK, we have a police force.
In America, they have jokers.

BBC News - US 'joker' held in Maryland over alleged gun threats

Another one so soon after lots dead in the terrible cinema attack.

The subjects of the UK have their own personal police 24/7?
Are you saying that no one has the right too self defense?
And so goes the fallacy of his mis-understanding to be found within or between the two nations, and why infact that they are totally different in comparisons to. You would think that someone would know the differences, before trying to apply what they have to what they have no clue about, as to what they don't have in their nation, in which makes it impossible for them to even make a comparrison towards to begin with, and all because of the huge multi-cultural situation in which we have here that they don't have there in comparrison to.

The anti-gun advocates are all the same, no matter where they are from in the world, they think they are the athority on this stuff, but what is different for them always, is exactly where it is that they come from, and how their ideology is best applied in consideration of who it is that is found within their cultures and who isn't across this wide world in which so many mult-cultures and indifferences are now found within, and yet it is all still depending. Hec time periods even have a bearing on the applications of what works and what doesn't work in any given society during any given time period, so what goes on here most times is that these people who are attempting to make a comparrison to in the ways that they do it, is mostly not even in the ball park, because they think we are to stupid ourselves anymore to figure it all out, but why is this one supposes that they think in these ways ? It is because of politicians or Presidents like Obama and the left, going around blabing to much to the world about how we in America are the stupidest people in the world now, and thus we need others to help us understand the error of our ways and/or our problems very much so these days, and this as according to them shockingly enough, especially when ironicly they (the left), as is found within the areas talked about, have been most of the problem all along.
Sorry bout that,

Yep, and if defend means to kill an attacker with the weapon that you are choosing and then using to defend yourself with, then so be it, as long as it is done in defense of ones own life found in the rules of self defense or in regards to the lives of someone else who is innocent and being threatened to be killed or is actually being attacked to be killed then so be it also, just as long as it is not being done in aggression of by the man or woman holding the gun and/or the carrier of a weapon, then so be it.. I agree!

yes in a world were everybody does the right thing *you would have no need to defend yourself would you ??
99 % of people buy guns to defend themselves or hunt , the other 1% are the ones we need to concern ourselves with .
don't put everyone in the same boat and take away a constitutional right from all the other citizens

1. Oh wait, the *Political Correctness* does say, if you own a gun, then you are as guilty as *James Holmes* the killer, the *Liberal Media* claims you are guilty as sin, because you too own a gun, and they don't know when you are going to head off into a theater and starting the killing spree.
2 Never forget what they the *Liberal Media* and Penn State administration, has done to *Joe Paterno* in making him a *Scapegoat* for some fucking homo who worked at Penn State.
3. You are just as guilty as *Joe Paterno* having done nothing, but, still *GUILTY AS CHARGED*!!!!!!!
4. BURN IN HELL FOR OWNING A GUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5. Kidding ofcourse.
6. But in realty, what is and has been done to *Joe* could be done to you now.
7. Welcome to China.

The gun fools are clearly as mad as spoons.
They want Americans to have the right of self defence.
In the UK, we have a police force.
In America, they have jokers.

BBC News - US 'joker' held in Maryland over alleged gun threats

Another one so soon after lots dead in the terrible cinema attack.

The subjects of the UK have their own personal police 24/7?
Are you saying that no one has the right too self defense?

Not with deadly force unless you feel in mortal danger.
There is so little gun crime in most of the UK, it just isn't a problem.
Maybe because we don't have a demi fascist NRA bleating on about rights kill kill a duck with an AK 47 and other such stupidity.
God damn, this thread is up to 1391 posts.
Y'all like to talk about the bad shit.
The gun fools are clearly as mad as spoons.
They want Americans to have the right of self defence.
In the UK, we have a police force.
In America, they have jokers.

BBC News - US 'joker' held in Maryland over alleged gun threats

Another one so soon after lots dead in the terrible cinema attack.

The subjects of the UK have their own personal police 24/7?
Are you saying that no one has the right too self defense?

Not with deadly force unless you feel in mortal danger.
There is so little gun crime in most of the UK, it just isn't a problem.
Maybe because we don't have a demi fascist NRA bleating on about rights kill kill a duck with an AK 47 and other such stupidity.

While in the US we're allowed to kill people if we feel there is no danger?!?! Same "mortal danger" rule applies here too asshole.

Do as a favor, get the fuck off the United States Message Board and go chat with your fellow bad-teeth socialist Brits... Leave American issues to Americans.
"If you want total security, go to prison. There you're fed, clothed, given medical care and so on. The only thing lacking... is freedom." - Dwight D. Eisenhower
The gun fools are clearly as mad as spoons.
They want Americans to have the right of self defence.
In the UK, we have a police force.
In America, they have jokers.

BBC News - US 'joker' held in Maryland over alleged gun threats

Another one so soon after lots dead in the terrible cinema attack.

The subjects of the UK have their own personal police 24/7?
Are you saying that no one has the right too self defense?

Not with deadly force unless you feel in mortal danger.
There is so little gun crime in most of the UK, it just isn't a problem.
Maybe because we don't have a demi fascist NRA bleating on about rights kill kill a duck with an AK 47 and other such stupidity.

1. You do have gun crime correct?
2. Dead is dead whether it's done by a AK 47 or home made zip gun correct?
3. You do have a rise in knife deaths correct?
The gun fools are clearly as mad as spoons.
They want Americans to have the right of self defence.
In the UK, we have a police force.
In America, they have jokers.

BBC News - US 'joker' held in Maryland over alleged gun threats

Another one so soon after lots dead in the terrible cinema attack.

In the US, the "police force" can only take action AFTER a crime has taken place. It's a little late then, wouldn't you say asshole?

When seconds count, the police are only minutes away! :thup:
Americans need to ask themselves which is more important - their right to own a gun, or preventing mass shootings.

There is a right answer and a wrong answer here.

First you need to ask the right question but you start with the Faulty assertion that gun control will prevent mass shootings... Norway has strict gun control it did not prevent mass shootings..furthermore chicken little the statistical odds of your cause of death being a mass shooting are incredible small and you have much greater odds of being attacked by a shark or hit by lightening than being killed in a mass shooting

you have much greater odds of being attacked by a shark or hit by lightening than being killed in a mass shooting
If that's the case, why do you need to carry a weapon for self defense?
Wouldn't it be more sensible to travel in a shark-proof or Faraday cage because, after all, you have much a much greater chance of needing those things?
Americans need to ask themselves which is more important - their right to own a gun, or preventing mass shootings.

There is a right answer and a wrong answer here.

First you need to ask the right question but you start with the Faulty assertion that gun control will prevent mass shootings... Norway has strict gun control it did not prevent mass shootings..furthermore chicken little the statistical odds of your cause of death being a mass shooting are incredible small and you have much greater odds of being attacked by a shark or hit by lightening than being killed in a mass shooting

you have much greater odds of being attacked by a shark or hit by lightening than being killed in a mass shooting
If that's the case, why do you need to carry a weapon for self defense?
Wouldn't it be more sensible to travel in a shark-proof or Faraday cage because, after all, you have much a much greater chance of needing those things?

dude, that's why they invented drive-thrus. so the fatasses need not leave their faraday cages.

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