As Ottawa tighten screws... truckers close Detroit-Windsor crossing....

Too bad for Canada that no real Conservative's exist anymore in any corner of their Gov't.
This is Canada. They don't give a fuck about Kansas.

Give them lots of tickets for whatever law they break and shut down any Tim Horton in driving distance.
After brownback people in Kansas don’t even care about Kansas.
This is just more astroturfing bullshit from snowflakes scared of a needle.

Hey! Has anyone found a dead professional athlete yet?

You’re implying no athletes died because they got the shot?
Yes. They raised 10 million US dollars, GoFundMe sided with the authoritarians and cancelled the the Truckers went to GiveSendGo and raised another seven million. They aren't going anywhere.

They're protesting in your country too.

I live in America fool.
Incidentally, they have all gone home but vow to return.
The carried on like petulant school kids and demanded the pm resign but nothing happened. He's still there.

The same will happen in Canada. They are brain dead truckies.
Most truckies in Australia don't own their own rigs...tis part of the reason why the Convoy to Canberra was a fizzer.
Also, because Canberra is the nation's capital and is in the ACT {Australian Capital Territory] the Australian Federal Police rule that land.
They're not your garden variety Ottawa Cops, they're the real deal.
They didn't have any trouble getting tow trucks to tow away a few cars and vans whose owners refused to move them.
Most truckies in Australia don't own their own rigs...tis part of the reason why the Convoy to Canberra was a fizzer.
Also, because Canberra is the nation's capital and is in the ACT {Australian Capital Territory] the Australian Federal Police rule that land.
They're not your garden variety Ottawa Cops, they're the real deal.
They didn't have any trouble getting tow trucks to tow away a few cars and vans whose owners refused to move them.
Oh. Fascist state. Fuck that.
I like it when the laws of the land are enforced.
Makes me feel warm inside knowing that my society is operating in a peaceful and orderly fashion.
Well good for you. Well we arent gonna comply with the BS your sideis pushing.

What are you going to do about it.?


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