As predicted - Study shows Seattle $15 min wage result is less hours and 5000 less jobs

And yet, there are still min wage jobs in the want adds ! Why? Cause they are always available !!!
No. No they are not "always" available, snowflake. Just ask the former employees in California who were pushed out of their jobs due to the extremely idiotic labor laws you support. Walmart in Oakland was shut down after the $15 an hour was passed after the city had fought really hard to bring Walmart there. After that, a restaurant in California became the first to go live with automation for the same reason.

All of this people lost their minimum wage jobs thanks to people like you.
And yet, there are still min wage jobs in the want adds ! Why? Cause they are always available !!!
No. No they are not "always" available, snowflake. Just ask the former employees in California who were pushed out of their jobs due to the extremely idiotic labor laws you support. Walmart in Oakland was shut down after the $15 an hour was passed after the city had fought really hard to bring Walmart there. After that, a restaurant in California became the first to go live with automation for the same reason.

All of this people lost their minimum wage jobs thanks to people like you.

Are they stupid, or is there a hidden agenda to expand the welfare rolls?
Some places have cut hours with the increase, so may end up not with more money but with more time with friends & family. or could get a 2nd job .
And yet, there are still min wage jobs in the want adds ! Why? Cause they are always available !!!
No. No they are not "always" available, snowflake. Just ask the former employees in California who were pushed out of their jobs due to the extremely idiotic labor laws you support. Walmart in Oakland was shut down after the $15 an hour was passed after the city had fought really hard to bring Walmart there. After that, a restaurant in California became the first to go live with automation for the same reason.

All of this people lost their minimum wage jobs thanks to people like you.

Are they stupid, or is there a hidden agenda to expand the welfare rolls?
Both. The minions (like Timmy here) really are that stupid. Their masters (like Hitlery), really are that devious - trying to expand the welfare state for power and control.
Seattle employers cut hours after latest minimum wage rise, study finds

A Seattle law that requires many businesses to pay a minimum wage of at least $13 an hour has left low-wage workers with less money in their pockets because some employers cut working hours, a study released on Monday said.

Low-wage workers on average now clock 9 percent fewer hours and earn $125 less each month than before the Pacific Northwest city set one of the highest minimum wages in the nation, the University of Washington research paper said.
Seattle employers cut hours after latest minimum wage rise, study finds
The study left out large employers. Tell us why.

The wage hike affected all companies. It kills the smaller ones unless they do what they must to survive, which means firing employees or reducing their hours.

The study showed it meant 5,000 less jobs and about $125 less for employees since they are getting less work hours. It hurt the people it was supposed to help. Liberals foolishly think that when they force companies to pay more in wages or taxes that the companies will continue operating as they have. They make changes to deal with increased costs. It often means cutting employees or reducing work hours or raising prices and risk losing customers.

You can't increase costs without consequences. Maybe large companies can afford it better, though bigger companies tend to promote employees who deserve it. Starter jobs, which is the fast food jobs, aren't meant for people raising a family or someone trying to earn a good living. The left killed so many middle class jobs with Obamacare that people are fighting over the little jobs. If the left understood how the private sector works, maybe they would quit meddling.

Libs claimed that raising the minimum would mean higher standard of living for employees. They were warned by much smarter people that it didn't work that way. Seattle did it anyway and now there are 5,000 less jobs and 3.5 million less hours of work. The average low wage employee is actually getting about $125 less each month. Good job, libs.

The left has little understanding of how businesses operate and less understanding of basic human nature.

They always think that people and companies will continue to behave the same way regardless of what politicians do.

"In the world's most unsurprising news, a new study shows that radically increasing the minimum wage in a city leads to fewer hours of minimum wage labor being worked. FiveThirtyEight lays out the cold hard math:
Monday’s report looks at the impact of the second wage increase under the law: the January 2016 hike to $13 an hour for large employers. This time, the findings look very different: Compared to a counterfactual in which Seattle didn’t raise its minimum wage, the number of hours worked by low-wage workers (those earning less than $19 an hour) fell by 9.4 percent over the first nine months of 2016, and the number of low-wage jobs fell by 6.8 percent. Cumulatively, those add up to the losses of 5,000 jobs and 3.5 million hours of work. The average low-wage employee, they found, saw his or her monthly paycheck shrink by $125, or 6.6 percent.

Yikes! Of course, as anyone who has ever managed hourly employees could tell you, this makes total sense: labor costs are monitored constantly, with employees being sent on their breaks when business slows and fewer workers are needed. You do this because excess labor costs massively cut into relatively thin profit margins at places like grocery stores and fast food joints; increasing the hourly cost of labor only exacerbates this problem."

BREAKING: Minimum Wage Hikes Kill Jobs, Duh

As is generally the case with Liberals, feeling passes for knowing.
What's better?

One job at 15 dollars an hour, or 3 jobs at 5 dollars an hour?
At that level they can barely do one job and you're asking about three at the same time? What's wrong with you?

Pay attention. The subject of this thread is jobs.

If businesses spend 15 an hour on labor, is it better that one person get a 15 dollar an hour job, or that three get the same job for 5 dollars an hour?

One scenario produces 1 job. The other produces 3. Which is better?
What's better?

One job at 15 dollars an hour, or 3 jobs at 5 dollars an hour?
At that level they can barely do one job and you're asking about three at the same time? What's wrong with you?

Pay attention. The subject of this thread is jobs.

If businesses spend 15 an hour on labor, is it better that one person get a 15 dollar an hour job, or that three get the same job for 5 dollars an hour?

One scenario produces 1 job. The other produces 3. Which is better?
You're question isn't an honest one then. You are assuming you'd get the same level of quality regardless of the wage. That isn't how the real world works.

Dictating wages does not help business, if liberals could only learn that the better business in general does, the better the economy does. Business is the engine of an economy. The better the economy the more business done the more they need to pay for decent employees.

I've lived through it, I remember when businesses had to compete for workers. Now they can offer you shit, if you don't like it 1,000 guys are behind you in line. Libs think they can micro-manage economies like they want to micro-manage our lives.
We haven't. The Federal MW hasn't been raised since 2008. 13 states + DC raised their MW in 2014 and those 13 states + DC saw faster job growth than the states that didn't. So the Conservative dogma that raising the MW kills jobs is demonstrably false. So since it's false, why are you still making that argument?
Have a link ?

Yes. I've posted it about a dozen times. But I'll post it again because I'm such a nice guy:

From NPR, July 19th, 2014
States That Raised Minimum Wage See Faster Job Growth, Report Says
New data released by the Department of Labor shows that raising the minimum wage in some states does not appear to have had a negative impact on job growth, contrary to what critics said would happen.

In a report on Friday, the 13 states that raised their minimum wages on Jan. 1 have added jobs at a faster pace than those that did not. The data run counter to a Congressional Budget Office report in February that said raising the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour, as the White House supports, could cost as many as 500,000 jobs.
Who makes that threshold of $14 dollars an hour ? Why do you now sound like someone's sock?.

That's an unofficial calculation of what a true wage is if someone works minimum wage and qualifies for income-based assistance. Combining the two comes to about $14/hr.
It is true go ahead and raise it nationaly to $15 bucks an hour you think the people now making $15 bucks an hour will get a $7 dollar raise? It's trickle up poor.

An increase in wages will lead to an increase in spending, which will lead to an increase in demand, which will lead to an increase in hiring to meet that demand, which will lead to an increase in wages in order to attract the top talent.
if liberals could only learn that the better business in general does, the better the economy does.

The economy has performed better under Democratic Presidents the last 37 years than under Republican Presidents.

Business is the engine of an economy. The better the economy the more business done the more they need to pay for decent employees.

Right, so how do you make the economy "better"? By increasing the amount people spend in the economy. And how do you do that? By raising wages.
DERP, how is your marketing plan coming along?

How are you increasing your sales to cover your overnight increase in labor costs?

You said you would be increasing your advertising to target minimum wage workers?

Is that all? You were not very specific. Be specific.
Wrong. You act like government grants us freedoms and privileges like kings.

You're the one who said that it was a "privilege to work".

Government works for us. Nothing in the constitution provides incomes, that happens via the marketplace. Businesses do fail, others don't. It isn't up to you or government to decide our fate.

The government isn't doing that. If you are telling me you cannot operate a business and pay livable wages, then you shouldn't own a business and it's entitlement to think you should.
We haven't. The Federal MW hasn't been raised since 2008. 13 states + DC raised their MW in 2014 and those 13 states + DC saw faster job growth than the states that didn't. So the Conservative dogma that raising the MW kills jobs is demonstrably false. So since it's false, why are you still making that argument?
Have a link ?

Yes. I've posted it about a dozen times. But I'll post it again because I'm such a nice guy:

From NPR, July 19th, 2014
States That Raised Minimum Wage See Faster Job Growth, Report Says
New data released by the Department of Labor shows that raising the minimum wage in some states does not appear to have had a negative impact on job growth, contrary to what critics said would happen.

In a report on Friday, the 13 states that raised their minimum wages on Jan. 1 have added jobs at a faster pace than those that did not. The data run counter to a Congressional Budget Office report in February that said raising the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour, as the White House supports, could cost as many as 500,000 jobs.
Your assumption is that correlation equals causation. You fit data into your belief system. It is more likely the states are doing better for other reasons, resources, tech boom, etc. and you dishonestly attribute it to a wage hike on the bottom end of the scale, where only a tiny fraction of the work force exists.
we all did, huh genius?

Yes. You all did. Just like you all said Obamacare would kill jobs (it didn't), just like you all said the Stimulus would lead to hyperinflation (it didn't), just like you all said that raising the MW would kill jobs (it doesn't). Now the chickens are coming home to roost, and you got nothing. 7 years of bad rhetoric is now catching up to you and the best you can do is write shit like that? Come on. Where's the effort?

Obama was only able to cut the very top percent, no doubt he wanted to do more but the do nothing Republicans stopped him. You are arguing against a cartoon that exists in your mind.

???? Obama let the cuts expire on income above $400K. The result was deficit reduction of about $85B in 2013 alone. 2013 was also one of the best years for job growth under Obama. Which is why Conservatives shut the government down that fall...they needed to harm the economy to make Obama look bad. And they succeeded by costing the economy about $25B.

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