As predicted - Study shows Seattle $15 min wage result is less hours and 5000 less jobs

Do you even know how much revenue the Bush tax cut for the rich was? No you do not, fortunately I'm here to help the uninformed liberal drone bunch of dumb asses. When Obama allowed the Bush tax cuts on the rich to expire the revenue this generated wasn't even a rounding error in the Federal budget.

Wrong, boyo. Letting the Bush Tax Cuts expire on the wealthy added about $85B in revenues to the budget for 2013 alone. But setting that inconvenient thing aside for a moment, the Conservative claim was that letting those cuts expire would lead to job loss, a market collapse, and a recession. You guys were wrong on all three.

Using Obama's own numbers that year he would have had to raise taxes on the rich to 98% just to cover his deficit. Hence we don't have a tax revenue problem, we have a spending problem that won't be fixed by sucking the rich dry like mooching vampires.

First of all, who says that the deficit had to be made up in one year? What is this weird standard you're trying to insert into the debate? Secondly, Obama never promised that letting those cuts expire would balance the budget. What he did say was that letting them expire would reduce the deficit, and they did. You all claimed that it would lead to job loss, a market collapse, and a recession. You were wrong on all three. So since you were wrong on all three, why the fuck should anyone take anything you say seriously today?

How you were fooled...liberal leaders in the Dem party foment division and hatred, they need a bad guy to toss as red meet to their base of poor and middle class Dem's who's lives have not improved in spite of voting Dem for the last 50 years. They have to blame someone, in this case its the so called "rich".

Enough with this melodramatic whining. I am tired of reading Conservatives who don't accept personal responsibility for their beliefs. YOU ALL SAID that if Obama let the Bush Tax Cuts expire on the wealthy, it would lead to job loss, a recession, and a market collapse. You were completely wrong on all three. So since you were wrong then, why would you be right about anything you say now?

"who says that the deficit had to be made up in one year?" ^^^ points and laughs. The deficit hasn't been "made up" since the late 1950's :itsok:
"who says that the deficit had to be made up in one year?" ^^^ points and laughs. The deficit hasn't been "made up" since the late 1950's :itsok:

Actually, we had a surplus at the end of Clinton. A surplus that Conservatives and Bush the Dumber squandered on tax cuts, Medicare Part-D, and the War on Turr.
'Fewer' hours and 'fewer' jobs; someone was sleeping through English classes.
Who is the government to determine what a living wage is? Career politicians own the federal government much like professors they have all failed in real life.

A career politician failed by winning election after election after election? Who is the federal government to determine what a living wage is? US! WE are the federal government. They aren't some group of people absent this country, they are elected representatives. Career politicians are failures, yet Trump, who went through half a dozen bankruptcies, isn't?

I have a budget for wages, I don't go over the budget... ever! The first thing I pay out of my budget is payroll. That's good business. As With my personal life I don't buy anything if I don't have the cash for - simplest thing in the world to do.

What a load of crap, man. So you didn't get a loan to start your business? You didn't get a loan to expand your business? I find that hard to believe. You were probably not running a profit the first couple years of your "business" as you had to pay back the loan, anyway (most businesses don't run in the black right away). So because you had to get a loan, does that mean your business failed?
Being a career politician is not a real job, the only real federal government jobs are military/police. Fact
I actually know a career politician quite well, Tom Daschle, never had a real job in his life still does not… Pharmaceutical lobbyist now.
Trump has had hundreds of businesses, I would say a half dozen is pretty damn good. Many of the most successful people I know have failed multiple times before being successful.

No, actually I did not borrow money for businesses, the last time I borrowed money was when I was 17 years old and bought a 1982 Buick regal. I started by selling private mining and logging leases, no overhead needed at all. Just lots of hard physical work…
I always wanted to start up a pro shop for a skeet-trap club, then I had enough money to do it. The rest is debt-free history.
You keep on saying a living wage? That living wage should be determined on where they are at… You know cost of living. It's called work for a reason, it should not be overly pleasant

Who says you shouldn't love your job???? I think your priorities are all backwards. A living wage is the wage someone should get without having to rely on government assistance to bridge that gap. Right now, it costs about $14/hr to provide full benefits. So the living wage should be about $14/hr. If you pay people more, that means they qualify for less welfare. Don't you want fewer people on welfare?

Who makes that threshold of $14 dollars an hour ? Why do you now sound like someone's sock?

Then why do we keep raising MW moron?.

We haven't. The Federal MW hasn't been raised since 2008. 13 states + DC raised their MW in 2014 and those 13 states + DC saw faster job growth than the states that didn't. So the Conservative dogma that raising the MW kills jobs is demonstrably false. So since it's false, why are you still making that argument?

Have a link ?

Well then it's all good. Maybe this will cause more burger flippers to move to Seattle

YOU ALL SAID that raising the MW would kill jobs. THAT ISN'T TRUE, IS IT? So instead of reconciling your flawed beliefs, you double down on the ignorant arrogance? Pathetic.

It is true go ahead and raise it nationaly to $15 bucks an hour you think the people now making $15 bucks an hour will get a $7 dollar raise? It's trickle up poor.

It's a privilege to work not a right... no if they don't want to work they can move on to something else… Like flipping burgers

It's also a privilege to own a business and if you cannot own one without forcing taxpayers to subsidize your profits, then you shouldn't own one period.
Wrong. You act like government grants us freedoms and privileges like kings. Government works for us. Nothing in the constitution provides incomes, that happens via the marketplace. Businesses do fail, others don't. It isn't up to you or government to decide our fate.
Do you even know how much revenue the Bush tax cut for the rich was? No you do not, fortunately I'm here to help the uninformed liberal drone bunch of dumb asses. When Obama allowed the Bush tax cuts on the rich to expire the revenue this generated wasn't even a rounding error in the Federal budget.

Wrong, boyo. Letting the Bush Tax Cuts expire on the wealthy added about $85B in revenues to the budget for 2013 alone. But setting that inconvenient thing aside for a moment, the Conservative claim was that letting those cuts expire would lead to job loss, a market collapse, and a recession. You guys were wrong on all three.

Using Obama's own numbers that year he would have had to raise taxes on the rich to 98% just to cover his deficit. Hence we don't have a tax revenue problem, we have a spending problem that won't be fixed by sucking the rich dry like mooching vampires.

First of all, who says that the deficit had to be made up in one year? What is this weird standard you're trying to insert into the debate? Secondly, Obama never promised that letting those cuts expire would balance the budget. What he did say was that letting them expire would reduce the deficit, and they did. You all claimed that it would lead to job loss, a market collapse, and a recession. You were wrong on all three. So since you were wrong on all three, why the fuck should anyone take anything you say seriously today?

How you were fooled...liberal leaders in the Dem party foment division and hatred, they need a bad guy to toss as red meet to their base of poor and middle class Dem's who's lives have not improved in spite of voting Dem for the last 50 years. They have to blame someone, in this case its the so called "rich".

Enough with this melodramatic whining. I am tired of reading Conservatives who don't accept personal responsibility for their beliefs. YOU ALL SAID that if Obama let the Bush Tax Cuts expire on the wealthy, it would lead to job loss, a recession, and a market collapse. You were completely wrong on all three. So since you were wrong then, why would you be right about anything you say now?
we all did, huh genius? Obama was only able to cut the very top percent, no doubt he wanted to do more but the do nothing Republicans stopped him. You are arguing against a cartoon that exists in your mind.
Revenue: (Sales) $25,000

I notice you kept this amount constant. Why didn't you increase it? If people have more to spend, wouldn't that result in a larger Sales number?????? Yet you kept it constant, as if an increase in wages doesn't translate to an increase in Sales revenue. Why did you do that?

Show me how revenue grows when the same workforce now costs 30% more. Specifically how do revenues grow for you and by how much?

How are you going to sell more food to patrons?

You say more minimum wage workers will have extra money to spend. Minimum wage workers account for about 1% of the overall work force.

It's odd for you to assume people will instantly spend their minimum wage raise in your restaurant.

How do you know they won't spend it on rent, a car payment, education, clothing, gas, or anything else other than in your restaurant?

I guess you think we are going to have a bunch of fat people still living in their parents' basement.
The study left out large employers. Tell us why.
Even in the face of indisputable facts from a study done by a radical left-wing institution (Cal, Berkeley), you're incapable of accepting your idiotic ideology is a failed ideology. It speaks volumes.

It's just unreal, isn't it?

Real life results of the law change in Seattle are not enough to convince snowflakes.
Stupid Republicans, I'm tired of your shit. Only an idiot thinks higher costs impacts stuff. A higher wage gives people more money.
CNN announced need that the study showed the lowest income workers earned $125 less per month after Seattle implemented their $15 per hour minimum wage. While the workers earned on average 3% more, their hours were cut on average by 9% - resulting in a net loss to their income.

The study concluded that this is basic economics - that when something costs more (such as labor), people simply learn to do with less of it.

Thanks to the Dumbocrats - the poorest among us are now further behind. If only the left understood basic economics. I guess that's why they are called Dumbocrats.
The study left out large employers. Tell us why.
Even in the face of indisputable facts from a study done by a radical left-wing institution (Cal, Berkeley), you're incapable of accepting your idiotic ideology is a failed ideology. It speaks volumes.

It's just unreal, isn't it?

Real life results of the law change in Seattle are not enough to convince snowflakes.
They know. They just refuse to accept it. They would rather see society collapse (like Venezuela) than admit they were so severely duped by something so stupid. They are ashamed - and they should be.
We all knew this would happen.

Snowflakes do not operate in reality at all.

Their stupid law actually HURT low wage workers.

Good job, snowflakes!!

Making it illegal for the poor to work, hurts them?

Who could have imagined...

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