As predicted - Study shows Seattle $15 min wage result is less hours and 5000 less jobs

Says the control freak… LOL

Oh right, I're a small business owner who is married to a black person whose obamacare premiums increased 3000%, but you're also a veteran who (inexplicably) isn't on Tricare or the VA, but gets insurance through Obamacare?

Yeah...that's you guys.
No actually, I'm 100% Oglala Sioux indian, I grew up on the Pineridge Indian reservation left when I was 17. Joined the South Dakota National Guard shortly after in the late 80s early 90s for eight years. If you're in the National Guard and not deployed you're not a vet, as the way it should be. I have never bought any insurance on my life, and not about to, never have claimed anything off insurance. I actually think mandatory insurance is legalized extortion.
I have been self-employed and debt-free for 20+ years, and I have to say Obama years of selling guns and ammo gave me financial independence for the rest of my life and my family's.
I only have a high school education, from the federal government which ain't shit… But I make do with what I have.

Since you know it all, tell us your story. And less you're too much of a control freak to comply?
I didn't make anything up, especially when calling you an idiot. So the answer obviously is you never owned a business and have no clue.

LOL! You don't know shit about me. But I know plenty about you because you've volunteered information about yourselves. Information that doesn't seem to stand to scrutiny. Funny how that works. Conservatives say something stupid, then qualify that stupid thing they said by claiming to be something they're not, whether it's a "small business owner", "Obamacare victim", "married to a (insert minority group here)", or a "veteran". And they do that in order to lend credibility to an argument that has none. If you take out all your references to your own personal circumstances, what does your argument have left? Nothing.

"But I know plenty about you because you've volunteered information about yourselves."

LOL, you truly are an idiot. You know information about myselves?

My opinion is based on being a businessman for over 32 years. Your opinion is based on ignorance.
Until the federal government has no outstanding debt whatsoever, they should not be telling anybody what to pay their help.Social entitlement programs dominate all spending... that's the obvious place to cut until it hurts, then cut some more.

But why? What economic sense does it make to end Medicare and Social Security. And why are you so concerned about the federal debt? Where was all this debt concern when Bush the Dumber and Conservatives erased a surplus and produced four record deficits that doubled the debt in 8 years, when if they had done literally nothing, they could have paid it off entirely in 9? So your screeching about debt and deficits rings hollow today, given what happened just 16 years ago. I don't understand this fascination and compulsion Conservatives have to make people suffer. Do you think old people should be thrown out of nursing homes? Because that's mostly what Medicaid pays for.

I'm 47 years old and I'm perfectly fine with the fact I will never see a penny back of what I paid into socialist entitlement programs... money stupidly spent, water under the bridge… LOLctually I'm a libertarian.

Libertarian = Conservative = Teabag = Republican = Klansman

Same shit, different polish. Why don't you support Social Security or Medicare? And what does this have to do with the minimum wage? Seems like you're trying to toss non-sequitur in there in order to avoid the real debate we were having. Well, the debate I thought we were having. You seem to move the goalposts more than a typical um, I mean um, I mean um, I mean libertarian.

I just dont want to pay for other peoples shit

It's called 'society', and if you're saying you don't like society, that doesn't make you a Libertarian, it just makes you anti-social. That's a whole different thing than libertarianism. Are you sure you're not mistaking your anti-social behavior for libertarian beliefs?

I'm used to paying for my own shit, I've never bought insurance… I've been debt-free for 20+ years and self-employed for about that same time. My retirement is already set...

I don't believe anything you say about yourself that cannot be verified on a message board. And this just gets to what I was saying earlier, how you have an entitlement complex, where you think you are entitled to say and believe whatever you want. You're not.
Imagine that you pretending to know about other people… LOL

In the end all anyone has on this earth is their opinion, you obviously look to control other people's opinion. How does that make you feel? Like a big brother?
No actually, I'm 100% Oglala Sioux indian, I grew up on the Pineridge Indian reservation left when I was 17. Joined the South Dakota National Guard shortly after in the late 80s early 90s for eight years. If you're in the National Guard and not deployed you're not a vet, as the way it should be. I have never bought any insurance on my life, and not about to, never have claimed anything off insurance. I actually think mandatory insurance is legalized extortion.
I have been self-employed and debt-free for 20+ years, and I have to say Obama years of selling guns and ammo gave me financial independence for the rest of my life and my family's.
I only have a high school education, from the federal government which ain't shit… But I make do with what I have.
Since you know it all, tell us your story. And less you're too much of a control freak to comply?

Well, I'm a Paladin with 18 charisma and 97 hit points. I can use my helm of disintegration and do 1 D +4 damage as my half-elf mage wields his +5 holy avenger.

See, Dungeons & Dragons is fun!
LOL, you truly are an idiot. You know information about myselves?
My opinion is based on being a businessman for over 32 years. Your opinion is based on ignorance.

LOL! Yes, and my opinion is based on being a businessman for over 33 years. So because I have you beat by one year, it immediately discredits all your arguments.
actually I'm a libertarian.

"Libertarians" are like house cats; convinced of their own independence, yet entirely dependent on others to survive.
Yes, it is all relative. No one has control over their own salvation. It is predestined.
But there is such a thing as dignity and self control… Both of which are discouraged by the federal government.
Imagine that you pretending to know about other people… LOL

Well, you guys are pretty transparent so it comes easy to cast doubt on things you claim about yourself. I find it suspicious that you have to qualify all your arguments with personal circumstances you know cannot be verified. Is that a deliberate strategy you undertake? That you don't have to concede a debate so long as your qualifier exists? Grow up and get over yourself. There's no shame in admitting you're wrong about something.

In the end all anyone has on this earth is their opinion, you obviously look to control other people's opinion. How does that make you feel? Like a big brother?

No. In the end, we have facts. Opinions are not facts. Opinions are not a substitute for facts. Opinions are not a crutch to use in a debate. Opinions are like assholes; everyone has one and they all stink.
LOL, you truly are an idiot. You know information about myselves?
My opinion is based on being a businessman for over 32 years. Your opinion is based on ignorance.

LOL! Yes, and my opinion is based on being a businessman for over 33 years. So because I have you beat by one year, it immediately discredits all your arguments.
You couldn't run a lemonade stand.
Yes, it is all relative. No one has control over their own salvation. It is predestined.
But there is such a thing as dignity and self control… Both of which are discouraged by the federal government.

How so? By giving business owners the crutch they can use to justify their entitlement to own a business and pay shitty wages? That doesn't sound like the government discouraging dignity and self-control, it sounds like Conservatism doing that.
No actually, I'm 100% Oglala Sioux indian, I grew up on the Pineridge Indian reservation left when I was 17. Joined the South Dakota National Guard shortly after in the late 80s early 90s for eight years. If you're in the National Guard and not deployed you're not a vet, as the way it should be. I have never bought any insurance on my life, and not about to, never have claimed anything off insurance. I actually think mandatory insurance is legalized extortion.
I have been self-employed and debt-free for 20+ years, and I have to say Obama years of selling guns and ammo gave me financial independence for the rest of my life and my family's.
I only have a high school education, from the federal government which ain't shit… But I make do with what I have.
Since you know it all, tell us your story. And less you're too much of a control freak to comply?

Well, I'm a Paladin with 18 charisma and 97 hit points. I can use my helm of disintegration and do 1 D +4 damage as my half-elf mage wields his +5 holy avenger.

See, Dungeons & Dragons is fun!
Funny, really...
Couple years back I hired a guy that was into dungeons and dragons heavily, he kept on trying to get everyone on the crew to play. He was a decent worker, but he got distracted a lot and apparently hung out with his dungeons and dragons friends late at night. His truancy was quite substantial.
You do realize is your opinion is all you really have on this earth…
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You couldn't run a lemonade stand.

Yet, I've been in business one year longer than you. So that means everything you are saying is trumped by what I'm saying because I beat you on number of years of business experience.

That's the game we are playing now, thanks to you.
Couple years back I hired a guy that was into dungeons and dragons heavily, he kept on trying to get everyone on the crew play. He was a decent worker, but he got distracted a lot and apparently hung out with his dungeons and dragons friends late at night. His truancy was quite substantial.You do realize is your opinion is all you really have on this earth…

No, we have facts to rely on. Opinions are shaped by the facts. When you form an opinion absent of facts, it's not an opinion anymore, it's dogma.
Yes, it is all relative. No one has control over their own salvation. It is predestined.
But there is such a thing as dignity and self control… Both of which are discouraged by the federal government.

How so? By giving business owners the crutch they can use to justify their entitlement to own a business and pay shitty wages? That doesn't sound like the government discouraging dignity and self-control, it sounds like Conservatism doing that.
Who is the government to determine what a living wage is? Career politicians own the federal government much like professors they have all failed in real life.
I have a budget for wages, I don't go over the budget... ever! The first thing I pay out of my budget is payroll. That's good business.
As With my personal life I don't buy anything if I don't have the cash for - simplest thing in the world to do.
You lib drones are all the same, tell us just how much should the rich pay? What will shut you people up once and for all about the rich? I predict you will run away from this question, you lib drones always do. Are you too embarrassed to admit you wish to mooch off the rich and by how much?

But wait a second...let's get back to my question. Since you guys were so wrong about letting the Bush Tax Cuts expire on the wealthy at the end of 2012, why would you be right about anything today?

Do you even know how much revenue the Bush tax cut for the rich was? No you do not, fortunately I'm here to help the uninformed liberal drone bunch of dumb asses. When Obama allowed the Bush tax cuts on the rich to expire the revenue this generated wasn't even a rounding error in the Federal budget. Using Obama's own numbers that year he would have had to raise taxes on the rich to 98% just to cover his deficit. Hence we don't have a tax revenue problem, we have a spending problem that won't be fixed by sucking the rich dry like mooching vampires.

How you were fooled...liberal leaders in the Dem party foment division and hatred, they need a bad guy to toss as red meet to their base of poor and middle class Dem's who's lives have not improved in spite of voting Dem for the last 50 years. They have to blame someone, in this case its the so called "rich".
Couple years back I hired a guy that was into dungeons and dragons heavily, he kept on trying to get everyone on the crew play. He was a decent worker, but he got distracted a lot and apparently hung out with his dungeons and dragons friends late at night. His truancy was quite substantial.You do realize is your opinion is all you really have on this earth…

No, we have facts to rely on. Opinions are shaped by the facts. When you form an opinion absent of facts, it's not an opinion anymore, it's dogma.
And it's a fact you are the sole dictator of other people's businesses?
Who is the government to determine what a living wage is? Career politicians own the federal government much like professors they have all failed in real life.

A career politician failed by winning election after election after election? Who is the federal government to determine what a living wage is? US! WE are the federal government. They aren't some group of people absent this country, they are elected representatives. Career politicians are failures, yet Trump, who went through half a dozen bankruptcies, isn't?

I have a budget for wages, I don't go over the budget... ever! The first thing I pay out of my budget is payroll. That's good business. As With my personal life I don't buy anything if I don't have the cash for - simplest thing in the world to do.

What a load of crap, man. So you didn't get a loan to start your business? You didn't get a loan to expand your business? I find that hard to believe. You were probably not running a profit the first couple years of your "business" as you had to pay back the loan, anyway (most businesses don't run in the black right away). So because you had to get a loan, does that mean your business failed?
Do you even know how much revenue the Bush tax cut for the rich was? No you do not, fortunately I'm here to help the uninformed liberal drone bunch of dumb asses. When Obama allowed the Bush tax cuts on the rich to expire the revenue this generated wasn't even a rounding error in the Federal budget.

Wrong, boyo. Letting the Bush Tax Cuts expire on the wealthy added about $85B in revenues to the budget for 2013 alone. But setting that inconvenient thing aside for a moment, the Conservative claim was that letting those cuts expire would lead to job loss, a market collapse, and a recession. You guys were wrong on all three.

Using Obama's own numbers that year he would have had to raise taxes on the rich to 98% just to cover his deficit. Hence we don't have a tax revenue problem, we have a spending problem that won't be fixed by sucking the rich dry like mooching vampires.

First of all, who says that the deficit had to be made up in one year? What is this weird standard you're trying to insert into the debate? Secondly, Obama never promised that letting those cuts expire would balance the budget. What he did say was that letting them expire would reduce the deficit, and they did. You all claimed that it would lead to job loss, a market collapse, and a recession. You were wrong on all three. So since you were wrong on all three, why the fuck should anyone take anything you say seriously today?

How you were fooled...liberal leaders in the Dem party foment division and hatred, they need a bad guy to toss as red meet to their base of poor and middle class Dem's who's lives have not improved in spite of voting Dem for the last 50 years. They have to blame someone, in this case its the so called "rich".

Enough with this melodramatic whining. I am tired of reading Conservatives who don't accept personal responsibility for their beliefs. YOU ALL SAID that if Obama let the Bush Tax Cuts expire on the wealthy, it would lead to job loss, a recession, and a market collapse. You were completely wrong on all three. So since you were wrong then, why would you be right about anything you say now?
And it's a fact you are the sole dictator of other people's businesses?

Wah wah! Stop your whining. A minimum wage is hardly a dictation of business. The fact that you are trying to justify low wages for business ownership entitlement speaks to the hollowness of your argument. So you make up shit about yourself to lend your argument credibility it lost by pretending to be a business owner. Strip that qualifier out of your posts, and you're left with nothing but dogmatic nonsense.

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