As predicted - Study shows Seattle $15 min wage result is less hours and 5000 less jobs

You keep on saying a living wage? That living wage should be determined on where they are at… You know cost of living. It's called work for a reason, it should not be overly pleasant

Who says you shouldn't love your job???? I think your priorities are all backwards. A living wage is the wage someone should get without having to rely on government assistance to bridge that gap. Right now, it costs about $14/hr to provide full benefits. So the living wage should be about $14/hr. If you pay people more, that means they qualify for less welfare. Don't you want fewer people on welfare?
If they do have a union, sure assembly-line workers are overpaid…

Ahhh, so it's not even about the type of job. You have determined what you think is the "worth" of these kind of jobs. Well, who are you to make that judgment?
I'm a business owner of 20+ years, I've heard every excuse in the book for lack of progress on the job. The easiest thing in the world for people to do is live within their means, you know spend less than they make. Situational excuses are the weakest argument for a pay raise.
You keep on saying a living wage? That living wage should be determined on where they are at… You know cost of living. It's called work for a reason, it should not be overly pleasant

Who says you shouldn't love your job???? I think your priorities are all backwards. A living wage is the wage someone should get without having to rely on government assistance to bridge that gap. Right now, it costs about $14/hr to provide full benefits. So the living wage should be about $14/hr. If you pay people more, that means they qualify for less welfare. Don't you want fewer people on welfare?

Sounds like less government dependence...
You keep on saying a living wage? That living wage should be determined on where they are at… You know cost of living. It's called work for a reason, it should not be overly pleasant

Who says you shouldn't love your job???? I think your priorities are all backwards. A living wage is the wage someone should get without having to rely on government assistance to bridge that gap. Right now, it costs about $14/hr to provide full benefits. So the living wage should be about $14/hr. If you pay people more, that means they qualify for less welfare. Don't you want fewer people on welfare?
I understand that, but there is a difference in types of jobs like it or not.
My seasonal workers I pay $15 under the table, and they work about 80 hours a week. That is not a career type of job nor should it be paid like one…
I'm a business owner of 20+ years

So you say, but if I told you I was Tom Brady would you believe me? Of course not. So why should I believe you? You're basically having to qualify your position with a bunch of questionable unverifiable experience. Your personal anecdotes, truthful or not, are not the basis by which we determine livable wages in this country. I would love one time for a Conservative to not have to qualify whatever stupid argument they're about to make with made-up, embellished, or fabricated credentials that no one can verify one way or another. You should be able to make an argument without invoking hearsay and anecdotes.

I've heard every excuse in the book for lack of progress on the job. The easiest thing in the world for people to do is live within their means, you know spend less than they make. Situational excuses are the weakest argument for a pay raise.

And entitlement is the weakest argument against a pay raise. You should raise pay if productivity is raised, which is has the last 37 years yet no wage increases for most workers. That results in a collection of wealth at the very top. Wealth we were promised would "trickle-down" if the wealthy were given generous tax cuts. So we did just that. Did the wealth trickle-down as promised? Nope.
It's called work for a reason, it should not be overly pleasant

And this is the attitude that causes garbage employment and garbage wages. Happy workers are productive workers. And workers are happy when they are paid.
Starter jobs Rarely attract happy people…
That's why they are called starter jobs they're meant to be moved on to something they like. It's called building character and work ethic.
You keep on saying a living wage? That living wage should be determined on where they are at… You know cost of living. It's called work for a reason, it should not be overly pleasant

Who says you shouldn't love your job???? I think your priorities are all backwards. A living wage is the wage someone should get without having to rely on government assistance to bridge that gap. Right now, it costs about $14/hr to provide full benefits. So the living wage should be about $14/hr. If you pay people more, that means they qualify for less welfare. Don't you want fewer people on welfare?
I understand that, but there is a difference in types of jobs like it or not.
My seasonal workers I pay $15 under the table, and they work about 80 hours a week. That is not a career type of job nor should it be paid like one…

We need good paying jobs for a strong economy. Where do you expect to find them?
It's called work for a reason, it should not be overly pleasant

And this is the attitude that causes garbage employment and garbage wages. Happy workers are productive workers. And workers are happy when they are paid.
Starter jobs Rarely attract happy people…
That's why they are called starter jobs they're meant to be moved on to something they like. It's called building character and work ethic.

Seems we dont have enough career jobs. Where will you get more?
I understand that, but there is a difference in types of jobs like it or not.

Again, your subjective judgment as to those jobs is not material to this debate. It's not your entitlement to determine how much a certain job should pay. Right now, most low-wage jobs are subsidized by taxpayers, which means taxpayers subsidize corporate profits when we have to provide welfare benefits to people who are employed.

My seasonal workers I pay $15 under the table, and they work about 80 hours a week. That is not a career type of job nor should it be paid like one…

But it is a job, and if someone works a job then they should be able to get paid enough to live without having to get a handout from the government. I know it makes you feel good about yourself to pass judgment on employment types, but this isn't about you or your self-gratifying mental masturbation.
Make no mistake, when Conservatives talk about "small business ownres" they're talking about the brats who think they're entitled to own a business and pay workers shitty wages. "Entitlement" is synonymous with "Conservatism".
How can we mistake the idiotic garbage that flows from your mind (if we can call it that)? I've owned a business for 32 years, how about you?
I'm a business owner of 20+ years

So you say, but if I told you I was Tom Brady would you believe me? Of course not. So why should I believe you? You're basically having to qualify your position with a bunch of questionable unverifiable experience. Your personal anecdotes, truthful or not, are not the basis by which we determine livable wages in this country. I would love one time for a Conservative to not have to qualify whatever stupid argument they're about to make with made-up, embellished, or fabricated credentials that no one can verify one way or another. You should be able to make an argument without invoking hearsay and anecdotes.

I've heard every excuse in the book for lack of progress on the job. The easiest thing in the world for people to do is live within their means, you know spend less than they make. Situational excuses are the weakest argument for a pay raise.

And entitlement is the weakest argument against a pay raise. You should raise pay if productivity is raised, which is has the last 37 years yet no wage increases for most workers. That results in a collection of wealth at the very top. Wealth we were promised would "trickle-down" if the wealthy were given generous tax cuts. So we did just that. Did the wealth trickle-down as promised? Nope.
Well, you're gonna believe what you want… Right? That's your entitlement…

In the politically correct world that we live in, all that's needed for the keeping of a job and for pay raises is just showing up, And lame excuses for not showing up.
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Ahahaha right on cue a libwit takes a shot at the rich. Look fool Obama already raised taxes on the wealthy hence you have nothing to bitch about.

When Obama let the Bush Tax Cuts expire on the wealthy at the end of 2012, you Conservatives predicted job loss, a market collapse, and a recession. Wrong on all three. So since you were wrong then, why would you be right about anything today?

You lib drones are all the same, tell us just how much should the rich pay? What will shut you people up once and for all about the rich? I predict you will run away from this question, you lib drones always do. Are you too embarrassed to admit you wish to mooch off the rich and by how much?
How can we mistake the idiotic garbage that flows from your mind (if we can call it that)? I've owned a business for 32 years, how about you?

I can make up things about myself too! I'm a 5-time, Super Bowl-winning, MVP quarterback who is married to a lingerie model. So because of that, my point-of-view trumps anything you say and immediately discredits your argument.

See how fun playing make-believe is!?
I understand that, but there is a difference in types of jobs like it or not.

Again, your subjective judgment as to those jobs is not material to this debate. It's not your entitlement to determine how much a certain job should pay. Right now, most low-wage jobs are subsidized by taxpayers, which means taxpayers subsidize corporate profits when we have to provide welfare benefits to people who are employed.

My seasonal workers I pay $15 under the table, and they work about 80 hours a week. That is not a career type of job nor should it be paid like one…

But it is a job, and if someone works a job then they should be able to get paid enough to live without having to get a handout from the government. I know it makes you feel good about yourself to pass judgment on employment types, but this isn't about you or your self-gratifying mental masturbation.
Well, if the business owner cannot determine what pay should be? He does not own the business, does he? Why even start a small business then?
No one starts a business just to hire people… The only reason ever to run the business is to make a profit.
It seems you like big brother to run things? I understand your type
Well, you're gonna believe what you want… Right? That's your entitlement…

Actually, the point is that it's entitlement to expect me to accept whatever given circumstances you're giving your USMB character to lend credibility to a debate you don't otherwise have. So we can sit here and play make-believe like a couple of schoolkids, or we can debate like adults using facts and figures. You have to qualify the things you say and believe, as if it would be so unbelievable to accept if you weren't what you claim to be. I don't have time for that shit.

In the politically correct world that we live in, all that's needed for the keeping of a job and for pay raises is just showing up, I am lame excuses for not showing up.

I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, but this is just a bunch of tone-deaf nonsense. American workers work harder and work longer hours than their equally-productive First World counterparts.
You lib drones are all the same, tell us just how much should the rich pay? What will shut you people up once and for all about the rich? I predict you will run away from this question, you lib drones always do. Are you too embarrassed to admit you wish to mooch off the rich and by how much?

But wait a second...let's get back to my question. Since you guys were so wrong about letting the Bush Tax Cuts expire on the wealthy at the end of 2012, why would you be right about anything today?
Well, you're gonna believe what you want… Right? That's your entitlement…

Actually, the point is that it's entitlement to expect me to accept whatever given circumstances you're giving your USMB character to lend credibility to a debate you don't otherwise have. So we can sit here and play make-believe like a couple of schoolkids, or we can debate like adults using facts and figures. You have to qualify the things you say and believe, as if it would be so unbelievable to accept if you weren't what you claim to be. I don't have time for that shit.

In the politically correct world that we live in, all that's needed for the keeping of a job and for pay raises is just showing up, I am lame excuses for not showing up.

I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, but this is just a bunch of tone-deaf nonsense. American workers work harder and work longer hours than their equally-productive First World counterparts.
The federal government has trained you well… LOL
Well, if the business owner cannot determine what pay should be? He does not own the business, does he? Why even start a small business then?

A business owner can determine what to pay employees. At a minimum, they should be paid enough that they don't qualify for welfare benefits because of their income. Otherwise, we are just subsidizing corporate profits when we have to pay for SNAP for 1.5 million Walmart workers, for example.

No one starts a business just to hire people… The only reason ever to run the business is to make a profit.
It seems you like big brother to run things? I understand your type

You keep saying that, but it's a straw man argument. You hire people because there is demand in the market for whatever good or service you produce. You don't hire workers because you got a tax cut. You hire workers if there is demand and you need to fill that demand.
You lib drones are all the same, tell us just how much should the rich pay? What will shut you people up once and for all about the rich? I predict you will run away from this question, you lib drones always do. Are you too embarrassed to admit you wish to mooch off the rich and by how much?

But wait a second...let's get back to my question. Since you guys were so wrong about letting the Bush Tax Cuts expire on the wealthy at the end of 2012, why would you be right about anything today?
Until the taxes are collected the federal government cannot claim them, its like they never even existed.
Perceived future taxes are an bullshit excuse...

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