As President Trump is indicted for January 6, more evidence emerges that it was a set-up.

Trump put a report out that is full of evidence. Try reading it asshole.
Where ? Point it out….oh, Trump put it out. Not his DOJ, not his FBI, not his lawyers, but Trump. Where is it ? Where can we go to read it ? Post it ? Copy it ? Put it out on TV and at one of his rallies. Try Fix News….
More evidence?

I did not know that rudy was still doing pressers outside of a landscaping company.
Well then, try just putting down a link…anything, anywhere.
Hilarious….it’s a tweet. it starts this way.
So you’re now admitting that Trump may not have won, but Biden might not have won either.

Well, let’s start with, you’re stupid. The states certify elections, not Trump bubba. You have to convince them. You tried and failed 61 times and A TWEET by a follower DOESN’t. CUT IT.

Introduction: It has often been repeated there is “no evidence” of fraud in the 2020 Election. In actuality, there is no evidence Joe Biden won.”
Hilarious….it’s a tweet. it starts this way.
So you’re now admitting that Trump may not have won, but Biden might not have won either.

Well, let’s start with, you’re stupid. The states certify elections, not Trump bubba. You have to convince them. You tried and failed 61 times and A TWEET by a follower DOESN’t. CUT IT.

Introduction: It has often been repeated there is “no evidence” of fraud in the 2020 Election. In actuality, there is no evidence Joe Biden won.”
The states certified elections knowing all this crap happened. Their certification was illegal.
What crap ? It’s a tweet. I’m going to post something now. And because it appears on this thread, it must be true. Are you ready ? “You and Trump are FOS.”
How is that ?
You think if the government and media say something it is true it is. That is just plain stupid.
You’re beginning to sound like a climate change denier.
I do deny climate change. CO2 is a life giving gas and we need more in the atmosphere to improve crop yield. Certainly, another thing you will parrot the narrative for. You really are stupid. I think I am done with you for awhile.
You think if the government and media say something it is true it is. That is just plain stupid.
No, I doubt them too. But I sure as fk don’t believe you and Trump…. That’s why we have courts bubba. And Trump is a failure in courts. 61 times.
I do deny climate change. CO2 is a life giving gas and we need more in the atmosphere to improve crop yield. Certainly, another thing you will parrot the narrative for. You really are stupid. I think I am done with you for awhile.
Wow, you’re a three time loser. Go get together with your buddies this evening in the largest trailer, and come up with a new strategy. BTW, no one has successfully sued the govt or 30 k climate affiliated institutes for spreading false info about climate change. Even Al Gore hadn’t been successfully sued.
No, I doubt them too. But I sure as fk don’t believe you and Trump…. That’s why we have courts bubba. And Trump is a failure in courts. 61 times.
We have courts so people can get a fair trial. That simply does not happen anymore. You are siding with criminals and bullies. You are an intolerant loser and traitor.

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