As President Trump is indicted for January 6, more evidence emerges that it was a set-up.

That's ironic, seeing as you folks have put all your hopes on an ambulance chaser in Fulton County.
Hope ? You think anyone wanted this mess trump has created. trump , himself , should regret it the most. It's his undoing. No one could or should trust him again. I forget, I'm talking about sane people , that leaves trump and his cult followers.
Hope ? You think anyone wanted this mess trump has created. trump , himself , should regret it the most. It's his undoing. No one could or should trust him again. I forget, I'm talking about sane people , that leaves trump and his cult followers.
Trump took one day in office claiming his coronation was the biggest ever to lose the trust with anyone with half a brain.
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Lastamender Aug2023 Saptii00003: People used to think if the MSM does not cover something it is not true. The opposite is true now. It is coming out and nothing can be done to stop it. Saptii00003

NotfooledbyW Jan2024 Vaptii00107: Nothing is made up or twisted by a deep state main stream media that refuses to cover the white and religious grievances that consumes your life Vaptii00107 to Saptii00003

Lastamender Jan2024 Saptii00108: “Where is this "white and religious grievances" coming from?. You pompous asshole, my comments have nothing to do with race. Get Saptii00108 to Vaptii00107

NotfooledbyW Jan2024 Vaptii00107: Nothing is made up or twisted by a deep state main stream media that refuses to cover the white and religious grievances that consumes your life Vaptii00107

Lastamender Jan2024 Saptii00108: “Where is this "white and religious grievances" coming from?. You pompous asshole, my comments have nothing to do with race.” Saptii00108 to Vaptii0010p

The possibility that in your messages the multiracial multicultural political party is wrong 100% of the time and the 94% white political party is right 100% of the time tells me that your comments Saint Lastamender have everything to do with race and religion in favor of white Christian nationalism.

Vaptii00145 to Saptii00108
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Doc7505 Aug2023 Saptii00001: Once Trump announced a rally in D.C., he and his supporters were doomed Saptii00001

Trump called for a peaceful rally on J6. No doom and gloom for you Saint Doc7505 had you gone to the Ellipse to voice your misinformed conclusion that Biden stole the election from Trump, regardless of the fact that you have not figured out a way to explain how Sleepy Joe beat the Orange Dumbfuk he ran against.

Why do you think the Dumbfuk Party was doomed simply for announcing to hold and holding a rally at the Ellipse?

The Park Police issued a permit for a peaceful rally to be held on the Ellipse. And it was.

It was peaceful until Trump announced during his speech on the Ellipse that he wanted the mob to ignore the permit and March to the Capitol in the company of him the Dumbfuk Party leader.

The plan to move the rally to the Capitol was kept secret during the days before J6 because Trump wanted it to look like in public and in Tv that the march to the Capitol was spontaneous.

Trump secretly planned with a small inner circle to walk with the mob to the Capitol..

On J6 TRUMP was advised some in the mob were carrying firearms outside the magnetometers / but DJT wanted the magnetometers taken down.

What was the secrecy about the march to the Capitol to get Pence to do the right thing - which was to recognize the fake certificates which said Trump/Pence had won seven states that T/P had clearly lost.

Thereby Pence shall announce victory and the Dumbfuk Party has prevailed. Jesus and Trump have saved America from the darkness of evil.

Vaptij00146 to Saptii00001
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All your article says is that judges, because they were told there was no fraud, dismissed the cases.
Nope….you actually have to read it…..insufficient evidence, you Humpers just go through life in denial.
Just like trickle down climate change and woman’s rights, you just disregard what the sane educated world says, and follow your stinky, diaper Don cult leader.
Lastamender Aug2023 Saptii00003: People used to think if the MSM does not cover something it is not true. The opposite is true now. It is coming out and nothing can be done to stop it. Saptii00003

NotfooledbyW Jan2024 Vaptii00107: Nothing is made up or twisted by a deep state main stream media that refuses to cover the white and religious grievances that consumes your life Vaptii00107 to Saptii00003

Lastamender Jan2024 Saptii00108: “Where is this "white and religious grievances" coming from?. You pompous asshole, my comments have nothing to do with race. Get Saptii00108 to Vaptii00107

NotfooledbyW Jan2024 Vaptii00107: Nothing is made up or twisted by a deep state main stream media that refuses to cover the white and religious grievances that consumes your life Vaptii00107

Lastamender Jan2024 Saptii00108: “Where is this "white and religious grievances" coming from?. You pompous asshole, my comments have nothing to do with race.” Saptii00108 to Vaptii0010p

The possibility that in your messages the multiracial multicultural political party is wrong 100% of the time and the 94% white political party is right 100% of the time tells me that your comments Saint Lastamender have everything to do with race and religion in favor of white Christian nationalism.

Vaptii00145 to Saptii00108
Ha ha
Exactly !
They refused because the offer was fishy , trump wanted greater numbers for greater violence and loss of life. Then he could declare martial law and remain president , fabricating other events to stay in power. He admired despots so much he thought America would be better off with a dictator.
Yup, and he preaches his fascist ways daily to anyone who’ll listen. Make no mistake, he’s a Putin wanna be. Wouldn’t be surprised if Valad is on diaper Don‘s speed dial.
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Doc7505 Aug2023 Saptii00001: Once Trump announced a rally in D.C., he and his supporters were doomed Saptii00001

Trump called for a peaceful rally on J6. No doom and gloom for you Saint Doc7505 had you gone to the Ellipse to voice your misinformed conclusion that Biden stole the election from Trump, regardless of the fact that you have not figured out a way to explain how Sleepy Joe beat the Orange Dumbfuk he ran against.

Why do you think the Dumbfuk Party was doomed simply for announcing to hold and holding a rally at the Ellipse?

The Park Police issued a permit for a peaceful rally to be held on the Ellipse. And it was.

It was peaceful until Trump announced during his speech on the Ellipse that he wanted the mob to ignore the permit and March to the Capitol in the company of him the Dumbfuk Party leader.

The plan to move the rally to the Capitol was kept secret during the days before J6 because Trump wanted it to look like in public and in Tv that the march to the Capitol was spontaneous.

Trump secretly planned with a small inner circle to walk with the mob to the Capitol..

On J6 TRUMP was advised some in the mob were carrying firearms outside the magnetometers / but DJT wanted the magnetometers taken down.

What was the secrecy about the march to the Capitol to get Pence to do the right thing - which was to recognize the fake certificates which said Trump/Pence had won seven states that T/P had clearly lost.

Thereby Pence shall announce victory and the Dumbfuk Party has prevailed. Jesus and Trump have saved America from the darkness of evil.

Vaptij00146 to Saptii00001
What’s hilarious is, Trump was president but still can‘t get but a few of his hand picked cohorts to go along…even his family was shitting their pants during j6. Now we’re to believe that sleepy Joe wielded that much power while out of office ? I had never voted or supported sleepy Joe in his decades in politics…..till now. He’s my hero. Imagine, according to Humpers he took down a sitting president while out of office. Humpers beware.
BTW, where IS Melania ?
Doc7505 Aug2023 Saptii00001: Once Trump announced a rally in D.C., he and his supporters were doomed Saptii00001

Trump called for a peaceful rally on J6. No doom and gloom for you Saint Doc7505 had you gone to the Ellipse to voice your misinformed conclusion that Biden stole the election from Trump, regardless of the fact that you have not figured out a way to explain how Sleepy Joe beat the Orange Dumbfuk he ran against.

Why do you think the Dumbfuk Party was doomed simply for announcing to hold and holding a rally at the Ellipse?

The Park Police issued a permit for a peaceful rally to be held on the Ellipse. And it was.

It was peaceful until Trump announced during his speech on the Ellipse that he wanted the mob to ignore the permit and March to the Capitol in the company of him the Dumbfuk Party leader.

The plan to move the rally to the Capitol was kept secret during the days before J6 because Trump wanted it to look like in public and in Tv that the march to the Capitol was spontaneous.

Trump secretly planned with a small inner circle to walk with the mob to the Capitol..

On J6 TRUMP was advised some in the mob were carrying firearms outside the magnetometers / but DJT wanted the magnetometers taken down.

What was the secrecy about the march to the Capitol to get Pence to do the right thing - which was to recognize the fake certificates which said Trump/Pence had won seven states that T/P had clearly lost.

Thereby Pence shall announce victory and the Dumbfuk Party has prevailed. Jesus and Trump have saved America from the darkness of evil.

Vaptij00146 to Saptii00001
More of Trump babble asking his MAGA-rons to die for him. He’s getting heckled at his own rally now.
Nope….you actually have to read it…..insufficient evidence, you Humpers just go through life in denial.
Just like trickle down climate change and woman’s rights, you just disregard what the sane educated world says, and follow your stinky, diaper Don cult leader.
Again, no forensic audits, no evidentiary hearings. No real investigations from a corrupt FBI or state officials, or Congress. The election was obviously stolen and 91 indictments will never change that fact.
Again, no forensic audits, no evidentiary hearings. No real investigations from a corrupt FBI or state officials, or Congress. The election was obviously stolen and 91 indictments will never change that fact.
Take it to Court.

Oh wait. Trump did. 61 times and lost every time
Again, no forensic audits, no evidentiary hearings. No real investigations from a corrupt FBI or state officials, or Congress. The election was obviously stolen and 91 indictments will never change that fact.
Amazing…where is the evidence now ? You had 61 chances and it has been three plus years since. What are you waiting for ?

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