As President Trump is indicted for January 6, more evidence emerges that it was a set-up.

That is a gop lie.
So you're now calling General Kellogg and Kash Patel liars?

So you're now calling General Kellogg and Kash Patel liars?

Slow Horses is a troll.
So you're now calling General Kellogg and Kash Patel liars?

Hilarious. The only ones who can call out the nat guard are the president and gov. Of the state they are deployed from. Other officials CANNOT refuse the call out. They have no say.
So, this is bullshit.

As President Trump is indicted for January 6,

more evidence emerges that it was a set-up.

5 Au 2023 ~~ By Andrea Widburg

Once Trump announced a rally in D.C., he and his supporters were doomed.
Coincidentally, I’m sure, in the lead-up to his being taken off the air at Fox News, Tucker Carlson and his team were investigating events on January 6—the same events that are serving as the basis for Jack Smith’s creative indictment against Donald Trump. One of the things that Fox News prevented from airing was an interview with former Capitol Hill Police Chief Steven Sund, during which he told Tucker that the FBI had “a lot of operatives” in the crowd. There was more, and it all feeds into the reasonable belief that January 6 was a set-up.

January 6 has been enormously useful to the Democrats:
  • It allowed them to certify the electoral college votes without any objections. These objections (which Democrats have vigorously made over the years) are a prerequisite to challenging the count.
  • It allowed them to round up almost 1,000 Trump supporters and destroy their lives, a useful lesson to anyone else who might think about opposing the Biden regime…er, administration.
  • It allowed them to pretend that the lack of crowds in D.C. for Biden’s inauguration was due to security requirements rather than to the reality, which is that no one would have shown up anyway.
  • And, of course, most usefully at all, it’s just allowed them to indict Biden’s chief rival, President Donald Trump, in the lead-up to the 2024 election. The charge, while failing to use the word “insurrection,” essentially alleges that Trump defrauded America by ignoring those of his advisors who believed in the 2024 election (many of whom have been outed as fervent Trump haters) and, instead, looking to evidence of election of fraud and believing that election.
Knowing how useful January 6 was for Democrats—and considering that the “insurrection” narrative kicked within fewer than 24 hours —it’s worth considering a very loose rundown of the timeline.
  • Trump announced a rally in D.C. on the day that the Senate was set to certify the election.
  • Trump asks for extra security in D.C. for that day, a request that is refused.
  • Trump tells those at the rally who “will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voice heard.”
  • The crowd at the Capitol did not become agitated until the police, without any warning to the crowd to disperse, suddenly fired flash bangs into the crowd.
  • People in whom the FBI had no interest were filmed removing barriers and urging people into the Capitol. (See here and here.) Significantly, those who weren’t on the front lines would have had no idea that they weren’t being invited into the Capitol, especially because the Capitol police were welcoming them in (which should negate any charges that they were illegally trespassing).
  • Trump immediately issued tweets telling the crowd to remain peaceful and disperse. (See here and here.) Soon after, Twitter shut down his account, making his tweet inaccessible for posterity to revisit.
  • Trump tried to get to the Capitol to calm the crowd but was prevented from doing so.
  • Capitol police apparently beat one Trump supporter to death and shot to death an unarmed woman. Otherwise, no one suffered any serious injuries at the hands of the crowd—although Democrats lied relentlessly about Officer Sicknick, who emerged unscathed on January 6, only to die later from a stroke.
In event after event, it’s the system, not Trump, that’s inexorably pulling the crowd into the Capitol. And in event after event, it was Trump who tried to put the brakes on things, only to be blocked.
The previously hidden revelations from former Capitol Hill Police Chief Steven Sund are entirely consistent with the above facts:
Former Capitol Hill Police Chief Steven Sund told Tucker Carlson “there was a fair amount of law enforcement” in the January 6th crowd, in footage exclusively obtained by The National Pulse. The bombshell news follows revelations that Sund had called the events surrounding the Capitol riot “a cover up,” adding his concerns over provocateurs like Ray Epps.

Indeed, added Sund, in over 30 years of police work, he’d never seen so much law enforcement. In the same suppressed interview, Sund also revealed that the FBI had worked with him during the IMF protests and the Bush inauguration.
You can see the entire interview at The National Pulse.

Yes!, It was a setup. conservatives would be wise to watch for even more false flag operations heading into the 2024 elections. Not just the presidential race, but any conservative gathering. Expect more Democrat governor kidnapping plots, more Republican rallies infiltrated by ANTIFA and FBI/Stasi, more terrorist parents protecting their children and there are always those Catholic terrorists. Just watch how it unfolds. It has been so successful so why wouldn't the Maoist/DSA Democrat Commies just ramp it up?
Conservatives need to be very, very careful.
It is highly probable that there was indeed a conspiracy to obstruct government processes, but it was the opposite of what Smith alleges. It was a Democratic operation led by Nancy Pelosi and demonstrated by FBI/Stasi operatives. Among the many reasons for the Left to prevent Trump's re-election is the possibility that a real inquiry into Jan 6 would be conducted.
Even the biased judges cannot stop the discovery process......the morons bringing this stuff didn't do too much thinking before salivating over the whole thing.

People used to think if the MSM does not cover something it is not true. The opposite is true now. It is coming out and nothing can be done to stop it.
Mitch McConnell’s words are in the Congressional Record.

Nothing is made up or twisted by a deep state main stream media that refuses to cover the white and religious grievances that consumes your life.

BlindBoo Vqaj6p00107 inserts MItchMcC J6 reality: "They did this because they had been fed wild falsehoods by the most powerful man on Earth – because he was angry he'd lost an election. Former President Trump's actions preceding the riot were a disgraceful dereliction of duty. •¥• ..... something I said weeks ago: There is no question that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of that day. •¥¥• The people who stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their president. •¥¥¥• And their having that belief was a foreseeable consequence of the growing crescendo of false statements, conspiracy theories, and reckless hyperbole which the defeated president kept shouting into the largest megaphone on planet Earth." •¥¥¥¥•

"The issue is not only the president's intemperate language on January 6th. •¥¥¥¥¥• It is not just his endorsement of remarks in which an associate urged "trial by combat." •¥¥¥¥¥¥• It was also the entire manufactured atmosphere of looming catastrophe; the increasingly wild myths about a reverse landslide election that was being stolen in some secret coup by our now-president. •¥¥¥¥¥¥¥• I defended the president's right to bring any complaints to our legal system. The legal system spoke. The Electoral College spoke. As I stood up and said clearly at the time, the election was settled. •¥8¥• But that reality just opened a new chapter of even wilder and more unfounded claims. •¥9¥• The leader of the free world cannot spend weeks thundering that shadowy forces are stealing our country and then feign surprise when people believe him and do reckless things. •¥10¥• Sadly, many politicians sometimes make overheated comments or use metaphors that unhinged listeners might take literally. This was different." •¥11¥• blvndbvv.24.01.12 #107
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Mitch McConnell’s words are in the Congressional Record.

Nothing is made up or twisted by a deep state main stream media that refuses to cover the white and religious grievances that consumes your life.

BlindBoo Vqaj6p00107 inserts MItchMcC J6 reality: "They did this because they had been fed wild falsehoods by the most powerful man on Earth – because he was angry he'd lost an election. Former President Trump's actions preceding the riot were a disgraceful dereliction of duty. •¥• ..... something I said weeks ago: There is no question that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of that day. •¥¥• The people who stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their president. •¥¥¥• And their having that belief was a foreseeable consequence of the growing crescendo of false statements, conspiracy theories, and reckless hyperbole which the defeated president kept shouting into the largest megaphone on planet Earth." •¥¥¥¥•

"The issue is not only the president's intemperate language on January 6th. •¥¥¥¥¥• It is not just his endorsement of remarks in which an associate urged "trial by combat." •¥¥¥¥¥¥• It was also the entire manufactured atmosphere of looming catastrophe; the increasingly wild myths about a reverse landslide election that was being stolen in some secret coup by our now-president. •¥¥¥¥¥¥¥• I defended the president's right to bring any complaints to our legal system. The legal system spoke. The Electoral College spoke. As I stood up and said clearly at the time, the election was settled. •¥8¥• But that reality just opened a new chapter of even wilder and more unfounded claims. •¥9¥• The leader of the free world cannot spend weeks thundering that shadowy forces are stealing our country and then feign surprise when people believe him and do reckless things. •¥10¥• Sadly, many politicians sometimes make overheated comments or use metaphors that unhinged listeners might take literally. This was different." •¥11¥• blvndbvv.24.01.12 #107
Where is this "white and religious grievances" coming from?. You pompous asshole, my comments have nothing to do with race. Get a life loser.
Russia Collusion, the vaccine is safe, white supremacy is the no. 1 problem. All fucking lies.
Russia Collusion, the vaccine is safe, white supremacy is the no. 1 problem. All fucking lies.
So you’re anti capitalism telling what MSM should or should not cover ?,

54% of population thinks Trump colluded with Russia.
Over 80% of the population has at least one vaccination.
The fbi says out biggest terrorist threat comes from right wing white extremest activities.
So you fkers are in the minority if you don’t want MSM to cover the stories you make up shit about…
Climate change ? There are no countries in the world that deny it. But you in your wisdom want to what…keep it secret that you are a minority ?
So you’re anti capitalism telling what MSM should or should not cover ?,

54% of population thinks Trump colluded with Russia.
Over 80% of the population has at least one vaccination.
The fbi says out biggest terrorist threat comes from right wing white extremest activities.
So you fkers are in the minority if you don’t want MSM to cover the stories you make up shit about…
Climate change ? There are no countries in the world that deny it. But you in your wisdom want to what…keep it secret that you are a minority ?
62% believe the 2020 election was stolen and that number is growing. Next.
You did this made up shit last time…claiming the election was going to be rigged and many of your voters didn’t show up. Keep up the good work. What a stupid premiss.
Ask Kari Lake if the election was rigged. Ask the citizens of AZ.

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