As President Trump is indicted for January 6, more evidence emerges that it was a set-up.

He didn't start it, it is not his position to call off riots. Why didn't democrat governors and mayors call off the BLM/Antifa riots?
That's the other thing about Jan 6th. It's not the president's place, nor his responsibility to react to riots. This responsibility to maintain order belongs solely to the Capitol Police and the people in charge of overseeing and managing them. It sure as hell is not the president of the United States obligation to control riots and quell mobs.

So when I see all of these timelines supposedly showing how Trump delinquent in his duty to maintain order in and around the US Capitol building - it's simply not his job to do so.
Wrong. The commander in chief is tasked with an oath to protect and preserve the constitution..
zgeesus, that’s his PRIMARY JOB
U just saw a Village elected representative pull a fire alarm. And he was a school principal. What a joke. The men who built America is replaced with the boys of the Village who destroyed it and if you do not follow their dictums, they get violent.
Wrong. The guard units are under control of the commander in chief ( thevfed) AND the gov in which the NG unit in states reside. ONLY. Trump had the authority to call up the guard, Not Pelosi. It takes just a fking phone call. Here is proof.
The president cannot decide, gee golly, I want to call up the National Guard in Florida cuz there is a mob of street toughs causing mayhem. If the state's governor does not wish to call up the National Guard, then no Guard Units are deployed.

Your link refers to an invasion of the USA, if the regular Armed forces failed to secure the peace. Look somewhere else. The president cannot just call up the guard on a whim, that power belongs to the governor.

Everything I have read about the president and the DCNG, involves a lot of people and steps which do not include the president. Even if the president does decide that calling up the guard is warranted, a lot of other people are involved and check off on it, and days later the guard show up. But last year, I think, Congress passed a bill, the president signed it, which includes the DC mayor in control of the DCNG.

It was not like the DC Mayor and Capitol Police just sit on their hands and hope the president sends in the Guard. They play their parts in justifying their concerns or requests for guard troops. There is no official document the president, Speaker of the House, Capitol Police Chief and DC Mayor signs to prove anyone was talking about possibly calling up the troops. Once things become serious, then we get e-mails and official correspondences. Things never got serious before Jan 6th, so there is doubtfully any paper trail.
The president cannot decide, gee golly, I want to call up the National Guard in Florida cuz there is a mob of street toughs causing mayhem. If the state's governor does not wish to call up the National Guard, then no Guard Units are deployed.

Your link refers to an invasion of the USA, if the regular Armed forces failed to secure the peace. Look somewhere else. The president cannot just call up the guard on a whim, that power belongs to the governor.

Everything I have read about the president and the DCNG, involves a lot of people and steps which do not include the president. Even if the president does decide that calling up the guard is warranted, a lot of other people are involved and check off on it, and days later the guard show up. But last year, I think, Congress passed a bill, the president signed it, which includes the DC mayor in control of the DCNG.

It was not like the DC Mayor and Capitol Police just sit on their hands and hope the president sends in the Guard. They play their parts in justifying their concerns or requests for guard troops. There is no official document the president, Speaker of the House, Capitol Police Chief and DC Mayor signs to prove anyone was talking about possibly calling up the troops. Once things become serious, then we get e-mails and official correspondences. Things never got serious before Jan 6th, so there is doubtfully any paper trail.
All babble. Read the reference. Guardsmen and women answer to two people. The govenor of their state and the president. Read the reference. The regulars cannot be used without a state of marshal law. , the guard units can by the commander in chief….stop lying. The president can activate the guard anywhere, any time.

As President Trump is indicted for January 6,

more evidence emerges that it was a set-up.

5 Au 2023 ~~ By Andrea Widburg

Once Trump announced a rally in D.C., he and his supporters were doomed.
Coincidentally, I’m sure, in the lead-up to his being taken off the air at Fox News, Tucker Carlson and his team were investigating events on January 6—the same events that are serving as the basis for Jack Smith’s creative indictment against Donald Trump. One of the things that Fox News prevented from airing was an interview with former Capitol Hill Police Chief Steven Sund, during which he told Tucker that the FBI had “a lot of operatives” in the crowd. There was more, and it all feeds into the reasonable belief that January 6 was a set-up.

January 6 has been enormously useful to the Democrats:
  • It allowed them to certify the electoral college votes without any objections. These objections (which Democrats have vigorously made over the years) are a prerequisite to challenging the count.
  • It allowed them to round up almost 1,000 Trump supporters and destroy their lives, a useful lesson to anyone else who might think about opposing the Biden regime…er, administration.
  • It allowed them to pretend that the lack of crowds in D.C. for Biden’s inauguration was due to security requirements rather than to the reality, which is that no one would have shown up anyway.
  • And, of course, most usefully at all, it’s just allowed them to indict Biden’s chief rival, President Donald Trump, in the lead-up to the 2024 election. The charge, while failing to use the word “insurrection,” essentially alleges that Trump defrauded America by ignoring those of his advisors who believed in the 2024 election (many of whom have been outed as fervent Trump haters) and, instead, looking to evidence of election of fraud and believing that election.
Knowing how useful January 6 was for Democrats—and considering that the “insurrection” narrative kicked within fewer than 24 hours —it’s worth considering a very loose rundown of the timeline.
  • Trump announced a rally in D.C. on the day that the Senate was set to certify the election.
  • Trump asks for extra security in D.C. for that day, a request that is refused.
  • Trump tells those at the rally who “will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voice heard.”
  • The crowd at the Capitol did not become agitated until the police, without any warning to the crowd to disperse, suddenly fired flash bangs into the crowd.
  • People in whom the FBI had no interest were filmed removing barriers and urging people into the Capitol. (See here and here.) Significantly, those who weren’t on the front lines would have had no idea that they weren’t being invited into the Capitol, especially because the Capitol police were welcoming them in (which should negate any charges that they were illegally trespassing).
  • Trump immediately issued tweets telling the crowd to remain peaceful and disperse. (See here and here.) Soon after, Twitter shut down his account, making his tweet inaccessible for posterity to revisit.
  • Trump tried to get to the Capitol to calm the crowd but was prevented from doing so.
  • Capitol police apparently beat one Trump supporter to death and shot to death an unarmed woman. Otherwise, no one suffered any serious injuries at the hands of the crowd—although Democrats lied relentlessly about Officer Sicknick, who emerged unscathed on January 6, only to die later from a stroke.
In event after event, it’s the system, not Trump, that’s inexorably pulling the crowd into the Capitol. And in event after event, it was Trump who tried to put the brakes on things, only to be blocked.
The previously hidden revelations from former Capitol Hill Police Chief Steven Sund are entirely consistent with the above facts:
Former Capitol Hill Police Chief Steven Sund told Tucker Carlson “there was a fair amount of law enforcement” in the January 6th crowd, in footage exclusively obtained by The National Pulse. The bombshell news follows revelations that Sund had called the events surrounding the Capitol riot “a cover up,” adding his concerns over provocateurs like Ray Epps.

Indeed, added Sund, in over 30 years of police work, he’d never seen so much law enforcement. In the same suppressed interview, Sund also revealed that the FBI had worked with him during the IMF protests and the Bush inauguration.
You can see the entire interview at The National Pulse.

Yes!, It was a setup. conservatives would be wise to watch for even more false flag operations heading into the 2024 elections. Not just the presidential race, but any conservative gathering. Expect more Democrat governor kidnapping plots, more Republican rallies infiltrated by ANTIFA and FBI/Stasi, more terrorist parents protecting their children and there are always those Catholic terrorists. Just watch how it unfolds. It has been so successful so why wouldn't the Maoist/DSA Democrat Commies just ramp it up?
Conservatives need to be very, very careful.
It is highly probable that there was indeed a conspiracy to obstruct government processes, but it was the opposite of what Smith alleges. It was a Democratic operation led by Nancy Pelosi and demonstrated by FBI/Stasi operatives. Among the many reasons for the Left to prevent Trump's re-election is the possibility that a real inquiry into Jan 6 would be conducted.
  • Capitol hill police chief
  • Chris wrays non-answer to FBI involvement in J-6.
  • Trump offering 10,000 nat'l guard...pelosi rejected.
  • Trump telling the crowd to go to the capitol and PEACEFULLY AND PATRIOTICALLY make your voices heard.
  • Jack smith omitting words (hiding evidence) in the Trump indictment.

Oh democrats...that's an awfully deep hole you're digging for yourselves!

Please...keep digging! :auiqs.jpg:

So few people will vote for them in any election from here on out

that they will have to buy 20 billion blank ballots from China, even for precincts in blue states (even though there are only 320 million Americans and only about 1/4 of those vote)
they will have to buy 20 billion blank ballots from China, even for precincts in blue states (even though there are only 320 million Americans and only about 1/4 of those vote)

That's what they did in 2020...and they're stickin' to it!

Covid lockdowns 2.0 anybody? :dunno:

As President Trump is indicted for January 6,

more evidence emerges that it was a set-up.

5 Au 2023 ~~ By Andrea Widburg

Once Trump announced a rally in D.C., he and his supporters were doomed.
Coincidentally, I’m sure, in the lead-up to his being taken off the air at Fox News, Tucker Carlson and his team were investigating events on January 6—the same events that are serving as the basis for Jack Smith’s creative indictment against Donald Trump. One of the things that Fox News prevented from airing was an interview with former Capitol Hill Police Chief Steven Sund, during which he told Tucker that the FBI had “a lot of operatives” in the crowd. There was more, and it all feeds into the reasonable belief that January 6 was a set-up.

January 6 has been enormously useful to the Democrats:
  • It allowed them to certify the electoral college votes without any objections. These objections (which Democrats have vigorously made over the years) are a prerequisite to challenging the count.
  • It allowed them to round up almost 1,000 Trump supporters and destroy their lives, a useful lesson to anyone else who might think about opposing the Biden regime…er, administration.
  • It allowed them to pretend that the lack of crowds in D.C. for Biden’s inauguration was due to security requirements rather than to the reality, which is that no one would have shown up anyway.
  • And, of course, most usefully at all, it’s just allowed them to indict Biden’s chief rival, President Donald Trump, in the lead-up to the 2024 election. The charge, while failing to use the word “insurrection,” essentially alleges that Trump defrauded America by ignoring those of his advisors who believed in the 2024 election (many of whom have been outed as fervent Trump haters) and, instead, looking to evidence of election of fraud and believing that election.
Knowing how useful January 6 was for Democrats—and considering that the “insurrection” narrative kicked within fewer than 24 hours —it’s worth considering a very loose rundown of the timeline.
  • Trump announced a rally in D.C. on the day that the Senate was set to certify the election.
  • Trump asks for extra security in D.C. for that day, a request that is refused.
  • Trump tells those at the rally who “will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voice heard.”
  • The crowd at the Capitol did not become agitated until the police, without any warning to the crowd to disperse, suddenly fired flash bangs into the crowd.
  • People in whom the FBI had no interest were filmed removing barriers and urging people into the Capitol. (See here and here.) Significantly, those who weren’t on the front lines would have had no idea that they weren’t being invited into the Capitol, especially because the Capitol police were welcoming them in (which should negate any charges that they were illegally trespassing).
  • Trump immediately issued tweets telling the crowd to remain peaceful and disperse. (See here and here.) Soon after, Twitter shut down his account, making his tweet inaccessible for posterity to revisit.
  • Trump tried to get to the Capitol to calm the crowd but was prevented from doing so.
  • Capitol police apparently beat one Trump supporter to death and shot to death an unarmed woman. Otherwise, no one suffered any serious injuries at the hands of the crowd—although Democrats lied relentlessly about Officer Sicknick, who emerged unscathed on January 6, only to die later from a stroke.
In event after event, it’s the system, not Trump, that’s inexorably pulling the crowd into the Capitol. And in event after event, it was Trump who tried to put the brakes on things, only to be blocked.
The previously hidden revelations from former Capitol Hill Police Chief Steven Sund are entirely consistent with the above facts:
Former Capitol Hill Police Chief Steven Sund told Tucker Carlson “there was a fair amount of law enforcement” in the January 6th crowd, in footage exclusively obtained by The National Pulse. The bombshell news follows revelations that Sund had called the events surrounding the Capitol riot “a cover up,” adding his concerns over provocateurs like Ray Epps.

Indeed, added Sund, in over 30 years of police work, he’d never seen so much law enforcement. In the same suppressed interview, Sund also revealed that the FBI had worked with him during the IMF protests and the Bush inauguration.
You can see the entire interview at The National Pulse.

Yes!, It was a setup. conservatives would be wise to watch for even more false flag operations heading into the 2024 elections. Not just the presidential race, but any conservative gathering. Expect more Democrat governor kidnapping plots, more Republican rallies infiltrated by ANTIFA and FBI/Stasi, more terrorist parents protecting their children and there are always those Catholic terrorists. Just watch how it unfolds. It has been so successful so why wouldn't the Maoist/DSA Democrat Commies just ramp it up?
Conservatives need to be very, very careful.
It is highly probable that there was indeed a conspiracy to obstruct government processes, but it was the opposite of what Smith alleges. It was a Democratic operation led by Nancy Pelosi and demonstrated by FBI/Stasi operatives. Among the many reasons for the Left to prevent Trump's re-election is the possibility that a real inquiry into Jan 6 would be conducted.

"operatives" means what?

It could mean simply informants, it could mean that there were people whose job was to monitor. There's NO EVIDENCE that the latter were being paid to cause trouble. It's a simple case of 1 + 1 = 9543

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