As Secretary of State, Hillary Took Care of Top Democrat & Foundation Donors

Apparently that "Commie rag", The National Review, agrees with me. Donald Trump and Eminent Domain
I don't care WHO agrees with you, you're still full of shit.
And, if you can't handle the truth, are just a waste of time.
I haven't seen S.J. blatantly lie like you did on here. Just saying....
Look who's talking!!! :laugh2:
You respond in a childish manner
As I said. ^^^
I don't care WHO agrees with you, you're still full of shit.
And, if you can't handle the truth, are just a waste of time.
I haven't seen S.J. blatantly lie like you did on here. Just saying....
Look who's talking!!! :laugh2:
You respond in a childish manner
As I said. ^^^

Quote my lie...I can yours :)
Apparently that "Commie rag", The National Review, agrees with me. Donald Trump and Eminent Domain
Has nothing to do with an investigation into the Clinton Crime Family Foundation and Hillary seeking donations from Wall Street and from foreign countries while she was Secretary of State.
If it has to do with Trump, it has to do with the election and , therefore, it has to do with attacks on the Clintons. What's the matter? Afraid to find out your emperor has no clothes and really isn't a conservative, as defined by the real conservatives. Buckley must be turning over in his grave to see how many like you are kissing Trump's ass.
Can you say president Trump?
that's all Obama has done his time in office. Look at all the people who aren't even qualified for the positions he gave them to run. I'm surprised we aren't worse off than we are and haven't had another 9/11. but i guess there's still time for all that
Both sides cry about the other sides funding mechanisms, and yet, you have Sanders and a host of other candidates running who are getting far less money from anyone.

If who/whom is funding who/whom is the most relevant thing to your choice of nominee/President, then Sanders and Carson should be shoe ins to face off in the general election, yes!

I think it is disgusting that super wealthy donors are going to throw money at these people, then expect a return on their investment. Instead, maybe we should look at who/whom is funding them, then extrapolate which donors would be WORSE for us when their investments are paid off, because folks, it is all about MONEY in these races, so no matter who we elect is going to owe somebody, something!

And while I am not anti-Trump, any supporter who believes he is going to reach into his own pocket to fund his general campaign to the tune of 1.5 billion with a B should he win the GOP nomination, is living in a fantasy land. He will take less for sure, but it all isn't going to be his own money.
Apparently that "Commie rag", The National Review, agrees with me. Donald Trump and Eminent Domain
Has nothing to do with an investigation into the Clinton Crime Family Foundation and Hillary seeking donations from Wall Street and from foreign countries while she was Secretary of State.
If it has to do with Trump, it has to do with the election and , therefore, it has to do with attacks on the Clintons. What's the matter? Afraid to find out your emperor has no clothes and really isn't a conservative, as defined by the real conservatives. Buckley must be turning over in his grave to see how many like you are kissing Trump's ass.

You're speaking of the next President of the United States. Yes, I realize you Liberals simply must deflect from any criticism of the criminal activities of Hillary Clinton even to hijacking of an OP. There are many OP's started by Liberals on USMB in attempts to trash Donald Trump. That is where your posts should go. You are making little progress in actually defending Hillary's activities now are you?
Donald Trump's campaign is not being funded by George Soros, a Super Pac, Saudi Arabia, or Wall Street. Hillary, who is now a multi-millionaire, has not said she would take the Presidency for $1.00 a year in salary either.
You're speaking of the next President of the United States. Yes, I realize you Liberals simply must deflect from any criticism of the criminal activities of Hillary Clinton even to hijacking of an OP. There are many OP's started by Liberals on USMB in attempts to trash Donald Trump. That is where your posts should go. You are making little progress in actually defending Hillary's activities now are you?
Of course, you want to ignore the fact that there are a lot of holes in Trump's conservative credentials. What you call hijacking a thread, I call setting the record straight and offering an alternative rendition.
You're speaking of the next President of the United States. Yes, I realize you Liberals simply must deflect from any criticism of the criminal activities of Hillary Clinton even to hijacking of an OP. There are many OP's started by Liberals on USMB in attempts to trash Donald Trump. That is where your posts should go. You are making little progress in actually defending Hillary's activities now are you?
Of course, you want to ignore the fact that there are a lot of holes in Trump's conservative credentials. What you call hijacking a thread, I call setting the record straight and offering an alternative rendition.

Instead of defending Hillary. Right. We understand.
Of course, you want to ignore the fact that there are a lot of holes in Trump's conservative credentials. What you call hijacking a thread, I call setting the record straight and offering an alternative rendition.
Instead of defending Hillary. Right. We understand.
Why should I play the game your way? You'll just keep pulling out the same lame charges over and over again. If I want to attack, I'll attack. If you can't handle it, that's your problem.
Of course, you want to ignore the fact that there are a lot of holes in Trump's conservative credentials. What you call hijacking a thread, I call setting the record straight and offering an alternative rendition.
Instead of defending Hillary. Right. We understand.
Why should I play the game your way? You'll just keep pulling out the same lame charges over and over again. If I want to attack, I'll attack. If you can't handle it, that's your problem.

Of course I will. It's my OP. It's about Hillary and not about Trump or anyone else. Besides, the fat lady hasn't finished singing about Bill Clinton's sexual assaults on women yet.

Bombshell Claim: More Clinton Sexual Assault Victims Are About To Come Forward | The Sean Hannity Show
Of course, you want to ignore the fact that there are a lot of holes in Trump's conservative credentials. What you call hijacking a thread, I call setting the record straight and offering an alternative rendition.
Instead of defending Hillary. Right. We understand.
Why should I play the game your way? You'll just keep pulling out the same lame charges over and over again. If I want to attack, I'll attack. If you can't handle it, that's your problem.

As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton spent quite a bit of her time taking care of top Democrat donors to the Democrat Party and to the Clinton Crime Family Foundation. George Soros has also endorsed and contributed to Hillary's Presidential campaign. Wall Street firms are huge contributors to both Hillary's campaign and to the Clinton Crime Foundation. Hillary Clinton is probably the most bought and paid for politician in the history of politics.

How Secretary of State Hillary Clinton cared for Democratic donors

I bet the same people who cry about this is the same people who defend Citizens United because the logic is "Money doesnt necessarily mean favors" like someone is stupid enough to just hand out money for no reason.

Either Oppose Citizens United or whine about Pols when they play nice to their donors and be a hypocrite.
Apparently that "Commie rag", The National Review, agrees with me. Donald Trump and Eminent Domain
I don't care WHO agrees with you, you're still full of shit.
And, if you can't handle the truth, are just a waste of time.
Sorry, but I have to disregard any Hillary supporter who uses the word "truth" to make an argument. And if you think imminent domain is a winning issue for the party of socialism, you go with that. You can't be taken seriously.

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