AS THE DAYS OF NOAH WERE so it will be at the return of JESUS.


VIP Member
Mar 4, 2013
The days of Noah leading up to the flood were marked by immorality of every sort. Never before in Ancient Israel had ungodliness prevailed to such extremes.

Careless attitudes towards the sanctity of sex, and marriage, plagued this morally bankrupt generation.

Jesus Christ remarked in the New Testament about these conditions when He said that people were "marrying and giving out in marriage". This phrase indicates a lax attitude about the construct of marriage, seen in our society today. All respect for the commands and words of God had been lost.

In fact, Genesis 6:2 says that the, "sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose".

It is interesting to note that the Hebrew word for "wives" means "woman", regardless of whether she was married or not.
Genesis 6:2 says that the, "sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose".
It is interesting to note that the Hebrew word for "wives" means "woman", regardless of whether she was married or not.
The phrase "sons of God" has been debated by scholars of Ancient Israel for years, and a number of different views and theories have arisen as to what exactly this passage is saying.
The Hebrew phrase, "bene elohim", is used in this passage. The exact same phrase is used 3 other times in the Old Testament, all in the ancient Book of Job (1:6, 2:1, 38:7). Each time it undoubtedly refers to angels. (ALEINS)
This passage in Genesis, when viewed in context with other scripture, lends itself to suggest that angels(ALIENS) descended from heaven. They then took any woman they pleased, and had intercourse with them.
This union produced giants, and beings of exceptional strength and power. This was the view held by Ancient Israel's oldest and most respected writers.
Satan had not forgotten that God promised a "seed of the woman" would one day destroy him. Satan and his host then attempted to completely corrupt the "seed of the woman". These sons of God came to be known as the Nephilim.
ON EARTH BEFORE THE FLOOD=We are told the earth was filled with violence. Satan and the Nephilim achieved enormous success in polluting the "seed of the woman". In the days of Noah, the earth was in a state of anarchy and terror. God looked upon the earth and "it repented the Lord that he had made man".
God's heart was "grieved", and He announced His judgment upon the whole earth, and all that was on it. He would destroy everything by a flood.
THOSE DAYS WILL BE HERE AGAIN SOON!! IMHO.=="But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord." -Genesis 6:8
"By faith Noah, when warned about things not yet seen, in holy fear built an ark to save his family. By his faith he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness that comes by faith." - Hebrews 11:7
Jesus told His disciples while sitting on the Mount of Olives that such would be the attitude of many up to the time before His return. This would be the time in which we are living. "Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come" (Matthew 24:42).
Hence you can learn from the pre-flood days of Noah that God will judge your sin if you have not entered into His Ark of safety. The Ark for our times is no other than His Son JESUS. Sail on His ship today and He will see you through the floods of this present life.
Jesus said that THESE LAST DAYS would be like the days of Noah. In the days of Noah, the earth was filled with violence and corruption. The only righteous person in all the earth was Noah and his family. As we look upon God's creation today, can we honestly say that it is not corrupt or violent? The answer is no, we cannot. The earth today is filled with violence and it is thoroughly corrupt. It is now as it was then.
Depressing? Pretty much but just as God saved a remnant then, He will save His remnant now. Do not despair for the days grow shorter. The time is coming when the trump will sound and our names will be called and we shall find ourselves removed from this state that plagues us now. The King of Kings and Lord of Lords is coming and when He does, all of His children will finally be called home(raptured) never to suffer corruption again. Brothers and sisters, keeping looking up for our redemption draweth nigh. Jesus, Mighty King and Victorious Lord is coming with a might shout. Yes, it's real, it's very real.

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