As the Demographic shift Sweeps the nation

^^^^ Hogwash
Actually it's not hogwash, and I'd like the chance to explain why it's really nothing new from an American historical perspective.

Back in the 1850's, the people that felt that their parents, grand parents, and great grandparents, were the true founders of America, were threatened by immigrants because of competition for jobs. The Know Nothing Party were Nativists, and their complaints about Catholic immigrants included the fear that the Irish especially were more loyal to the Pope, than our government. Irish immigrants were not always fond of British rule, and the many versions of Irish Republicanism were cited as a reason to fear them as a culture, and to fear their religion.

There will always be immigrant groups that threaten the status quo. And part of that conflict can make immigrant groups stronger in the long run, as they adapt and become loyal Americans.

The problem with the Republican Party under Tea Party influences, is that they are simply Nativists with a new cause. They are not creating an inclusive message to new comers.

The Democratic Party has a history of Nativism, especially southern Yellow Dog Democrats from Reconstruction through Jim Crowe. And segregationist Democrats like George Wallace. But the parties have become exclusive.

To be a Republican now, you MUST be Christian and embrace tradition. The GOP has no liberals, and few moderates.

To be a Democrat now, you MUST want inclusion of non Christians, and non whites. Which I'm not endorsing because according to Democrats, which have no conservatives anymore, that should be a moot point.

At any rate...the GOP is failing to attract non Christians, and most importantly, non whites.

Whites are simply not having babies in as great numbers as non whites.

The GOP can change though, in fact, that is the only constant in American politics.

But a Democratic shift?........I might not characterize it that way.
People like guno consider Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. a sellout, an Uncle Tom and a cracker wannabe for saying something as stupid as "judge a person not by the color of his skin but the content of his character".
I'd be curious to know what they really think about his fixation of his,

His miserable pathetic life will end soon. He won't see his prophecy. He hopes to leave others with much misery and pain. He thinks you don't like it so you will be more miserable. He wants your Children enslaved by Muslims or murdered by savages.
I'd be curious to know what they really think about his fixation of his,
His miserable pathetic life will end soon. He won't see his prophecy. He hopes to leave others with much misery and pain. He thinks you don't like it so you will be more miserable. He wants your Children enslaved by Muslims or murdered by savages.
I'm sincerely curious about his reasoning, but he won't respond.

Yeah, my guess is that he's trying to spread his own misery.
Y'know, looking back over this thread so far, not much support for guno from the Left.

I'd be curious to know what they really think about his fixation of his, and what they imagine his reasoning is.

probably a lot like your fixation with posting about the PC boogeyman over and over and over and over.

"His kind" think "your kind" are responsible for all the worlds' ills. "They" sit steaming daily not realizing only fools agree with their nonsense. His kind want you to pay because you succeeded and others could not. All the technological and medical advances that came from free society would have been done by the Cubas' or Venezuela or NK if "your kind" had not worked against them. "Their" way is the good way for all. "We" are all wrong....Faster Uprocesser would come from Africa if "we" not hold them down. Commie Cars from Russia would have been good if we all just worked together.
Exciting times watching the shift and and seeing the reaction , very entertaining, unless they lash out with guns in reaction (as we are watched yesterday)

A majority of babies born in the United States are now of non-European descent. In 25 years, America will be majority people of color. And this demographic revolution is creating simultaneous surges of hopefulness and anxiety -- cheers for the multicultural hip-hop musical "Hamilton," alongside calls for deportation of eleven million of our mainly brown neighbors.

You can sense this flux in three key findings from the new poll: about the American Dream, institutional racism and white privilege.

An America that's more than white -
At some point -- just curious here -- are you ever going to get specific and go into detail about why the shift in skin color is so important to you?

You could really get into it, and I'd read the whole thing. I'm fascinated by your fixation on this.

Maybe look at it from both the reasons it's good there is a smaller percentage of white people AND a larger percentage of non-white people.

Please, here's a great opportunity to go into real detail. Looking forward to it.

I'm thinking goono has Alzheimers, and he's forgetting he's already started one of these demographic threads a hundred times before.
Exciting times watching the shift and and seeing the reaction , very entertaining, unless they lash out with guns in reaction (as we are watched yesterday)

A majority of babies born in the United States are now of non-European descent. In 25 years, America will be majority people of color. And this demographic revolution is creating simultaneous surges of hopefulness and anxiety -- cheers for the multicultural hip-hop musical "Hamilton," alongside calls for deportation of eleven million of our mainly brown neighbors.

You can sense this flux in three key findings from the new poll: about the American Dream, institutional racism and white privilege.

An America that's more than white -
And whitey is jumpy, jumpy, jumpy, and whiny...
Exciting times watching the shift and and seeing the reaction , very entertaining, unless they lash out with guns in reaction (as we are watched yesterday)

A majority of babies born in the United States are now of non-European descent. In 25 years, America will be majority people of color. And this demographic revolution is creating simultaneous surges of hopefulness and anxiety -- cheers for the multicultural hip-hop musical "Hamilton," alongside calls for deportation of eleven million of our mainly brown neighbors.

You can sense this flux in three key findings from the new poll: about the American Dream, institutional racism and white privilege.

An America that's more than white -

Another racist lefty who can only see/judge people by the color of their skin. The democrats have always been the party of racism, and vile racist fucks like the OP prove it to still be the case today among far too many of their klan.
Exciting times watching the shift and and seeing the reaction , very entertaining, unless they lash out with guns in reaction (as we are watched yesterday)

A majority of babies born in the United States are now of non-European descent. In 25 years, America will be majority people of color. And this demographic revolution is creating simultaneous surges of hopefulness and anxiety -- cheers for the multicultural hip-hop musical "Hamilton," alongside calls for deportation of eleven million of our mainly brown neighbors.

You can sense this flux in three key findings from the new poll: about the American Dream, institutional racism and white privilege.

An America that's more than white -
guno, you and your fellow white Democrats made this happen. But do you think the "colored people" will invite you to the table once they take over? No, they will ask for a "safe place" away from ALL whites. In other words they will kick you to the curb.
I'm thinking goono has Alzheimers, and he's forgetting he's already started one of these demographic threads a hundred times before.

He doesn't have Alzheimer's, he has 'Racist Fucking Troll-zheimer's.'

Yes, that's precisely right, and unfortunately there are too many members here who continually feed him.
God knows I've tried numerous times in the past asking members when he posts one of these threads, to not respond in any way. That way the thread would quickly fall off the front page, and would soon be gone.
Obviously by responding the thread remains hot, and once again goono gets away with it.
Oh well, I guess it must supply entertainment for some.
Exciting times watching the shift and and seeing the reaction , very entertaining, unless they lash out with guns in reaction (as we are watched yesterday)

A majority of babies born in the United States are now of non-European descent. In 25 years, America will be majority people of color. And this demographic revolution is creating simultaneous surges of hopefulness and anxiety -- cheers for the multicultural hip-hop musical "Hamilton," alongside calls for deportation of eleven million of our mainly brown neighbors.

You can sense this flux in three key findings from the new poll: about the American Dream, institutional racism and white privilege.

An America that's more than white -
At some point -- just curious here -- are you ever going to get specific and go into detail about why the shift in skin color is so important to you?

You could really get into it, and I'd read the whole thing. I'm fascinated by your fixation on this.

Maybe look at it from both the reasons it's good there is a smaller percentage of white people AND a larger percentage of non-white people.

Please, here's a great opportunity to go into real detail. Looking forward to it.

I'm thinking goono has Alzheimers, and he's forgetting he's already started one of these demographic threads a hundred times before.
Naw, he's just very hateful flamer.

He doesn't have the balls to engage, he's just here to hit and run.

Imagine living your life with that much hate inside you.

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