America is in the middle of an extreme demographic shift

If today's minorities become the majority, there will be no America. We need to stop all immigration for 50 years.
The anticipated hispanic majority, a supposed factoid used by open borders advocates to scare the GOP into sucking up to militant hispanics, is a statistical analysis comparable to my leaves in the fall scenario. Growth rates are not cast in iron, they vary in response to other factors. I feel pretty confident that immigration is about to be put on hold or a lower number for a few decades so the present immigrants can assimilate into the US culturally and to make tracking terrorists into our nation more manageable.

But in addition to all that, the vast majority of hispanics are white. Even the so-called Mestizos would be considered white by the old racists. Why? I dont freaking know, nor can I explain why they had the exact opposite view of blacks for whom they had the One Drop Rule.

But I do know that racism is bullshit and a device used by the corporations to divide working class people against each others. They did it in the South after the Civil War, they are doing it today with Identity Politics, and they will do it forever as long as it profits them and enables their political control.
The older you are the less inclined you are to think of a Mestizo as "white". I remember Jessica Alba found out she was predominately white european and she was not too happy about it. No wonder she married a Black guy.

Jessica Alba's Husband looks pretty white to me so does her kids:thup:


Most immigrants illegal and legal come to the US for have a better safer more prosperous life.
They soon wake up to the fact that being given "free shit" by the LIB government is ironically holding them back from ever actually getting ahead in the US.
Yes the negroes are more than happy to 'block vote'
for the LIBs. "We always vote for the dude promising the "free shit". They know there's zero future for pretty much all of them so they don't have much choice.
Latinos and Asians on the other hand are by nature hard working and they are increasingly realising that a Capitalist country is the only place where they can work to get ahead.
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I would say America is becoming flat. America shouldn't avoid its history, tradition, identity just for the sake of diversity or whatever. I prefer to see white in the majority of American society.

Looks like you're ignoring history.

The original people who were here before the Europeans aren't white.

Native American Indians aren't white.

That is the honest history of our nation. You obviously want to believe a lie.

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