America is in the middle of an extreme demographic shift

do you even know what Caucasian means?

Of course I do. It is the collection of ethnicities in Africa north of the Saraha, all of Europe and Western Asia to include the Indian subcontinent. Smaller narrower noses, round eyes, lighter skin (untanned) and certain bone structures identify whites.

If you took the skeleton of a full blooded Englishman, a Dravidian from Hyderabad, a Mestizo from Mexico, an Australoid from Australia, their skeletons would identify as Caucasion, and be distinguishable from an Asian from Beijing and a Bantu from Lagos.

It has nothing to do with what languages the person spoke, dude.
I predict in the next 10 years, we'll have a president Juan, speaking spanish and other countries will mistake us for Mexico.
do you even know what Caucasian means?

Of course I do. It is the collection of ethnicities in Africa north of the Saraha, all of Europe and Western Asia to include the Indian subcontinent. Smaller narrower noses, round eyes, lighter skin (untanned) and certain bone structures identify whites.

If you took the skeleton of a full blooded Englishman, a Dravidian from Hyderabad, a Mestizo from Mexico, an Australoid from Australia, their skeletons would identify as Caucasion, and be distinguishable from an Asian from Beijing and a Bantu from Lagos.

It has nothing to do with what languages the person spoke, dude.
di you type that or is it a copynpaste?
di you type that or is it a copynpaste?

I typed, it, why do you ask?

Some of the questions people ask are kind of funny to me, and amusing in a strange way.

I have known two forensic investigators, one from Louisiana, and she was well acquainted with how to identify races from old corpses, where little more than the skeleton remained. They can also get age, height and a general idea of the kind of labor a person did.
I predict in the next 10 years, we'll have a president Juan, speaking spanish and other countries will mistake us for Mexico.

You've currently got a choice of two Cubans, though they don't seem to be doing that well in the polls.
If the Republican Party continues to demean minorities and women and attaches itself to rightwing White Christians and not broadening their base they will go the way of the Whig party.

There are 324 million Americans.

The Pew Research Center projects that there will be 441 million by 2065.

And by the time the country gets there, our electorate will have changed in a profound way: In 50 years, no ethnic group will be a majority.
From an Oct 9th 2015 article
America is in the middle of an extreme demographic shift

The good news is blacks will become irrelevant. Latinos have already surpassed them and now Asians are even catching up to them in numbers. With such vast numbers of negros killing their own through street thuggery and abortion, along with their homosexuality and HIV rates, record high incarceration rates, low education and high unemployment, it's safe to say they won't be going anywhere as a demographic but down.

Keep up the good work guano.
Blacks can never become irrelevant. You sound absolutely ridiculous. :laugh:

It's simply a matter of time now. Adios! One day some scientist will dig up your bones and marvel at just how small your brain cavity was.
Too late. They already dug up our bones in the Omo valley and discovered we created civilization. White cave monkeys like you cant take that sort of news so I understand why you didnt know it.

There may be some truth in what you claim. I heard your great religious leader, Al Sharpton preach this. I also remember the KKK claiming that there were two creation accounts in Genesis. They claimed that the Blacks were created first and were told to go forth and multiply and have dominion over the fish and wild beasts. Later God created Adam and breathed a soul or spirit into him. They claimed that Blacks were created without souls which was why they were so barbaric and backward. From my own observations of the Black race, I find it hard to dispute.
Its not a claim its fact. Ask any white boy scientist not affiliated with stormfront. I dont believe in bible stories but its interesting that the word adama (Adam) means earth in Hebrew and adam means red. Thats the color of the earth in Africa. I have heard that whites were created from albinos or something like that but I dont really believe that story. I do believe that the reason whites are so barbaric and violent is due to the inbreeding they did with each other and the inter breeding they also did with neanderthals.
On a single day on a single street, with the DNA of just a couple of hundred random people, National Geographic Channel sets out to trace the ancestral footsteps of all humanity.

Narrated by Kevin Bacon, The Human Family Tree travels to one of the most diverse corners of the world -- Queens, N.Y. -- to demonstrate how we all share common ancestors who embarked on very different journeys.

Regardless of race, nationality or religion, all of us can trace our ancient origin back to the cradle of humanity, East Africa. What did our collective journey look like, and where did it take your specific ancestors?

At what point in our past did we first cross paths with the supposed strangers living in our neighborhood? Now, in The Human Family Tree, the people of this quintessential American melting pot find out that their connections go much deeper than a common ZIP code.

They trace everyone in the world back to a scientific Adam and Eve from one street in New York? I live in Iowa and I can tell you I didnt come from a scientific Mammy in Africa.

Oh, you are so correct, cause a black mama would have whipped your white ass back to the cave with all the shit you mf's be talkin. No, the white man came from a sea urchin...called a tapoe!!

That so-called African mammy wasn't negro, btw.

LOLOLOL Yeah, it was a white mop with blonde eyes blue hair just strutin alone in hot mf Africa!!
The good news is blacks will become irrelevant. Latinos have already surpassed them and now Asians are even catching up to them in numbers. With such vast numbers of negros killing their own through street thuggery and abortion, along with their homosexuality and HIV rates, record high incarceration rates, low education and high unemployment, it's safe to say they won't be going anywhere as a demographic but down.

Keep up the good work guano.
Blacks can never become irrelevant. You sound absolutely ridiculous. :laugh:

It's simply a matter of time now. Adios! One day some scientist will dig up your bones and marvel at just how small your brain cavity was.
Too late. They already dug up our bones in the Omo valley and discovered we created civilization. White cave monkeys like you cant take that sort of news so I understand why you didnt know it.

There may be some truth in what you claim. I heard your great religious leader, Al Sharpton preach this. I also remember the KKK claiming that there were two creation accounts in Genesis. They claimed that the Blacks were created first and were told to go forth and multiply and have dominion over the fish and wild beasts. Later God created Adam and breathed a soul or spirit into him. They claimed that Blacks were created without souls which was why they were so barbaric and backward. From my own observations of the Black race, I find it hard to dispute.
Its not a claim its fact. Ask any white boy scientist not affiliated with stormfront. I dont believe in bible stories but its interesting that the word adama (Adam) means earth in Hebrew and adam means red. Thats the color of the earth in Africa. I have heard that whites were created from albinos or something like that but I dont really believe that story. I do believe that the reason whites are so barbaric and violent is due to the inbreeding they did with each other and the inter breeding they also did with neanderthals.

Or or or, thems just some crazy mf's, how about dat?
Blacks can never become irrelevant. You sound absolutely ridiculous. :laugh:

It's simply a matter of time now. Adios! One day some scientist will dig up your bones and marvel at just how small your brain cavity was.
Too late. They already dug up our bones in the Omo valley and discovered we created civilization. White cave monkeys like you cant take that sort of news so I understand why you didnt know it.

There may be some truth in what you claim. I heard your great religious leader, Al Sharpton preach this. I also remember the KKK claiming that there were two creation accounts in Genesis. They claimed that the Blacks were created first and were told to go forth and multiply and have dominion over the fish and wild beasts. Later God created Adam and breathed a soul or spirit into him. They claimed that Blacks were created without souls which was why they were so barbaric and backward. From my own observations of the Black race, I find it hard to dispute.
Its not a claim its fact. Ask any white boy scientist not affiliated with stormfront. I dont believe in bible stories but its interesting that the word adama (Adam) means earth in Hebrew and adam means red. Thats the color of the earth in Africa. I have heard that whites were created from albinos or something like that but I dont really believe that story. I do believe that the reason whites are so barbaric and violent is due to the inbreeding they did with each other and the inter breeding they also did with neanderthals.

Or or or, thems just some crazy mf's, how about dat?
Craziness can be handed down genetically. I would love to see a study on the percentage of neanderthal DNA white serial killers, supremacists, shooters, war mongers etc have in them.
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If the Republican Party continues to demean minorities and women and attaches itself to rightwing White Christians and not broadening their base they will go the way of the Whig party.

There are 324 million Americans.

The Pew Research Center projects that there will be 441 million by 2065.

And by the time the country gets there, our electorate will have changed in a profound way: In 50 years, no ethnic group will be a majority.
From an Oct 9th 2015 article
America is in the middle of an extreme demographic shift
HOW MANY TIMES have we heard this MORONIC TRIPE from the LIBTARDS? I know it's their WET DREAM to fantasize about conservatives somehow MAGICALLY DISAPPEARING, and the LIBS living in their COMMIE UTOPIA holding hands singing kumbaya while watching unicorns fly over head shitting rainbows.


GOOD GOD A'MIGHTY... talk about STUPID... maaaaaaaaaaan... just DUMBASS on STERIODS.
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If the Republican Party continues to demean minorities and women and attaches itself to rightwing White Christians and not broadening their base they will go the way of the Whig party.

There are 324 million Americans.

The Pew Research Center projects that there will be 441 million by 2065.

And by the time the country gets there, our electorate will have changed in a profound way: In 50 years, no ethnic group will be a majority.
From an Oct 9th 2015 article
America is in the middle of an extreme demographic shift
HOW MANY TIMES have we heard this MORONIC TRIPE from the LIBTARDS? I know it's their WET DREAM to fantasize about conservatives somehow MAGICALLY DISAPPEARING, and the LIBS living in their COMMIE UTOPIA holding hands singing kumbaya while watching unicorns fly over head shitting rainbows.


GOOD GOD A'MIGHTY... talk about STUPID... maaaaaaaaaaan... just DUMBASS on STERIODS.

Red States rock. Republicans rock. Kansas being the crown jewel, followed by Mississippi and Louisiana. Enough poverty and ignorance for all. Come one, come all.
...Most Hispanics consider themselves white? :laugh:
Whatever they consider themselves to be, they've overtaken and surpassed Black America, as the new Largest Minority.

Looks like Blacks will soon be taking a back seat to the Hispanics, with the latter being in the Minority Advocacy driver's seat, steering the National Conversation their way.

Ya'll just enjoy getting shoved back into 3rd Place, never to break into the top tier again, eh?

That's OK... 150 years with ya'll in the Minority driver's seat... the pissing and moaning and little bitch whining was gettin' old, anyway.
I predict in the next 10 years, we'll have a president Juan, speaking spanish and other countries will mistake us for Mexico.

The previous President spoke Spanish pretty well.


Yeah, the guy far more intelligent and accomplished than you will ever be no matter how long you live.

And? If I had the luxury of riding my daddies legacy, Id' be successful too. Give me a break, he was just another white shit head riding a legacy name what else is new?
...Most Hispanics consider themselves white? :laugh:
Whatever they consider themselves to be, they've overtaken and surpassed Black America, as the new Largest Minority.

Looks like Blacks will soon be taking a back seat to the Hispanics, with the latter being in the Minority Advocacy driver's seat, steering the National Conversation their way.

Ya'll just enjoy getting shoved back into 3rd Place, never to break into the top tier again, eh?

That's OK... 150 years with ya'll in the Minority driver's seat... the pissing and moaning and little bitch whining was gettin' old, anyway.
Thats not a hard feat. Hispanics/NA's are indigenous to the americas. They should be the largest minority. Its amusing you think Blacks were ever steering the national conversation.

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