As The Obama Recession Gets Worse,What Will They Say At The DNC Convention?

Mar 16, 2012

Todays embarrassing jobs report was actually expected. Did anyone seriously expect another 150,000 to 200,000 new jobs added? (well aside from some cable networks)

And where is Joe Biden and Wasserman today?
The DNC Convention is less than 3 months from now. What will the first speeches start with? Despite the recent stock market crash of last monday, we are still in the Bush Recession and none of the current economic crash is related to Obama Economic Policies that went into affect in mid-2009.
So will they be re-using those styrafoam pillars again?:gay:
Beware of the Evil Mormon?

That convention will be a laugh riot... what do they have? "It would have been so much worse if not for me"?

the Debbie Wasserman speech will actually be funnier than the Miss South Carolina moment,,,
Wasserman: I personally believe that the economy would of been much worse if Michelle Palin was President in 2009,,,,,,uhm,,,Michelle? right? oh god,,why is my nose growing?
Yea, because it was started by Obama. All that Wall Street 'regulation".

Or was it "deregulation". Wait, what party "deregulated"?

What Will They Say At The DNC Convention?

I know! :

They will talk as if it was the greatest economic times in US history. And the sheeple will cheer.
The democrats will say if obama is relected republican fever will break and pass all his asinine legislation.

It's been bad so far but let him really get in there and he'lll fix everything he fucked up last time.
the will still bitch over the Romney Doggie-Gate Dilemma, and spend 1/3rd of the time praising Obama for killing Bin Biden, as if Obama shot him.
"Thanks for the Depression and total gov't paralysis since 2/2010, no thanks to cutting taxes on the bloated rich and destroying Medicare, W clone..." A-holes and dupes= GOP
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'BOOOOOSH, War on Women, Evil Racists, Evil Rich People', blah blah blah. Same ole same ole. Will the American People fall for it this time? I guess we'll see.
we can just see them claim that Republicans hate men,women,gays,tri-sexuals,cats,dogs,lemonade stands,32 oz slurpees,latinos,asians,polish,1/32nd Indians,Buffalos,Black People,Dead People,Fat&Skinny people, and anyone who drinks water !!!
The GOP is celebrating tonight. Boner won't draw a sober breath all weekend.

That is nothing unusual; and while the Bush recession stays with us, Obama will take the heat.

Grats on winning the stupid post of the day... I admit I have not seen TM post yet.

Bush never got us into a recession, it was Clintons recession that dragged on for Bush... Or does that only work for Obama 3 and a half years after taking office?

While I understand Bush played a big part in the mess to pretend that over 3 years later you can still blame Bush just makes you look partisan and ignorant.

To pretend that Bush does not take heat for the horrid economy he left us makes me wonder if you should even be posting on political boards.

Fact is, people like yourself will be putting this all on Bush even after FOUR YEARS of Obama. Hell if Obama gets a second term he might have 6 full years or more under him of a depression/recession and youe will STILL balme Bush/Republicans.

What I find funny is before we get out of this recession we will prolly enter a new one as another bubble busrts.
Rush or Hannity mentioned that Obama will start blaming everyone from George Washington right thru Lincoln if things keep getting worse.
Romney's ACTUAL plan- Cut taxes on rich, destroy Medicare/aid, Health Reform, raise pentagon spending, cut regs on Wall St, worry about debt in 2035...BRILLIANT

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