As Threats of a New US Military Engagement Loom, How Do You Vote?

Nowadays, does a threat urging US military action cause you to vote...

  • More republican, I believe a strong military and action is the right course

    Votes: 8 57.1%
  • More democrat, I believe the US is too battle weary; other options should be explored.

    Votes: 6 42.9%

  • Total voters


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
It used to be the old reliable engine. Whip up some fear and a military "need" just before an election and rake in GOP votes.

But since this nation has become war-fatigued things are changing IMHO.

How do you feel? Another 8 years of Cheney/Bush thinking/acting or maybe another extension of the measured calm and other more creative means to dealing with being provoked in an obvious and escalating fashion abroad?

Vote in the poll.
I'll never forgive the anti-war liberals for demanding that we pull out of Iraq. I'll never forgive them for causing so many of us to die needlessly so they can reassure their constituents they voted for absurd ROE that only grudgingly allows our people to defend themselves once under active fire. I'll never forgive them for their tireless attempts to kill the drone program that keeps my deployed friends and coworkers safe.
I'll never forgive the anti-war liberals for demanding that we pull out of Iraq. I'll never forgive them for causing so many of us to die needlessly so they can reassure their constituents they voted for absurd ROE that only grudgingly allows our people to defend themselves once under active fire. I'll never forgive them for their tireless attempts to kill the drone program that keeps my deployed friends and coworkers safe.
Well that's you. Obviously you're not suffering from war fatigue.

But other people are. Maybe they shouldn't be, but they are..
We can't afford a Repub president who would throw away all of the economic recovery Obama has accomplished, all the jobs, the tax breaks, the housing market. Those are all things that always suffer under a Repub regime.

Every time a Republican is in the WH, we just have to get into more ground wars. Jeb would be nothing more than Bush 3.0 and would have us in several ground wars in his first couple of months. Bet on it because he is owned by the bin Laden's and Al-Waleed bin Talal.
To the Bushes, dead Americans equal money and that's what they care about.

As it is now, Obama is leading a coalition of more than 60, mostly Muslim countries against ISIS. That's as far as our involvement should go.
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Native US ground forces do at least not create Caliphates. But another problem is the US depleted uranium weaponry contaminating everybody and everything with radiation. If the Secret Services would forbear from creating threats, thing would be far easier.

"While a tour of duty in Iraq or Afghanistan isn’t included on the list of “official” risk factors, it probably should be. More than two million American soldiers have been deployed during the ongoing conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq—and many of them have been exposed to United States weapons made with depleted uranium (DU)."
U.S. Soldiers Deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan Have Higher Prostate Cancer Risk Urology Arlington Irving Dallas Fort Worth Texas
It used to be the old reliable engine. Whip up some fear and a military "need" just before an election and rake in GOP votes.

But since this nation has become war-fatigued things are changing IMHO.

How do you feel? Another 8 years of Cheney/Bush thinking/acting or maybe another extension of the measured calm and other more creative means to dealing with being provoked in an obvious and escalating fashion abroad?

Vote in the poll.

Neither. Every time that the "military need" arises then I have to go back and research which corporations didn't get what they wanted, which elections didn't get the desired results, contracts and treaties that were made in whatever nation-state with others, the IMF's position, etc. That's just to get to being able to say with a certain degree of reliability that either one or both parties are full of shit. Those at the top aren't sending their kids. They will be sending ours.
Native US ground forces do at least not create Caliphates. But another problem is the US depleted uranium weaponry contaminating everybody and everything with radiation. If the Secret Services would forbear from creating threats, thing would be far easier.

"While a tour of duty in Iraq or Afghanistan isn’t included on the list of “official” risk factors, it probably should be. More than two million American soldiers have been deployed during the ongoing conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq—and many of them have been exposed to United States weapons made with depleted uranium (DU)."
U.S. Soldiers Deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan Have Higher Prostate Cancer Risk Urology Arlington Irving Dallas Fort Worth Texas

Much worse for the Iraqis and their horrendous birth defects now.

Send in the marines, bomb them to hell

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Who do you want to bomb? Women and children? The elderly? The innocent? Because when you 'bomb them to hell,' those are the ones who suffer the most, who die the most.
Send in the marines, bomb them to hell

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Pretty sure the US Air Force would be the one to do some fast and furious surgical strikes. Keep that up for a month or so and that might demoralize them a little. Assuming we would want to do that; which I'm not sure about actually.
It used to be the old reliable engine. Whip up some fear and a military "need" just before an election and rake in GOP votes.

But since this nation has become war-fatigued things are changing IMHO.

How do you feel? Another 8 years of Cheney/Bush thinking/acting or maybe another extension of the measured calm and other more creative means to dealing with being provoked in an obvious and escalating fashion abroad?

Vote in the poll.
please link a time when the gop used war fear to whip up votes.

Please check history links so you can learn that obama has expanded the war and created much of the current instability.

once you have done that, change your poll or just take the ignorant thing down
I am neither. But I voted democrat because we need to concentrate on keeping the USA safe along our own borders and all that money used to send troops overseas for THEIR wars has gone on long enough. We cannot be the world police. long as this administration is in would be a lost cause to do anything. Too wishy washy and he WANTS us to fail.
I oppose putting boots on the ground . Let's stick to whack a mole with drones, etc.
Native US ground forces do at least not create Caliphates. But another problem is the US depleted uranium weaponry contaminating everybody and everything with radiation. If the Secret Services would forbear from creating threats, thing would be far easier.

"While a tour of duty in Iraq or Afghanistan isn’t included on the list of “official” risk factors, it probably should be. More than two million American soldiers have been deployed during the ongoing conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq—and many of them have been exposed to United States weapons made with depleted uranium (DU)."
U.S. Soldiers Deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan Have Higher Prostate Cancer Risk Urology Arlington Irving Dallas Fort Worth Texas

Much worse for the Iraqis and their horrendous birth defects now.

And some children made by soldiers that have been deployed there have horrifying malformations like open heads, two heads and other.
It used to be the old reliable engine. Whip up some fear and a military "need" just before an election and rake in GOP votes.

But since this nation has become war-fatigued things are changing IMHO.

How do you feel? Another 8 years of Cheney/Bush thinking/acting or maybe another extension of the measured calm and other more creative means to dealing with being provoked in an obvious and escalating fashion abroad?

Vote in the poll.

Only threat to the US is the US government. Used to be ya could travel the world on an American passport and be welcomed. Nowadays it's suicidal.
I oppose putting boots on the ground . Let's stick to whack a mole with drones, etc.

Ok so suffice it to say you're against any actual mission has a chance of succeeding?
I guess your definition of success is what matters. All I can go on is knowing how the last war has been won by America. Or if having our men come home in body bags and missing body parts is your way of winning?

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